What Can We Do From Home To Increase The Self-esteem Of Our Boys And Girls?

What to do from home to increase the self-esteem of our boys and girls

What we tell our sons and daughters is important, but the facts are much more important.

This is so for several reasons, but the main one is that boys and girls have little developed language and understand words less well. Their natural way of learning is the experiences they have every day.

In this sense, here we will review several parenting tips to help the self-esteem of the little ones in the house increase

Tips to strengthen our children’s self-esteem at home

There are many things we can do during the day that increase the self-esteem and confidence of our sons and daughters, such as the following.

1. Speak to them in a soft and respectful tone

Boys and girls, like adults, do not like people who speak badly to them. We must try to speak to them kindly. They are more sensitive to screaming

2. Wake them up with love

Sometimes, due to the rush of everyday life, we wake them up abruptly, quickly and quite stressed. It is important to take a little time to wake them up with a good morning kiss. After all that awakening is the first thing they perceive about us in the day

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3. Let’s not ask them to do everything well, nor perfection

If we correct frequently we generate a feeling of overexertion and low self-esteem.

4. Talk to them about how our day went

Sharing our day so that they want to share theirs. Sometimes we ask them about their day instead of sharing ours and wait until they want to share what has happened to them.

Self-esteem of young children

5. Listen to them with all our attention and without distractions

It is key to make them see that both they and the things they share with us are very important.

6. Validate their feelings without judging or doubting

How many times do they tell us “I don’t like this”, “I don’t want to do this” and we usually answer “Yes, you like it but now you don’t feel like it” (for example).

Validating is not about doing what they say, but rather empathizing, respecting “I know you don’t like it, but…” “I understand that you want to do X, but…”

7. Smiles and physical contact

Sometimes, again due to the rush of everyday life and our own problems, we immerse ourselves in a routine where everything is running, hurry and long faces Giving them a smile, going slower and giving them a hug sends them the message that we love them and accept them. And this also gives us a break, a rest, a “stop and think and evaluate.”

8. Take an interest in their things

Perhaps the characters in their favorite cartoons are not something we really want to know, but for them they are their things and they are important. It is essential to connect with your inner world and with them

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9. Play

It is a way to spend time with them and when time passes, those gaming memories will be a gift for both of you.

10. Correct them with respect

With love, without threats, without punishments. Thus They will feel we are a safe place and will identify mistakes as opportunities to learn and not as failures or situations that they must hide to avoid being punished. We want them to be able to talk to us when they have a problem, not to prevent us from knowing for fear of what we will tell them.

11. Dine and eat together to the extent that our schedules allow us

Perhaps in most houses it is easier to meet at dinner It is a time for all of us to share how our day has gone.

Furthermore, the table is an appropriate place to set rules (we stay seated, we respect the turn to speak…). Boys and girls who learn to respect the rules feel more confident in themselves.

12. Accompany them before going to sleep

That little while before going to sleep, where we are with them in the room, we read them a story or chat about the day to end with a goodnight kiss It’s a way to make them feel safe

There are many more things we can do to promote their self-esteem on a daily basis. Perhaps there is one last thing about which, although we take it for granted, the message does not always reach you and you need to know it. It’s telling them: I love you, I really like how you are I am very proud of you.

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