What Does The Color Magenta Mean In Psychology?

What does the color magenta mean in Psychology?

Magenta is a primary color, essential to be able to make the entire range of colors, combining it with yellow and cyan. Its artificial dye was discovered in the 19th century and, since then, it has been widely used in various areas, ranging from the mystical and spiritual to the more practical and conventional world of marketing.

It is a warm color but not furious or flamboyant, which transmits a certain calm without leaving aside passion and impulsiveness. Let’s look a little deeper What does the color magenta mean in Psychology? and in other areas where it is used.

What is the meaning of the color magenta?

The color magenta is one of the primary colors in the CMYK model (acronym for cyan, magenta, yellow and key color or black), a subtractive color system. From this, cyan and yellow you can obtain the secondary colors of this model: blue, red and green. From these six, the rest of the colors are obtained. This color system is currently widely used in the world of domestic and professional printing, as well as in artistic painting and is manufactured from quinacridones.

The color magenta is made up of two wavelengths: red and violet, two colors that are at the extremes of the visible spectrum. When we simultaneously see wavelengths of 380 nm (violet) and 740 nm (red), our brain interprets and invents, so to speak, a color between violet and red, giving rise to magenta.

Magenta is also called fuchsia, intense pink and other names that can cause confusion when thinking about shades that may have hints of cyan and yellow, that is, they are not pure. It is called magenta because Its artificial dye was discovered when the Battle of Magenta was fought (1859), near the Italian city of the same name.

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The coordinates of the magenta color are:

Meaning of magenta

Main meanings of this color

The meaning of the color magenta changes from culture to culture, although it is generally attributed to spirituality, kindness, compassion and help Other meanings attributed to this tone are:

Also negative personality characteristics:

Magenta is attributed to emotional balance and physical harmony. It is considered a sophisticated but pragmatic color, evoking logic and insight It is related to feelings of self-esteem and personal satisfaction and, also, to improvement and transformation, leaving old ideas behind and embracing new ones. As it is related to red, it is to some extent scandalous and shocking, very innovative and imaginative depending on the context.

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What does color psychology say about this color?

According to color psychology, magenta has soulful effects, and therefore It is used to reduce anger and rage, unlike red, which can provoke them

It also evokes a feeling similar to reciprocated love and increases the feeling of hope, purity and intuition. It usually has positive effects on people who feel frustrated, worried, discouraged or angry as it helps relieve negative feelings.

It is capable of infusing vigor and increases energy as long as it is used in a soft enough tone so as not to induce the effects generated by the color red, with greater intensity. If the wrong tone is used or if red is used directly, it can completely break the calm of whoever sees it and, if they are having a bad day, induce anger, overexcitement and, subsequently, psychological fatigue.

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What does the color magenta say about your personality?

There are those who attribute certain personality traits to people who like the color magenta It is still a mystical belief, a superstition like astrology, but it is interesting to discover what is said about the personality of those who have magenta as their favorite color. Among the characteristics attributed to people who love magenta we have:

  • Be people of overflowing joy with others.
  • Great self-esteem and confidence in one’s own abilities.
  • Be very spiritual, believers in karma, Feng Shui and auras.
  • Know how to enjoy the little things.
  • Great motivation for practically any project.
  • Passionate in love, giving everything in the relationship.
  • Extremely careful in details, methodical and strict to maniacal levels.
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New Age and related currents

Followers of mystical and New Age currents believe that the color magenta has magical powers. Leaving aside the little empirical evidence of what they claim, since they are still superstitions, it is interesting to know as a curiosity what powers they attribute to this primary color. Among these circles it is said that the color magenta should be used with great care as it can induce a spiritual state that represents the resurrection.

Among those who believe in auras, it is said that having a magenta one represents that we are individuals with love and attachment to small things. Additionally, associated with the Hindu doctrine of chakras, the color magenta is associated with the eighth in which its believers believe the Soul Star is contained. This chakra is linked to divine healing, love of service, and stimulation of attention.

Feng Shui is a Taoist current from China that maintains that the location of elements and colors in the home influences our psychological well-being. As with New Age-type currents, this is not empirically demonstrated and is still another alternative current that has emerged in the West in recent decades. In the case of the color magenta, Feng Shui sees it as a color synonymous with joy and spiritual integrity, linked to conscience and self-esteem. It is recognized as the color of universal healing.

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Magenta in marketing

The color magenta, being a primary color, is very useful in the world of marketing and it could well be said that it is fundamental in this field. It is usually widely used in feminine products due to the cultural association that red and pink are a color typical of women, in contrast to blue and, to a lesser extent, green, masculine colors. Magenta has touching effects and, leaving aside the obvious sexism of this trait being attributed to women, it is associated with the feminine.

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Outside of feminine products, the color magenta is also widely used. this color It can convey a feeling of enthusiasm, vitality and can be associated with concepts such as audacity, individualism and even drama It is especially used in artistic and creative fields, by artists, costume designers, set designers, writers, photographers, inventors and art dealers.

It is also very recurrent in the world of new technologies, including it in services and products focused on male sectors because, despite continuing to be closely associated with the feminine, more and more brands dare to use it to attract the attention of the men. It is a striking color, no business that uses it will go unnoticed, and it does not hurt the eye unlike bright yellow or blue that are sometimes used excessively. Social networks are using it more and more especially because youth is freeing itself from the pink/magenta = feminine binomial.

An example of a social network that uses all magenta is Instagram in its logo.

Magenta in decoration

Regarding the scope of decoration, magenta It is used especially for its warmth, having shades ranging from purple to pale pink. It is usually used in entrance areas so that guests feel a warm welcome. It can also be used in bedrooms to give a friendly and protective feeling, although it is not recommended in places such as the office or desk because it can cause loss of concentration and prevent study.