What Is Dopamine: Definition And Functions

What is dopamine: definition and functions - Dopamine: definition

You have probably heard about dopamine at some point since it is an increasingly popular neurotransmitter due to the relationship it has with well-being, which is why it is commonly known as one of the “hormones of happiness.” Dopamine is a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system that acts as a chemical messenger and regulates very important functions for the body such as memory, sleep, mood, heart rate, motor activity, cognition and behavior. It is important for all human beings to maintain an adequate level of this substance in our brain since when this is not the case and the natural secretion of dopamine is affected, this can have certain consequences such as the appearance of some diseases such as Parkinson’s and drug addiction. among others. In this PsychologyFor article: What is dopamine: definition and functions we are going to tell you in detail everything about this neurotransmitter.

Dopamine: definition

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system that performs various functions in people and other animals. It is a tiny molecule that is made up of 22 atoms and is produced by less than 1% of neurons. Regarding the location of this neurotransmitter, it is found in the substantia nigra of the midbrain and in its prefrontal area. The prefrontal area of ​​the brain is responsible for carrying out almost all executive calculations, as well as controlling impulses. It is said that when there are few molecules and they are degraded in the substantia nigra of the brain, that is when diseases such as Parkinson’s can appear and when there is an inadequate amount of dopamine in the prefrontal area, this can contribute to the appearance of schizophrenia and of psychosis. Over time, dopamine has been considered the center of pleasure, because it is the responsible for regulating motivation and desire as well as inducing those behaviors that have been positive and beneficial for the person in some way, to want to repeat them again.

What is dopamine: definition and functions - Dopamine: definition

Dopamine: functions

Among the main functions with which dopamine is related are the following:

  • Regulates memory. Adequate levels of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex increase short-term memory capacity. Whether dopamine levels increase exponentially or decrease, it will directly affect memory and, therefore, it will worsen.
  • Regulates movement. Adequate levels of dopamine in the brain regulate and control body movements. When there is a dopamine deficiency, the movements carried out by the person will be uncoordinated and will be slower. When there is an excess of dopamine levels, the body tends to make unnecessary movements, which is why tics usually appear repetitively. That is why it has an important relationship with Parkinson’s Disease.
  • Reward and pleasure system. It is responsible for regulating pleasure in the brain through the limbic system. When we experience pleasant situations, the secretion of dopamine increases, so we increasingly seek out what is pleasurable and enjoyable.
  • Regulates attention. An optimal level of dopamine in the brain helps to considerably improve attention and concentration. On the contrary, when there is a low level of this neurotransmitter in the brain, this can influence the appearance of a disorder such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
  • Regulates sleep. It has been discovered that dopamine has a function in the pineal gland, which is responsible for regulating the circadian rhythm. The receptors of this neurotransmitter act by inhibiting the action of norepinephrine, regulating melatonin.
  • Cognition. Dopamine is responsible for controlling the flow of information in the frontal lobes of the brain. When there is a poor balance in dopamine levels in this area of ​​the brain, cognitive functions worsen.
  • Mood. Dopamine is related to people’s emotional well-being. An imbalance in the levels of this substance can lead to the appearance of some disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, among others.

Tips to raise dopamine levels

Our lifestyle directly influences the amount of dopamine our body produces. When we live too stressed, abuse some toxic substances and have little physical and mental activity, our dopamine levels decrease drastically. Next, we will give you some tips so that you can raise your dopamine levels naturally.

  • Do exercise. As we well know, physical activity is extremely important for our well-being, not only physically but also emotionally, since carrying it out contributes to the production of new cells.
  • Detoxify the body. It is necessary to put aside the consumption of toxic substances such as tobacco, alcohol and excessive sugar consumption since they considerably reduce our dopamine levels. It is recommended to consume more fruits and vegetables, as well as reduce the consumption of stimulants such as coffee.
  • Meditation. Practicing meditation has multiple benefits, not only will it help us calm our minds and reduce our levels of stress and anxiety, but it has also been found to regulate dopamine levels in our brain.
  • Listen to music. It has been found that listening to music that we like helps activate our pleasure centers and induces our brain to release more dopamine, thus producing a greater feeling of pleasure and emotional well-being.
  • Explore your creativity. Daring to do new and creative things increases our sense of pleasure and well-being as it makes us feel satisfied with ourselves and more motivated.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Mandal, A. M. (2018, August 23). The functions of dopamine. Retrieved February 22, 2019, from https://www.news-medical.net/health/Dopamine-Functions-(Spanish).aspx
  • Vargas-Barahona, L.M. (2007). Parkinson’s Disease and Dopamine. BUN Synapsis, 2(2), 11-15.
  • Bahena-Trujillo, R., Flores, G., & Arias-Montaño, JA (2000). Dopamine: synthesis, release and receptors in the Central Nervous System. Biomedical Magazine, 11(1), 39-60.

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