What Are The Effects Of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

What are the effects of Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

It is very common to hear information about narcissistic personality disorder today, because mental health is becoming more and more important and it is a topic that has been gaining importance around the world.

In this article you will find a summary of this mental health disorder and its consequences for people who suffer from it; Knowing the effects of narcissistic personality disorder is key to facing it.

What is narcissistic personality disorder?

This disorder is mainly defined as a mental illness, which distorts the reality and perception of the person who suffers from it, leading them to increasingly disconnect from themselves.

What happens with a person who develops this type of disorder is that depending on the type of psychological abuse they received, emotional deficiencies, context and biological inheritance, the person creates a false identity of superiority as a survival instinct and begins to base their entire world in it, because it is the only thing he knows to survive; In short, his disorder comes from activating an immense defense mechanism towards everything that once harmed him, thus taking care of not experiencing those types of situations again and repressing the trauma.

Effects of narcissistic personality disorder

The characteristics of a person who suffers from this disorder are what we will see here:

A fragile self-esteem

Behind the mask of perfection that these people create to protect themselves, there is a fragile ego and self-esteem which at the slightest criticism can become unbalanced, creating chaos in its internal world and around it (external world).

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It is very possible that a person with narcissistic personality disorder did not have the necessary tools, support or skills to avoid falling into this type of protection method, and instead, face everything that was damaging them, freeing themselves from everything that generated emotional discomfort in his life, without creating a false identity through the ego.

The ego is in charge of keeping us alive and safe, that is why People with this type of disorder have a very “inflated” ego However, an unbalanced ego becomes a fragile and inauthentic ego, which requires feeding externally, from everything that it cannot give itself, because of the immense disconnection that exists.

In conclusion, these types of people live in a fantasy where they are the main character, created from the survival instinct, in order not to lose their sanity and consciously drown in depression and anxiety, because people with this disorder suffer of depression and anxiety, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, due to how blinded they can be by their own ego.

The chemical structure of your brain changes as the disorder progresses, and the way to work on it is mainly through psychotherapy, that is, if the person is able to admit or realize that they need help and that there is something unbalanced. in her.

These types of people know who to interact with to obtain benefits, they will mainly look for people with a submissive personality and with unresolved emotional wounds, to make them their victims, because a wounded person tends not to recognize when they are being abused.