What Does It Mean To Be Neurodivergent Or Neurotypical? Types Of Neurodiversity

What does it mean to be neurodivergent? What are the differences between neurotypicals and neurodivergents? Discover neurodiversity and why we should support this term.

What does it mean to be neurodivergent or neurotypical?

There are more and more people who advocate focusing on the differences that exist in our brain, instead of the ‘deficits’. The term neurodivergent refers to a growing movement that sees differences in neurology as giving people diversity and other valuable abilities, rather than seeing it as a disorder that requires treatment.

What does it mean to be neurodivergent?

The word neurodivergent is used to describe people with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, Tourette syndrome, among other conditions. The movement of the neurodiversity presents a paradigm shift in the understanding of mental functioning since it moves away from distinguishing individuals with these conditions as different from those called ‘neurotypical’. In this way, these neurological differences are an important contribution to diversity in society.

The neurodivergence It is not considered a disease or disorder that needs to be cured. Rather, it is understood as a natural variation of the human brain, which provides a diversity of thoughts, perceptions and abilities. Neurodivergent people may face challenges in a world designed primarily for neurotypical people, but they may also possess unique skills and perspectives that are valuable and enriching.

Social implications

By recognizing and valuing these differences, a more inclusive and understanding society is promoted, which appreciates the richness of neurological diversity. This inclusive approach is based on the idea that each individual, with their unique neurological characteristics, can contribute meaningfully to the community. By celebrating these differences, you foster an environment where all people feel accepted and respected, regardless of how their brain works.

Furthermore, this recognition opens the door to new ways of thinking and solving problems. The neurodivergent people They often possess innovative skills and perspectives that can be invaluable in a variety of fields, from science and technology to the arts and humanities. For example, some people with autism may have an exceptional ability to focus on specific details, which
It can be very beneficial in jobs that require close attention. Others may have unique creativity or a different way of approaching problems, offering fresh and original solutions that neurotypical minds might overlook.

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Assess the neurodiversity It also means adapting our educational, employment and social systems so that they are accessible and fair for all. This can include everything from changes in the design of workspaces and classrooms, to the implementation of policies that support flexibility and individualization. Doing so not only improves the quality of life for neurodivergent people, but enriches the entire community by harnessing the full potential of all its members.

Neurotypical and neurodiverences

On the one hand, neurodiversity it’s about the idea that it’s normal and acceptable for people to have brains that function differently. Instead of thinking there is something ‘wrong’ or ‘problematic’ when people don’t function similarly to others, neurodiversity encompasses all differences.

Instead, be neurotypical refers to someone who has the brain functions and behaviors considered standard or typical. Therefore, neurotypicals typically reach all developmental and behavioral milestones at the same times and ages that are considered standard for most people.

Types of neurodivergence

There are many different ways in which they manifest. neurodivergences, from mild ways that most people wouldn’t notice to more obvious behaviors that would cause a person to behave differently than ‘normal’ in our society. The most common examples of neurodivergence are the following:

  1. Autism: Autism is known as a spectrum disorder since it has many ways of presenting itself. Autistic people are considered neurodivergent because they have a different behavior or attitude than a neurotypical person. Additionally, this condition can include challenges in both socialization and social skills. Still, autistic people often show these abilities: great attention to detail, great ability to focus, creativity, and visual learning skills.
  2. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that involves a person experiencing difficulties controlling their thoughts, attention, behaviors and emotions. Therefore, people with ADHD may have organizational difficulties, may be restless, or appear disinterested or disconnected from their surroundings. Instead, his neurodivergence It involves thinking innovatively, being able to see approaches that others cannot, having more energy and often being more sensitive.
  3. Dyslexia: Dyslexia is often associated with reading poorly, as well as writing or pronouncing words or letters in a disordered manner, but the reality is that it encompasses more than this. For example, this neurodivergence It involves experiencing difficulty organizing words into sentences, acquiring vocabulary or pronouncing words, or following certain instructions. On the other hand, people with dyslexia usually excel in visual processing, they also tend to have strong spatial awareness and can be very creative.
  4. Other types: Others types of neurodivergent They include Tourette syndrome, dyspraxia, synesthesia, dyscalculia, epilepsy, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, among others.
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What it means to be neurodivergent

How do you know if you are neurodivergent?

If you have been diagnosed with any of the above conditions, then you would consider yourself neurodivergent. On the other hand, if you have never been formally diagnosed, but you identify with many of the traits of a type of neurodivergence Maybe you should go to a professional psychologist.

Having a formal diagnosis can give you a deeper sense of understanding about why you function the way you do and how to work with it. On the other hand, if you have never been diagnosed with these neurodivergences and you have not identified with any of these traits, then it is likely that you are neurotypical.

Why should we accept neurodiversity?

There are some facts that can help us emphasize the reason why we should accept the neurodiversity term:

  • Studies: People process information in different ways. In fact, focusing on neurodiversity It would help improve our educational system, allowing everyone to develop through their virtues.
  • Job: People with traits neurodivergent They may spend a lot of time trying to adapt to their work environment. In fact, they may need to manage both their social impressions and find ways to block out distractions. Over time, this can affect both a neurodivergent’s work performance and physical and mental health. On the other hand, if the workplace adapts to the concept of neurodiversity, people could alleviate some of the stigma or stress that may affect them.
  • Assess strengths: The neurodiversity advocates suggest that too much attention is paid to the impairments that accompany conditions such as ADHD. In fact, they think it’s better to focus on what someone is good at, and not what they ‘lack’. For example, there is evidence that people with ADHD are more spontaneous and empathetic. On the other hand, people with autism tend to be better able to pay attention to complex details and finally, people with dyslexia can perceive certain types of visual information better than those without this condition.
  • Stigma reduction: Accepting and promoting neurodiversity can reduce the stigma associated with neurodivergent conditions. By recognizing and valuing neurological differences, greater empathy and understanding is fostered in society. This not only improves the quality of life for neurodivergent people, but also enriches society by harnessing a broader spectrum of talents and abilities.
  • Support and acceptance: Acceptance of neurodiversity can significantly improve the well-being and mental health of neurodivergent people. Feeling understood and accepted for your differences can reduce anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Additionally, a supportive environment can help neurodivergent people build self-esteem and confidence.
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Although more research is needed, experts suggest that the genes for these developmental disorders could be maintained because they come with certain evolutionary advantages. For example, behaviors such as hyperactivity or impulsivity could have helped our ancestors find food or get away from danger. Still, more studies should be conducted on neurodiversity and neurodivergence to draw more conclusions. By embracing the concept of neurodiversity, we not only create a more inclusive and equitable environment, but we also harness a broader range of skills and perspectives that can benefit all of society.