What Can We Use A Coaching Process For?

Why can we use a coaching process?

When they hear the word coaching, many people still think that it is something only suitable for senior executives of large multinationals. And to complicate the issue further, if you delve deeper into the matter, there will be those who will tell you that it is used in this sphere to motivate managers or executives, turning them almost into those aggressive figures that they show us in the movies; or there will be others who point out that it is used with “lost cases”, rebellious yuppies who only have the trick of coaching left to avoid being finally fired.

The reality that this raises is that there is still a lot of ignorance among the general population about the true reason for being and usefulness of coaching Of course, where it matured and where it is most applied or best known is in the business world, but the first thing to clarify here is that in this area it is not used even as a motivation tool, because coaching is not motivation. , much less is it used as a “punishment” for workers with behavioral problems.

But also, A few years ago, coaching made the leap beyond the business world Thus, the so-called life coaching was born, aimed at anyone and applied in a multitude of daily facets.

Taking into account that a coaching process can occur in countless areas, we will clarify in this article why it can be used both at a business level and on a personal level.

    Why resort to coaching in a company?

    As we mentioned at the beginning, there is a mistaken belief that coaching in the business world is either a motivational tool or a punishment. Really, when we see why coaching is used in this field, we will understand that it really is an investment to improve the company; and if we talk at the level of the worker, it is a reward for him, and not a corrective.

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    In business coaching we must distinguish between the different subtypes of the same to be able to talk about the reasons why coaching can be used in one case or another.

    1. Executive coaching

    On the one hand, it is aimed at senior company officials and middle managers. Coaching in these cases It is mainly aimed at helping them face new goals and challenges within the company as well as improving their skills as leaders to generate a positive impact on relationships with workers.

    But executive coaching can also be applied to specific people in the company for different purposes. For example, to promote workers with the potential to be future middle managers with good leadership skills, or for those who have performance problems and are not giving their best.

    Executive coaching

      2. Team coaching

      It is coaching applied to specific departments or parts of an organization In these cases, some of the reasons why coaching processes are applied is to ensure that the department as a whole achieves a common objective; also to develop effective group work strategies; or to consolidate a specific team and improve the relationships between its parts with the aim, always, of improving the work environment and, therefore, productivity.

      3. Organizational coaching

      It is, in general terms, applying coaching to the entire company as a whole Let’s say the coachee is the company as a whole and the objectives are usually quite ambitious and on a very large scale. The work of a coach is used in these cases mainly to achieve efficient management of resources or in order to improve relations between departments.

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        Why does “anyone” person resort to coaching?

        It has been called life coaching, which is accessed by anyone who wants to improve or overcome vital difficulties that are preventing you from being your best version. It is worth clarifying here: life coaching is not therapy, but rather it is a methodology to define personal objectives and design a guide that facilitates the process to achieve them.

        Although the list of reasons why people may demand a coaching process is as broad as there may be dilemmas or objectives, we could define some that are the most common.

        1. Personal blocks

        When the person feels that they have become stuck in life ; when you don’t know how to organize; when it is difficult for you to prioritize and you end up overloaded, etc.

          2. Professional locks

          The individual You want to change jobs but don’t know how to take the step ; She has the feeling that she should dedicate herself to something else, but she doesn’t dare to take the plunge; when he likes his work, but does not know how to manage relationships with his colleagues and managers, etc.

          3. Blocks in relationships

          The person feels that their relationship is at a standstill; he fails to establish a connection with his children; it is difficult for him to relate to others; is not capable of establishing lasting relationships, etc.

          4. Blockages in the management of healthy habits

          The individual wants to stop smoking; he would like to eat healthier; He wants to implement a sports routine and maintain it over time, etc.

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          Saying that coaching is useful for almost everything may be very ambitious, but this article shows that it is. a resource with a very wide area of ​​application

          As you have seen, there are so many areas in which the work of a coach may be required that it is, without a doubt, one of the professions with the most potential today.

          Remember that in D’Arte Human & Business School We offer you certified and quality training to become a highly qualified coach.