What Is Diogenes Syndrome? 9 Signs That Indicate A Hoarding Disorder

What is Diogenes syndrome, better known as the syndrome of accumulating garbage or objects? Discover the main symptoms of Diogenes complex and how to address this disorder.

What is Diogenes syndrome and how can we identify it?

He Diogenes syndrome It is a disorder that occurs when a person does not take care of themselves or their own environment. In many cases, individuals who suffer from this condition end up accumulating a large number of objects in their home, whether new or found in various places, which causes not only serious health problems but also ends with the social isolation of the person. person who suffers from it.

Often, Diogenes syndrome It usually indicates other mental problems such as dementia or a personality disorder. Additionally, people with Diogenes syndrome often show signs of severe self-neglect as they live in unhealthy conditions. But why does this disorder end up occurring?

What is Diogenes syndrome?

He Diogenes syndrome It is a behavioral disorder that usually affects older adults. The best-known symptoms of this condition are the extreme accumulation of materials and objects (from any source such as garbage), which leads to having a home full of dirt. Furthermore, people who suffer from this ‘garbage storage syndrome’ are usually individuals who end up having poor personal hygiene.

All these symptoms of Diogenes syndrome or syndrome of accumulating excessive worthless objects They end up causing people who suffer from it to withdraw from a ‘normal’ life routine and social relationships.

In many cases, these are people who never leave home (or leave very little) and are often unaware that something is going wrong with the conditions of their home or their lack of personal care.

Why is it called Diogenes syndrome?

The first studies around this ‘hoarding disorder ‘ were during the 1960s, but it was not until 1975 when this condition was named Diogenes syndrome. The name with this name refers to the Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope.

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The reason it was called Diogenes syndrome It is because the thinker adopted and promulgated to the extreme the independence of material needs, which is known as a movement of classical cynicism.

Therefore, it has been related to Diogenes with this syndrome of accumulating worthless things since this philosopher only carried with him what was strictly necessary and therefore, it coincides with the thinking that people who suffer from this disorder usually have since they usually think that everything they gather they will need at some point .

Symptoms of Diogenes complex

Symptoms of Diogenes syndrome

The symptoms of the call hoarding disorder They usually vary depending on their origin, but in the vast majority there are a series of common characteristics that include signs of very persistent self-neglect. Psychologists usually highlight the following symptoms to detect Diogenes syndrome.

  1. Little personal care: One of the characteristics that are synonymous with a Diogenes syndrome It is the presence of little personal care. In many cases, people who suffer from this syndrome of storing garbage and objects tend to be so careless that they forget their own personal hygiene.
  2. General distrust: Another of the most common symptoms of Diogenes syndrome It is usually the presence of a constant general distrust of society, strangers and any circumstance. In addition, people often have signs of paranoia that can emphasize this distrust of everything around them.
  3. Extreme social anxiety: Anxiety usually accompanies people who suffer from this Diogenes complex Thus, individuals who suffer from it have a tendency to feel afraid of the presence or contact with other people.
  4. Obsessive-compulsive tendencies: He Diogenes syndrome It is usually accompanied by obsessive-compulsive behaviors. That is, the person presents certain rituals that he cannot avoid performing.
  5. Excessive accumulation of materials and objects: Without a doubt, one of the most persistent and recognized symptoms of Diogenes disorder It is usually the collection of items that can be found in the trash or left on the street.
  6. Poor personal and home hygiene: As a result of the accumulation of so many objects, people often have unhealthy and unsafe living conditions that lead to poor personal hygiene. This can lead to some skin conditions due to this lack of hygiene, such as dermatitis or other skin diseases. Signs of Diogenes syndrome
  7. Bad nutrition: Besides that Diogenes syndrome It is usually associated with poor hygiene conditions, this condition also leads to people who suffer from it ending up having a poor diet since they do not usually take care of themselves in this aspect either.
  8. Hostility towards other people: People who suffer from this ‘accumulating things or garbage syndrome ‘ Not only do they have a bad attitude towards those they don’t know, but they also tend to be aggressive or hostile towards their family members or loved ones. This makes the treatment of this mental pathology even more difficult.
  9. Distortion of reality: Finally, another of the most persistent symptoms in Diogenes complex It is usually the constant distortion of reality suffered by those affected by this syndrome. In many cases, they end up perceiving the world in a way that is completely alien to those around them.
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It is important that if it is detected Diogenes syndrome or some first symptoms that may lead to it, an emergency referral is made to a mental health specialist. The reason for this is that this condition is usually caused by a serious psychological disorder that must be treated. If this is your case or if you identify this attitude in someone around you, do not hesitate to consult with a professional.

Causes of Diogenes syndrome

The studies around this ‘hoarding syndrome ‘ without value, usually indicates that in the vast majority of cases, it comes from certain psychological disorders. Despite this, other studies reveal that there is a proportion of people who suffer from it without previous conditions of mental health problems.

He Diogenes syndrome In many cases, it can be the result of a reaction to a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one. Distress due to grief can be one of the conditions that can lead to this lack of personal care, social isolation or negligence typical of Diogenes syndrome.

Furthermore the Diogenes syndrome It may also be related to other mental disorders such as schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, dementia, or drug addictions, especially alcohol.

How is Diogenes syndrome treated?

Treatment of Diogenes syndrome

In many cases, Diogenes syndrome It can be difficult to treat due to the lack of awareness that those who suffer from it have about their problem. For this reason, continuous care in these cases is very important. Furthermore, the Diogenes complex can also affect the people around them, especially if they live with those who suffer from it.

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In Diogenes syndrome Medications are usually combined to treat depression, anxiety or psychosis, as well as consultation with a psychology professional. In the most extreme cases, this condition may require hospitalization.

Although Diogenes as a syndrome It is well known, people who suffer from it usually end up isolated due to their little contact with the outside world. For this reason, if you think that someone around you may suffer from it, it is important to act as soon as possible.