What Does It Mean When A Person Answers Me Whenever They Feel Like It?

When someone responds “whenever they feel like it” it means that that person chooses to respond at the time they consider appropriate, without following a pre-established schedule or expectation. It can be due to different reasons, such as time availability, mood, priorities or other personal circumstances.

There are people who act in a way that seems strange if they do not respond to the messages sent to them. In general terms, this produces confusion, uncertainty and discomfort for the person who does not obtain an answer. Furthermore, the situation can become complex if that person decides to respond at the time they want. In this PsychologyFor article, we will explain What does it mean when a person answers me whenever they feel like it?

What does it mean that a person did not respond to messages

The lack of response to messages can be due to various reasons, and their meaning may vary depending on the specific context and circumstances. Next, we’ll talk about what it means when a person doesn’t reply to messages:

  • Lack of interest: When someone answers when they feel like it, it may be because the person is not interested in the conversation or in maintaining contact. If this situation persists over time, it may be a sign of disinterest in fostering the bond.
  • Lack of time: Worries, work demands, social pressures and study times can be factors that influence a person to answer when they feel like it. Sometimes people can forget to respond, especially if they are busy or distracted.
  • Technical problems – There may be issues with the technology, such as connection issues or device malfunctions.
  • Poor phone use: On other occasions, the fact that a person does not respond to messages may be because they do not use their mobile device much. There are those who prefer to talk in person instead of constantly sending messages. In this sense, the cell phone causes high levels of mental saturation, so they prefer to distance themselves from any stimulus they receive.

To reflect on this, in this article we talk about whether not answering messages is disrespectful.

What to do when a person answers me whenever they feel like it

When you find yourself in a situation where a person answers you whenever they want, it is important to consider some approaches to manage communication effectively In this section, we show you some suggestions on how to act when a person answers me whenever they feel like it:

  • Open communication: Start an open and honest conversation about your expectations for communication. Express how you feel about the intermittent responses and seek to understand the reasons behind the behavior.
  • Understand your circumstances – Be sure to consider the possible reasons behind their behavior. There may be personal circumstances, work schedules, or technology issues that are affecting your ability to respond immediately. Many times, there are different reasons than you can imagine.
  • Prioritize communication agreements: talk to that person to better understand the problem. In this way, certain agreements can be reached that provide peace of mind. For example, during work hours someone may not answer because she cannot answer. Therefore, you could think about talking during free time.
  • Respect the limits: Although it is important to express your needs, it is also essential to respect the other person’s boundaries. Not everyone has the same availability or communication preferences.

If you want more resources to deal with this situation, we recommend this article on Why does he read my messages but not reply to me and what to do.

What does it mean when a person answers me when they feel like it - What to do when a person answers me when they feel like it

What to write to someone who doesn’t respond to you

When you find yourself in the situation where someone doesn’t respond to you, it can help to be respectful and considerate when sending a follow-up message. Here we propose some ideas on what to write:

  • Friendly and light message: “Hello! How are you? I haven’t heard back from my last message and I just wanted to make sure everything is okay. I hope to hear from you soon!”
  • Show concern: “Hi, I hope you’re okay. I noticed you didn’t reply to my last message and I just wanted to make sure everything is okay. If you’re busy or need time, no problem! Just let me know.”
  • ask directly: “Hi, did you get my last message? I’m interested in (topic) and would love to hear from you. If you’re busy or prefer not to respond right now, I completely understand. Please let me know when you can!”
  • Offer a friendly exit: “Hi, I noticed you haven’t had a chance to respond to my last message. No pressure at all! I just wanted to tell you that I’m here if you ever want to talk or if there’s anything I can help with. I look forward to hearing from you.” soon!”
  • Express curiosity: “Hi! I noticed you haven’t had a chance to respond to my last message. I’m intrigued to hear your thoughts on (topic). When you have time, I’d love to hear from you!

Send a message to the person in a reminder way It is one of the most effective methods. Furthermore, one of the smartest tactics to write to someone who doesn’t answer you is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, to understand the attitude they have had and see if they are open to the possibility of maintaining an open dialogue. In this article, we show you Messages that a man always answers.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Sánchez Aragón, R., Díaz Loving, R. (2003). Couple’s communication patterns and styles: Design of an inventory. Anales de Psicología Magazine, 19 (2), 257-277.

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