What Is Double Exceptionality And How To Detect It

Double exceptionality refers to the combination of high intellectual capacity or talent with a disability or learning difficulty. It can be detected by observing inconsistencies between academic performance and potential, as well as through specific assessments that identify both strengths and areas of need.

Detecting double exceptionality can be complicated because strengths and weaknesses can mask each other. Some signs that could indicate the presence of double exceptionality include social or emotional difficulties, attention problems, or intense interests. So, in this PsychologyFor article, we will explain in detail What is double exceptionality and how to detect it

What is double exceptionality

Double exceptionality, also known as “2e” or “twice-exceptional” in English, refers to the situation in which a person is exceptionally talented or gifted in a particular area (such as music, mathematics, visual arts, etc.), but at the same time faces significant challenges or disabilities in another aspect (such as learning, attention, social skills, etc.).

For example, a person could be very creative and exceptionally talented in art, but they could also have social difficulties due to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Double exceptionality can be especially challenging to identify and manage, as the person’s strengths and weaknesses can mask each other which can lead to misunderstandings and underestimations of your potential.

Types of double exceptionality

Double exceptionality can manifest itself in various ways, as it involves the combination of exceptional talents and challenges or disabilities in different areas. The most common types of double exceptionality are:

  • High intellectual capacity and learning difficulties: This is one of the most common types of double exceptionality. People can have a very high IQ but face learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, or auditory processing disorder.
  • Artistic or creative talent and autism spectrum disorders (ASD): Some people may be exceptionally talented in areas such as music, art, or writing, but may also have characteristics of the autism spectrum that affect their ability to socialize and communicate.
  • High social skills and learning difficulties: There may be people who have an exceptional ability to understand and relate to others, but who also face challenges in academic learning due to disorders such as ADHD or dyslexia.
  • Artistic or divergent thinking talent and attention problems: Some people may have exceptional imagination and creative ability, but may also face difficulty maintaining attention or focus on specific tasks due to ADHD or other attention disorders. In this article you will find more information about Divergent Thinking: what it is, characteristics and examples.
  • Mathematical or scientific talent and anxiety or emotional problems: There may be individuals with outstanding talent in areas such as mathematics or science, but who also experience anxiety, depression, or other emotional problems that affect their overall well-being and academic or work performance.

It should be noted that the isolated presence of any of these indicators does not represent a case of double exceptionality. To make an appropriate diagnosis and specific treatment, it is essential that the person be evaluated by a specialized mental health professional.

What is double exceptionality and how to detect it - Types of double exceptionality

How to detect double exceptionality in children and adolescents

Detecting double exceptionality in children and adolescents may require careful observation and a comprehensive evaluation that considers both their strengths and challenges. The guidelines for detecting double exceptionality are the following:

  • Observe academic performance – Shows inconsistent academic performance. Excelling in certain areas but struggling significantly in others could be a sign of double exceptionalism.
  • Consider exceptional strengths – Shows exceptional talents in areas such as music, mathematics, visual arts, creative writing, or other specific areas.
  • Identify challenges or difficulties – Pay attention to any challenges or difficulties in learning, attention, social skills, emotional regulation, or other areas that may indicate the presence of an additional disability or challenge.
  • Evaluates creativity and divergent thinking– See if there is an exceptional ability to think creatively, generate original ideas, and solve problems in unconventional ways.
  • Consider the social and emotional context: Notice how he interacts with others, how he handles emotions, and how he adapts to different social situations. Significant difficulties in these areas could be a sign of double exceptionality.

How to act with a child who has double exceptionality

Working with a twice-exceptional child requires a caring, personalized approach that recognizes both his or her exceptional talents and additional challenges. Next, we will tell you how to act with a child who has double exceptionality:

  • Promote your strengths – Recognizes and encourages your exceptional talents in specific areas. Provide opportunities for them to develop and explore their interests and abilities, whether through extracurricular activities, special projects, or classroom accommodations.
  • Provides individualized support – Tailors educational and emotional support to meet the child’s unique needs. This may include curriculum modifications, differentiated teaching strategies, additional time to complete assignments, or access to specialized resources.
  • Promotes self-management: Helps the child develop self-regulation and emotional management skills. Teach them strategies to manage stress, frustration, and anxiety, and encourage self-awareness about their strengths and challenges.
  • Create a supportive environment: fosters an environment of acceptance and understanding at home and at school. It promotes empathy and inclusion among peers, and provides opportunities for you to connect with others who share your interests and experiences.
  • Be patient: Sometimes, double exceptionality is confused with a reluctance to carry out activities of daily living. Contrary to this idea, it is necessary to be patient and respect the processes of each child.
What is double exceptionality and how to detect it - How to act with a child who has double exceptionality

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is double exceptionality and how to detect it we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Gómez Arizaga, MP, Conejeros-Solar, ML, Sandoval Rodríguez, K., Armijo Solís, S. (2016). Double exceptionality: exploitative analysis of experiences and self-image in Chilean students. Psychology Magazine, 34 (1), 1-37.

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