What Is Diazepam Used For?

What is diazepam used for?

Diazepam, whose trade name is Valium, is one of the most used psychotropic drugs in the field of psychiatry, and although it has a series of side effects to take into account and can generate addiction, when used properly it can contribute a lot to the treatment of certain diseases.

Here We will see what diazepam is for and what are the disorders in which it is used this drug.

What is diazepam and what is it used for?

Diazepam, sometimes called methyldiazepinone or diazepin, was created in the mid-20th century The person who synthesized it was the Polish-born chemist Leo Henryk Sternbach, while he was working for the Swiss pharmaceutical company Hoffmann-La Roche. Sternbach was elected to the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2005.

There are various disorders in which diazepam, a medication derived from 1,4-benzodiazepine, is used, being a positive allosteric modulator of transmembrane receptors (those responsible for most of the physiological activities of the non-protein amino acid GABA). in the central nervous system or SNS). It is important to mention that diazepam has anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and sedative properties.

Among the disorders in which diazepam is used are various anxiety disorders, agitation and tension at a psychological level, as well as to alleviate some symptoms produced by the withdrawal syndrome due to the cessation of alcohol consumption, among many others. In addition, diazepam is the benzodiazepine that has the highest degree of effectiveness in treating muscle spasms.

It is usually ingested orally, becoming absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and normally begins to take effect between 15 and 45 minutes after being administered orally, being eliminated through the kidneys or liver. The usual dose of diazepam usually ranges between 5 and 10 mg; while it is usually recommended that the maximum dose does not exceed 40 mg per day. Furthermore, it is recommended that the treatment last as short as possible (maximum between 8 and 12 weeks), including its gradual withdrawal.

The effects that it causes when ingested to treat the disorders in which diazepam is used are depressing the nerve conduction process by some neurons of the central nervous system, thus causing from a mild sedative effect to, in extreme cases, producing coma if large amounts of this medicine are swallowed.

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It should be noted that to treat disorders in which diazepam is used, this medication must have been prescribed by a specialist doctor after a complete review and proper diagnosis, in order for it to be used correctly, since this is not a prescription drug. free sale due to the danger of its consumption without a prescription, as occurs with the rest of benzodiazepines and with other psychotropic drugs such as other anxiolytics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc.

Usefulness of diazepam

Disorders in which diazepam is used

As we had mentioned, there are various disorders in which diazepam is used, among which it is worth highlighting those that we are going to explain below, varying the doses depending on the severity of the disorder and the doctor’s recommendation.

1. Anxiety disorders

Among the disorders in which diazepam is used, the different anxiety disorders may be the most common as well as for episodes in which a person suffers serious symptoms of anxiety, psychological tension or agitation that have been produced by psychoneurotic states or situational disorders of temporary duration.

When treating anxiety with diazepam, they are normally taken at night, before going to sleep, because they produce a hypnotic and sedative effect, rather than an anxiolytic effect, so when A person who takes it usually feels drowsy quickly

For anxiety disorders, between 2 to 10 mg of diazepam is usually prescribed in 2 to 4 doses a day, varying depending on the severity of the symptoms. It is recommended that total daily consumption not exceed 30 mg of diazepam.

2. Abstinence from alcohol

One of the disorders in which diazepam is used is for the relief of symptoms due to alcohol withdrawal (tachycardia, diaphoresis, tremors, orthostatic hypotension and agitation), when acute alcohol withdrawal has begun

In the case of alcohol withdrawal, 10 mg of diazepam is usually prescribed in 3 to 4 doses during the first 24 hours, and it is advisable to gradually reduce it to 5 mg and up to two doses per day.

3. Stiff person syndrome

Stiff person syndrome is another disorder in which diazepam is used. This alteration is characterized by suffering from an episode of stiffness and also spasms of the muscles of the extremities and trunk When a person suffers from this syndrome, they often suffer from increased sensitivity to touch and noise. In addition, they can adopt an unusual posture.

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In the treatment of this syndrome, diazepam or other types of benzodiazepines are usually prescribed, or a muscle relaxant such as baclofen may also be prescribed in order to treat the spasms and muscle stiffness suffered. In some cases, anti-seizure medications are also prescribed.

4. Seizures

Another of the disorders in which diazepam is used is for epilepsy, being normally a medication that is used in addition to anticonvulsant medications. to treat seizures in people suffering from status epilepticus

When diazepam is used as an adjuvant for anticonvulsant therapy, 2 to 10 mg of this medication is usually prescribed, which must be administered between 2 to 4 doses per day, and the dose prescribed by the doctor who prescribed it should not be increased. In this case, the amount of 10 to 20 mg per day in the total daily consumption of diazepam should not be exceeded.

However, some studies have found better results giving lorazepam intravenously instead of diazepam.

5. Insomnia

Finally, another of the disorders in which diazepam is used is insomnia, this disorder being usually caused by other mental or physical health problems (e.g., mood disorders, stress, chronic pain, some parasomnias , etc.).

It should be noted that when a person suffers from insomnia There are psychological relaxation techniques that have proven quite effective and should be accompanied by the consumption of diazepines in case your doctor has prescribed this medication for insomnia.

It is also important to take great care of your sleep hygiene to help you fall asleep following a series of guidelines: avoid naps, maintain stable times for going to bed and waking up, creating a suitable environment in the room, having a light dinner, avoiding consumption. excessive coffee and avoid using screens such as a mobile phone before going to sleep.

If relaxation and meditation techniques are implemented at bedtime, as well as sleep hygiene guidelines, insomnia will be more likely to be reversed and quality sleep can be achieved over time without consumption. of diazepam. It should also be said that Normally, the amount of this medication consumed is gradually reduced

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Possible side effects of diazepam consumption

After having seen the disorders in which diazepam is used, we consider it appropriate to mention that it is a medication that should be consumed with caution and, of course, should never be taken without a doctor’s prescription. Although unfortunately, its free sale on the black market has increased and many people consume this type of medication at their free will without thinking about how dangerous the abuse of diazepam can be.

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If high doses of diazepam are consumed over a long period of time, tolerance to its pharmacological effects is likely to develop, so if it is stopped abruptly, various psychological problems could develop, such as depressive disorders, insomnia, excessive salivation and nervousness. Furthermore, diazepam withdrawal syndrome can trigger various complications such as psychotic manifestations, acute confusional states or seizures, among others. On the other hand, its consumption is inadvisable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Among the possible side effects caused by the consumption of diazepam are drowsiness, sedation, vertigo, ataxia, hypotension, changes in libido and also gastrointestinal disorders. On the other hand, there are cases in which diazepam has caused a paradoxical reaction, such that it triggered symptoms of aggressiveness and/or excitement, having occurred in most cases in elderly people and children, so With this type of population, greater caution must be taken.

In addition, diazepam is contraindicated in people with respiratory, liver and kidney failure, glaucoma, myasthenia gravis or respiratory depression. It should also not be used if you have hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines. When being treated with diazepam, it is important not to drink alcoholic beverages because they increase the sedative effects.

As we can see, beyond the disorders in which diazepam is used, always under a medical prescription, It is still a medication with which great caution must be taken when taking it due to the number of adverse effects it can cause Therefore, it is advisable to follow all the doctor’s instructions and not exceed the quantities; It is very important that if you experience any abnormal and/or adverse symptoms or sensations, you should contact a doctor immediately to seek a solution before further damage can be suffered.

It should also be noted that diazepam should not be a substitute for psychological therapy for anxiety disorders, because psychotherapy has shown better long-term results, without causing side effects, in addition to being less expensive.