What Is A Life Crisis? 9 Psychological Tips To Overcome Them

What is a life crisis like? How can we detect if we are in a life crisis? Discover the symptoms and signs of life crises and how to best deal with them.

How to overcome a life crisis?

A life crisis implies that we feel that something is broken in us. Sometimes moving on to other vital stages can involve one of these states. Still, you must learn to see these vital crises as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and improve in different aspects. But how can we do it?

What is a life crisis?

We all have some hidden pain, some damage in our hearts, a trace of the past that is part of our lives and our way of bonding. But when we talk about a vital crisis We refer to a temporary state of disorder and disorganization that is characterized by the person’s inability to approach particular situations in the way they used to. They are situations of transformation, of change, of losses that can imply a vital alteration. They can be brief or long-lasting phases, always intense.

A vital crisis It involves two directions. At first you cannot see the growth because it is a future situation. The most normal feelings are those of blockage and fear. It takes time to reposition yourself, look in the right direction and find your way. Vital crises occur due to important changes in a person’s life; they can be evolutionary or situational.

  • The evolutionary It has to do with the stages of physical and mental development: Childhood, adolescence, adulthood.
  • The situational They have to do with separations, death, illnesses, unemployment, failures.
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What are the stages of a life crisis?

The vital crises They involve a series of stages that most people go through. According to psychologists, there are the following phases during a life crisis.

  • Impact of the event: tension, confusion and irritability.
  • You cannot face the new situation: tension, anger, uncertainty increases.
  • The continued tension causes resources to be mobilized: asking for help, redefining the problem.

If there is no adaptation, tension increases which can cause serious disability or emotional disorganization. Therefore, in many cases it is recommended to go to a professional psychologist.

How do I know if I am going through a life crisis?

There are a series of signs that could indicate that we are facing a life crisis People who are suffering from one usually present the following symptoms.

1. Powerlessness and inability

You don’t know how to deal with what happens to you and/or you feel. And when you pass a strong life crisis the kind that completely disrupts your life, you don’t see the way out, you don’t visualize how to be well again.

2. Overwhelm

You feel that it is too much for you, that you cannot sustain it all, the situation and the emotions that have awakened in you overwhelm you.

3. Guilt

You feel bad for being like this and not knowing how to solve it, you blame yourself and demand that you do what you don’t feel capable of doing. In the vital crises The person ends up entering a cycle of demands, frustration and guilt in which you remain trapped.

4. Sleep disturbances

It is difficult for you to fall asleep, you wake up often and stay awake, you do not rest, you spend the entire day in a state of drowsiness.

5. Sadness

A deep sorrow that occupies almost all of your daily life. You cry for no apparent reason, you get excited very easily, you feel apathy and hopelessness. In a vital crisis Sadness can take up so much space inside you that it affects your motivation and your desire to live.

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Signs of a life crisis

6. Fear

Restlessness or panic that paralyzes you and blocks your daily actions. Things that you used to be able to do with ease now cost you a lot and things that were once challenges now seem impossible.

7. Anxiety

When you are in one of these vital stages, a nervousness appears that takes up more and more space in your life, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to concentrate on things and make decisions. You want peace of mind and you can’t find it anywhere. If it intensifies, it can lead to anxiety attacks and the regular feeling of tightness in the chest and shortness of breath.

8. Anger

You may notice a lot of anger towards people around you and also towards yourself for no apparent reason and in an excessive and uncontrollable way. You are very irritable and anything bothers you.

These symptoms can affect many aspects of the life of the person who suffers from it. For this reason, it is necessary that if you feel that you have a life crisis You should try to consult with a professional psychologist.

How to face a life crisis?

In order to face a life crisis It is important to start by stopping for a while and focusing on yourself. Therefore, psychologists recommend the following.

1. Create a new beginning from which to build yourself again

The key to leave behind a life crisis It is trying to start over from scratch from the situation where you are. In these cases, you must rebuild and reevaluate yourself again.

2. Release old beliefs and create new ones that are much more nutritious for you

Stop believing in what does not favor you. In many cases, life crises They should be an opportunity to put aside these types of beliefs and try to build new ones.

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3. Acquire resources to face bad times

Take advantage of these moments to work on yourself and learn new ways to deal with problems when they arise. It is important to be more resilient and know how we react to adversity.

4. Listen to you, look at you and pay attention to you

Sometimes we don’t listen to ourselves. In many cases, a life crisis It arises precisely for this reason. Therefore, life crises are moments in which we must try to stop and start to really listen to ourselves.

Tips for facing a life crisis

5. Strengthen your self-esteem, security and self-confidence

In some life crisis cases They indicate faults in our lives. These moments must be taken advantage of to begin to strengthen the self-esteem, security and confidence we have in ourselves.

6. Realize what you want for your life

When we go to a destination without having thought about why, it is one of the reasons why life crises In this way, you should try to stop and rethink how you see your life.

7. Re-define your priorities

Once you start to visualize what you really want in your life, it is time to redefine your priorities and keep these new values ​​in mind.

Transfer a life crisis It is one of the most nourishing moments in life. But let’s know how to do it and not stop there. For this, inner work is one of the main keys.

Tips to get through a life crisis

  • Take a break from your noise (internal and external) and truly rest.
  • Dedicate time to yourself and give space to what you feel: listen to what happens to you, what you need and what you want.
  • Dedicate time to your pleasure.
  • Share what happens to you and how you feel with people with whom you feel very accompanied.
  • Let go of the rush and demands.
  • Question your beliefs and change them for new ones that add to you.
  • Rethink your priorities.
  • Give space to feel your desires and project yourself towards them.
  • Open yourself to new possibilities: play and stimulate your creativity!

The vital crises They are a good time to put aside our beliefs and customs around life and ourselves. In many cases, consultation with a mental health professional is advisable. From today you make a commitment to walk towards the life you want and deserve.