What Is Emotional Responsibility And How To Use It?

What is emotional responsibility and how to use it?

Having emotional responsibility means establishing consistent relationships or links equally and with empathy.

Affective responsibility involves taking into account the consequences of one’s actions on others, and thinking about one’s partner, friend or family member before making decisions that may affect them. It also implies taking charge of our actions, it is not, nor should it be, submitting.

Perfect relationships or emotional responsibility?

There are no magic recipes for a perfect relationship To have a responsible relationship it is necessary to understand that this connection consists of more than one person. That is why we must flee from egocentrism and use empathy.

It must be clear that any relationship will have complications or problems; The important thing is to know how to face them. Consider that any action will have a consequence because all our actions have a consequence and that is why we have to be empathetic to value.

What is assertive communication?

Affective responsibility is being able to say what bothers us and what we feel to prevent and overcome conflicts. It is also express yourself directly with clarity and honesty and establish what is allowed and what is not and encourage dialogue, because a negotiation through communication is the solution to a dispute.

It is not emotional responsibility…

If we detect this attitude it is us, we must correct it

What is ghosting?

Ghosting consists of ending a relationship without prior notice This attitude only reflects a lack of communication and care with others.

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In this sense, emotional responsibility dictates that you have to deal with a breakup honestly, no matter how painful it may be. Fleeing from this situation only harms the other person.

Ghosting also occurs when you are getting to know someone. It does not matter whether they are causal relationships or open relationships, every bond needs emotional responsibility

The most important thing is that all parties in a relationship agree with that bond; this is the best way to ensure that any type of bond that unites us with other people works correctly.

What you should do to end a relationship without hurting

It is not about avoiding the pain of others at all costs nor to prioritize their needs and desires at the expense of ours, but in:

  • Think about what you want and also why you want it.
  • Think about what you are going to say and how another person might react.
  • Keep good intentions.
  • Be honest, but not cruel.
  • Say it in person.
  • If it helps you, trust someone you trust.
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Emotional responsibility will help us overcome and confront conflicts s in our relationships with others. It will give us greater stability and gives us the opportunity to help others. Conflict can also be seen as an opportunity to develop skills to learn how to manage it. Don’t run away, face it!