What Is Crystallized Intelligence And Examples

Crystallized intelligence is a type of cognitive functioning that is executed based on the prior knowledge that the person has accumulated from their past life experiences. It is not totally independent of fluid intelligence, which is that which works to solve new problems, since both types of intelligence continually interact, but in psychology they are separated as two different types of intelligence.

In the next PsychologyFor article, we are going to talk about What is crystallized intelligence and we will present some examples about this type of intelligence and how to improve it with different practical exercises.

What is crystallized intelligence

Crystallized intelligence constitutes the type of intelligence derived from set of learnings and experiences that the person has acquired and internalized in his or her life< It is an intelligence that works on previous learning and, depending on it, works in one way or another.

Based on the learning acquired throughout life, each person develops and develops certain capacities, skills and strategies that will allow them to continue deepening their life learning and that will constitute the so-called crystallized intelligence.

By its own definition, it is a flexible, adaptive and constantly renewing intelligence that is nourished with each new learning that the person does. In this way, with each new cognitive acquisition, crystallized intelligence is molded and perfected, adapting to the new conglomerate of learning carried out.

If we take the above into account, sociocultural aspects will largely determine the development of crystallized intelligence. Therefore, this will be conditioned by the following factors:

  • Economic level of the family.
  • Education level.
  • Own motivations.
  • Interests that prevail in the family, educational and socio-community context.

Difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence

Fluid intelligence is what allows you to adapt to any situation and solve problems that arise. In relation to crystallized intelligence, it should be noted that both interact permanently<

On the one hand, fluid intelligence allows us to solve new problems and stores that information in memory. Later, this will be used by crystallized intelligence. On the other hand, a higher quality of crystallized intelligence, that is, the greater or more varied accumulated experience, will allow better functioning of fluid intelligence, since it will have more resources to resolve new situations that arise.

What does crystallized intelligence measure?

Specifically, crystallized intelligence measures cognitive abilities, skills and strategies that are acquired and perfected through learning. Above all, it is based on the previous acquired baggage.

If we take into account that this type of intelligence is conditioned by the sociocultural context in which people find themselves, it is normal to find differences in the functioning and use of crystallized intelligence between different cultures. Let’s look at an example to understand it better:

A European person raised in a Western capitalist society will not have the same functioning as an Aboriginal person from Australia. However, and quite contrary to what one might believe from the classic approaches to measuring IQ, the functioning of crystallized intelligence in both people will present qualitative differences in terms of the type of processing and use of said intelligence. Even so, it will not be relevant in terms of differences in the degree of intelligence that each of them presents.

How to improve crystallized intelligence

There are different ways to improve crystallized intelligence. Below, we offer 4 simple exercises that will allow us to increase the quality of this type of intelligence:

  • Read various information that comes from different sources: reading different content, and presented from different perspectives, contributes to enlarging our vision of the world and life. At the same time, reading improves language and, with this, promotes a better understanding of the world, relationships and social functioning. In this sense, we recommend these psychology books that will change your life.
  • Live experiences: having an active life in which there are varied experiences nourishes the knowledge of things, people and the world. With this, our store of knowledge and experiences on which crystallized intelligence works improves.
  • Work on self-knowledge and inner listening: many of the vital learnings that we acquire and that help us to deepen our learning come from self-knowledge and inner listening. Expanding this ability will improve our crystallized intelligence.
  • Develop exterior observation to appreciate small details: life, nature, human complexity is so broad and complex that the more we develop observation and appreciation of small details, the more knowledge we will acquire about subtle manifestations of life. With this we will improve our crystallized intelligence.

Examples of crystallized intelligence

There are multiple examples of crystallized intelligence. Below, we will present some of them.

  • All types of automated activities.
  • Writing texts or books.
  • Oral presentations. In this context, these public speaking techniques will come in handy.
  • Use of devices and technologies.
  • Carrying out household, work and a good part of educational tasks.

All of these examples, among many others, require actions based on prior knowledge that come from crystallized intelligence.

What is crystallized intelligence and examples - Examples of crystallized intelligence

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Palomares, L. Crystallized intelligence: Definition, evolution and measurement.
  • Sánchez, E. (2021). Cognitive Training: Intelligence crystallized in the learning process. Journal of Neuroscience and Public Health, 1(3), 91-97.

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