What Is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis, The Cannabis Vomiting Disease

What is cannabinoid hyperemesis

Cannabis is the most widely consumed illegal drug worldwide (and one that is on its way to being legalized in many places. Much of the popularity of marijuana is due to the low risk awareness that exists among the population, and of the large economic interests that it moves.

Some of the negative consequences of excessive cannabis consumption are well known, such as psychotic symptoms, dependence, anxiety, sleep or irritability problems, etc. But there is a disease caused by marijuana use that is very little known among the population, even among the majority of doctors and health professionals. It is cannabinoid hyperemesis, or “marijuana vomiting disease”

In this article I am going to talk to you about this little-known disease, its treatment and a real testimony.

Symptoms of cannabinoid hyperemesis

These are the main symptoms that define this alteration

What causes cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome?

Cannabis is a very complex plant, made up of a multitude of different substances. While certain uses of marijuana usually have certain effects on the brain (relieving nausea or vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy, for example), they can have opposite effects on the digestive tract (producing the aforementioned urge to vomit and abdominal pain).

The scientific community is still unclear why some people suffer from cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome and others do not. Excessive marijuana consumption is usually a common factor, but genetic differences are probably the key factor in explaining the origin of the disease.

Phases of cannabinoid hyperemesis

This disease usually consists of three distinct phases.

1. Prodromal phase

Common symptoms during this phase are usually morning stomach pains and nausea.

This phase usually lasts months or years, during which it remains undiagnosed In some cases because health workers do not know how to diagnose it, and in most cases because the person does not mention that they use cannabis frequently (or they do not ask them).

A curious detail about this disease that has the scientific community confused is that marijuana consumed in certain quantities can help stop vomiting and nausea. However, for reasons that are not yet clear, Certain people who use marijuana very frequently suffer the opposite effect

Here comes the paradoxical effect: many regular cannabis users increase their marijuana consumption when they encounter the first symptoms of the disease, so accelerate the progression and worsening of symptoms without realizing it

They think that marijuana will stop the symptoms, without realizing that it causes them and makes them worse in the long term.

2. Hyperemesis phase

The next phase of this disease usually appears cyclically, and can last between 24 hours and several days.

In the hyperemesis phase, The person suffers a strong compulsive urge to vomit, severe abdominal pain, and a strong need to take hot showers or baths (which usually relieves symptoms).

This is the phase in which they usually ask for professional help and go to the doctor.

3. Recovery phase

In this phase the person You will experience relief from nausea and abdominal pain only if you reduce or stop marijuana use

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Recovery can last weeks or months, and relapses may occur if the person uses cannabis again.

Testimony of a real case

I was recently contacted by a person describing me his ex-partner’s disabling experience with cannabinoid hyperemesis (for obvious reasons, we will keep her anonymous):

“My ex-boyfriend and I have had a very big problem with this. We lived together and he has lost 4 jobs because of this. There was no way for him to go to the CAD, he went for two days and nothing, he didn’t come back.

The doctors no longer gave him sick leave because they knew what it was and he lost his jobs. The last time he was left without unemployment benefits for leaving his previous job for another one with better conditions and in the other he did not pass the trial period because he became unwell, and he was left without unemployment benefits since they do not give it to you if you have left one and in the other does not pass the trial period.

Therefore we were left unable to pay for the house due to the illness. It’s been horrible. Until after not being able to pay and having money left for us for the house, it got bad again 3 months later and I decided to end the relationship in June.

It was horrible, he stayed in bed for more than 15 days vomiting. He spent 20 or so days with constant vomiting and showers of burning water every half hour (which was something unique that calmed him down). Incredible, seeing it is believing it.

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It took them about 5 years to diagnose him, because few doctors knew him and they did stomach, stool and other tests. But losing 4 jobs and starting with the lies saying that he no longer smokes, catching him and seeing him get sick again was horrible… And I was crying while he was terrible. But then he came back to it.

That’s why I would like you to put it up so that it has more visibility and that joints also destroy families (apart from becoming apathetic). So, very hard.”

Treatment of cannabinoid hyperemesis

The most effective treatment (and the only one that truly stops symptoms) is to stop using marijuana.

But here comes the difficulty for most people who suffer from cannabinoid hyperemesis: cannabis produces dependence and the majority of people who develop the disease already have very high and frequent consumption, and with a certain level of addiction.

Furthermore, it coincides with the definition of addiction: when a person feels unable to stop an activity or consumption, despite its serious negative consequences.

I am Luis Miguel Real, and I work as a psychologist specializing in addictions. If you want to quit marijuana (or have a family member who needs to quit) contact me and we will start working on it as soon as possible.