What Are The Negative Effects Of Confusing Laziness With Depression?

What are the negative effects of confusing Laziness with Depression?

Although it may seem incredible, the truth is that the symptoms of depression are often confused with laziness. Wanting to lie in bed doing nothing, procrastinating on tasks, feeling apathy towards activities that previously motivated us… How, then, to distinguish depression from laziness?

To begin with, depression is a mental health disorder that has nothing to do with being lazy or not, so it is extremely important to distinguish between the two. It is true that, as we have mentioned, there are certain symptoms that can be confused, since in both cases motivation, energy and the quality of the tasks performed are affected. Thus, sometimes a person with a lazy nature is labeled as “depressed,” while a person who is suffering from depression may be labeled as extremely lazy.

The negative effects of confusing laziness with depression

A misdiagnosis entails a series of negative effects, such as incorrect treatment that only worsens the situation of the person suffering from depression, as well as a series of expenses that lead nowhere. In this article we address the differences between depression and laziness and the harm of confusing them, with the aim of correctly distinguishing between the two.

How are laziness and depression different?

In order to observe the negative consequences of confusing both conditions, it is essential to know each case separately. Let’s see what their differences consist of.

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Depression, as we have already said, is a mental disorder and, therefore, affects people’s mental and emotional well-being. People who are lazy, on the other hand, do not feel motivated by a series of elements that are beyond their control.

In general, Depression, as a mental health disorder, is accompanied by a series of clear symptoms such as high susceptibility, sleep disturbances (insomnia or hypersomnia), excessive use of devices (with the aim of social isolation), avoidance, high fatigue, loss of abilities such as concentration or memory, very low libido, lack of hygiene and interest in activities that were once attractive to the person, etc.

Laziness, on the other hand, presents almost none of these symptoms, since it is an absolutely situational condition.

In other words, there may be days when you feel like laziness is getting the better of you, but on the other hand, there are others when you feel charged with energy and the desire to do things. The days when you feel lazy may simply be a normal reaction of your body, asking you to rest after days of intense work. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Depression, however, is something else. To begin with, it is not situational, as it can last for weeks, months or even years in the most serious cases. Unlike laziness, its duration will not depend on how much rest you give your body, since depression will persist after long periods of sleep or “relaxation.”

Another important characteristic to distinguish both situations is the feeling of “darkness” that the depressed person experiences, while in the case of laziness it is something that is experienced as temporary and occasional. In this way, while a person who feels lazy will simply rest to recharge energy, a person with depression feels unable to get out of bed, even when he or she has slept or rested long enough. Depression, so to speak, “gets attached” to the body and soul.

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How then to distinguish depression from laziness?

If you think you may be experiencing depression, it is vitally important that you consult a professional. Only a mental health specialist will be able to give you an adequate diagnosis. Here we leave you two symptoms of depression that can help you discern between both situations:

1. Notable differences in some aspects of your life

Yeah If you experience noticeable changes in your energy levels or in your thoughts and behaviors, be alert especially if you notice that you no longer feel the same pleasure as before when carrying out certain activities.

2. Difficulty when carrying out your tasks and responsibilities

If you see that it is difficult for you or If you feel unable to carry out your tasks, which at other times did not pose any obstacles, consult a professional especially if it involves basic tasks such as your personal hygiene or daily tasks such as making breakfast or washing your clothes.

What are the negative effects of confusing laziness with depression?

We have already mentioned that there are many symptoms of depression that can be confused with laziness. It has been shown that a high percentage of people with depression (more than 90%) feel tired and fatigued, factors that can also arise in moments of laziness.

Laziness is not something linked to a mental problem and, therefore, has nothing to do with depression. This is very important, since we must avoid confusing both situations; There are many children and adolescents who are labeled as “lazy” when what they are actually experiencing is a depressive episode.

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Therefore, One of the negative effects of confusing laziness with depression is incorrect “labeling.”, which entails difficulties in obtaining an adequate diagnosis and, therefore, an appropriate treatment. The longer it takes to professionally treat someone who is depressed, the more difficult it will be for them to get out of their depression. In severe cases, your condition can worsen considerably and lead to hopeless situations such as permanent disability or death.

We must also take into account the impact that confusing one situation with another has on the emotions of the patient and those close to them since a wrong diagnosis can cause stress, linked to a feeling of restlessness and uncertainty.

Therefore, it is necessary for mental health professionals to know how to clearly distinguish between laziness and depression, in order to properly treat patients. On the other hand, in the case of those affected and their families, the responsibility falls on providing correct data on their symptoms and updating them when necessary.