What Are Toxic People Like? 7 Characteristics Of Toxic People

What is a toxic person? How can I detect it? What can I do to get away from her? Discover the 7 keys to identifying toxic people and how to deal with this attitude.

How to identify a toxic person and deal with them?

The concept of toxic person It is something that has been talked about a lot recently, but do we know what characteristics a toxic person has? On many occasions we are faced with a toxic relationship but we do not realize them. Identifying someone who has a negative impact on you is vital to being able to live a happy life and enjoy emotional well-being. Here we will give you all the tools to know if someone has a negative effect on you and how to deal with this type of attitude.

What is a toxic person? Definition

A toxic person It is the one that causes many conflicts in your life. In fact, when you are around someone with a toxic personality, it is very likely that you may feel a lot of stress, discomfort, and even experience emotional pain due to their attitudes.

A toxic man or woman has behavior that adds negativity and discomfort to your life. In many cases, being toxic means not facing one’s own stress and trauma. This toxicity of people is not considered a mental disorder. Still, harmful people may have this attitude because they have mental problems that cause them to act this way.

How to recognize a toxic person?

The main sign to detect if we find ourselves with a toxic person is that after being with them we feel bad. So much so that with toxic people, you feel like you have run out of energy and have a feeling of constant negativity. In this way, there are some traits that indicate that someone has a toxic personality and that will allow you to recognize the toxic people

  1. They criticize everyone: Toxic people have the need to criticize everyone who crosses their path. The toxic people He is dedicated to pointing out the bad things in everyone. There is always an attitude, a word or action to criticize. Furthermore, far from helping you when you need it, he does not support you and criticizes you by encouraging rumors.
  2. They are envious: In a toxic person, one of the most common traits is precisely the great envy they feel towards others. In this way, they feel good criticizing, belittling and undervaluing others and do things that you consider immoral or unfair to others, such as leaving someone aside or not empathizing with people. They are constantly envious and lie blatantly.
  3. They always seek to be the center of attention: They talk about themselves and if they talk about others, it is not for the best. They tend to have many characteristics typical of a egocentric person, since they focus all conversations on themselves. They need constant relief and look to others for an ear but rarely offer to listen. Therefore, he will call you only if he is interested.
  4. You can’t trust them: They are people you can’t trust. They won’t keep a secret even if you specify it. Furthermore, if any mistake made by them is revealed, far from accepting it and asking for forgiveness, what they will do is blame other people and express that they are the victims of what happened. So much so that when someone reveals your secrets or your most hidden intimacies, it is a clear sign that you are toxic or that you are in a situation. toxic relationship
  5. They have no motivations: They are boring people without initiative or motivation. They do not take risks or challenge themselves, they simply go with the flow, they do not look for solutions to problems. In this way, a toxic personality He tries to fill his emptiness through gossip and the negativity of others.
  6. They feel superior: One of the best ways to know how to identify a toxic person It is precisely through his feeling of superiority over others. They are arrogant and think they know everything in life. There will be no topic on which they cannot teach you and show you that they know more than you.
  7. They do not wish you well: They generate stress in others and reduce your self-esteem. Not only will you lack energy, but you will feel like a worse and worse person, especially if you join them in criticism and if you go against your principles. Are people are negative both for your mental health and for your personal evolution.
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When you come across the toxic people You can end up being harmed in many areas of your life. In this way, it is very important to stop one of these toxic relationships before it can affect your emotional well-being. If you think you are in a situation like this and you don’t know how to get out or you have been affected, you can ask a professional psychologist for help to be able to get your life back on track.

Toxic people: Most common characteristics

How do you know if a person is toxic?

People with a toxic personality Others usually have an effect. For this reason, you can know if there are people who are harmful to you if they make you feel the following way:

  • You feel like you are being manipulated into doing something you don’t want to do.
  • You are constantly confused by the person’s behavior.
  • You feel like you deserve an apology that never comes.
  • You always have to defend yourself from this person.
  • You never feel completely comfortable with them.
  • You continually feel bad about yourself in their presence.

If you have experienced these feelings with someone, they may be toxic for you. When you have these emotions when you are with this person, it is important that you consider changing this relationship or even stopping it completely.

Types of toxic people

Even though that him behavior of a toxic person or toxic people is usually the same, the reality is that there are different types of toxic people. So much so that this will determine the reason why an individual has toxic behavior in front of others.

  • Narcissists: This toxic type of person, puts their needs first, interpreting the world as if they had the leading role as if others would orbit around them. It is difficult to feel supported by them, since they will direct any conversation, either trying to demonstrate the high knowledge they have (or believe they have) about some problem, or establishing themselves as main characters in a scene that does not belong to them. In this way, at first glance it will seem like the profile of an egocentric person.
  • Antisocial: Lacking empathy, they are incapable of putting themselves in the other’s shoes, being unable to feel love towards another human being. The toxic people He values ​​others as mere tools to achieve his goals, neglecting relationships that do not serve his purposes. Within the classification of toxic personalities, this category is the most harmful people, but also the least frequent.
  • Envious: Their self-esteem depends excessively on comparison with others, so any achievement achieved that could be desired by themselves will unconsciously attack their self-esteem, which will lead to feelings of envy. They are people who criticize and devalue the efforts and success of others, trying to boycott the emotions of joy or well-being of those close to them.
  • Choleric: Those people who do not manage anger “throw their darts” without measuring the consequences. They generate emotional discomfort and a tense environment similar to walking in a “minefield.” The others fear that their sensitivity and reading of events will lead to a frontal and excessive attack. A toxic person with choleric traits will make the person next to them afraid to stay with them.
  • Victims: Toxic victimizing people are individuals who find it difficult to take responsibility for their actions. The psychological defense mechanism they activate is the “martyr role”, making it very difficult to resolve disagreements or misunderstandings. They will make excuses and try to manipulate (consciously or unconsciously) their interlocutor, proclaiming themselves as the biggest losers. The toxic people little victims They will use guilt to make you feel inferior to them or guilty of everything around them.
  • Manipulators: Bold when it comes to reading personalities, they master the information necessary to manage the thoughts and emotions of their peers. They always have an excuse that is usually plausible and convincing, confusing their loved ones. Both the men like toxic women They indirectly use verbal violence or manipulation to harm others.
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These may be some of the reasons for a toxic personality On many occasions, toxic people do not know that they are in this condition. Therefore, it is important to point out this kind of attitude in our relationships so that they do not become harmful to us.

How to neutralize a toxic person?

What is a toxic person like in a relationship?

The toxic people They do not show their negative side at the beginning of a romantic relationship. They tend to be extremely charismatic and seem to be the ideal or perfect couple. Then, when you start to care or trust them, they tend to show their true colors and become controlling, demanding and emotionally abusive towards their partner. There are a series of attitudes that allow you to identify if you are in a toxic relationship. Among the most common behaviors, there are the following:

  • Isolation: One of the more toxic attitudes Within the relationship, they are those that try to limit the support of other people to increase the dependency of the relationship.
  • Disagreements and continuous discussions: It is common for people to have disagreements in their relationships, but toxic bonds are mainly based on arguments and negativity. In this way, the controlling partner is always nagging and belittling the other person as well as criticizing their attempts to do something positive and independent.
  • Jealousy: When someone it is toxic Within a relationship, you often accuse your partner of flirting or having too close ties with others. With this he tries to justify becoming too controlling with his partner.
  • Denial and gaslighting: Be toxic It also involves trying to deceive and manipulate others. In this way, a toxic partner may deny the problems, deceive the other person or try to recreate a story to put themselves in the best place.
  • Give in everything: While it is important to be willing to give and receive, doing everything a person wants can also be a sign of a toxic personality Constantly giving in, especially when it is related to your values, can be a sign that you are in a toxic relationship.
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If you think that you or your partner may have this type of bond, it is important that you try to review your attitudes. These types of relationships can end up affecting our mental health, which is why it is vital to be able to detect and correct them in time.

How to neutralize a toxic person?

Once you have detected if the person next to you is toxic, it is time to take measures. There are some attitudes that help to know how to neutralize a toxic person So much so that on many occasions you will be able to stop their attacks through these.

  1. Don’t get into the game of criticizing: If you feed the way of functioning of the toxic people You will contaminate yourself and end up thinking like him or her or you will feel bad about yourself for going along with something you don’t agree with. Toxic people always try to feel good by trying to get others into their game and into their toxic behavior.
  2. Change the subject: A good way to leave aside the attitude of negative people, is trying to evade each of their words or actions. Therefore, you should change the subject every time the