What Is Fundamentalism? Characteristics Of This Way Of Thinking

What is fundamentalism

In this vast world we live in there are a lot of ways to see reality. Each person, based on their experiences and their way of relating to the world, has developed a political opinion.

However, it is not uncommon to find people who are excessively dogmatic and intolerant of ideological diversity, seeing in others people who are tremendously wrong or who pose a threat to their way of seeing the world.

Fundamentalism refers to any ideology that, in itself, does not tolerate any type of departure from its principles Although it has its origins in the most staunch Catholicism, the concept has evolved to refer to any thought that borders on fanaticism. Let’s see it below.

What is fundamentalism?

In its origin and linked to the European context, fundamentalism, specifically Catholicism, is understood as the political current that advocates that the Catholic faith be the basis of legal legislation and order of society. The Catholic fundamentalists They considered it unacceptable that a European state could disassociate itself from the principles of God and that any new, liberal and modernist idea endangered the social order and the integrity of the country as a Catholic nation that it was.

Today the term has evolved to designate any socio-political movement that borders on fanaticism, whether religious, ethnic, nationalist or cultural. In essence, an integralist, whatever the ideal, wants society to be socially and politically ordered based on inflexible and immovable principles, such as that laws be made in accordance with what a sacred book stipulates, that everything the state speaks only the language that gives its name to the country or there is only one ethnic group.

History of Catholic fundamentalism

Although the original fundamentalist ideas extend their roots to the Middle Ages, with Popes Gregory VII and Boniface VIII, fundamentalism It would not be fully articulated as a sophisticated movement until times after the Enlightenment and French Revolution The 19th century was shaking all Catholic principles and the power of the Church given the shocking ideas that emerged from the bourgeois revolutions, such as popular sovereignty, science and methods based on reason and empiricism.

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Catholic fundamentalism emerged in Europe between the 19th and early 20th centuries, around the controversies of the Catholic Church with various post-French Revolution principles and liberalism. This term was originally coined to designate those who opposed the so-called “modernists”, who advocated creating a synthetic movement between Christian theology and liberal philosophy, defender of human freedom and supporter of greater religious tolerance. .

Supporters of Catholic fundamentalism considered that it was unthinkable to abandon the State without the guidance of God. Much less acceptable to the fundamentalists was the disconnection of the Church from the social order, leaving it in the background or as an institution subordinate to what state laws indicated.

As time went by, Catholic fundamentalism would take shape, becoming a strong anti-pluralist movement of Catholicism, having many supporters in France, given how important liberal ideas were in the country, but also gaining strength in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Romania at the end of the 19th century. In these countries the idea gained strength that the Catholic faith should come first, and that any way to reduce or eliminate ideological competitors were legitimate especially against liberalism and humanism.

Pope Pius IX condemned liberal ideas by exposing them in his Syllabus errorum complectens praecipuos nostrae aetatis errors. It would be this Syllabus that would end up laying the foundations of Catholic fundamentalism, especially in the case of Spanish. This Catholic fundamentalism would reach its most classic vision in the papal reaction to modernism, carried out by Pius X in 1907. Those who were most supportive of the papal vision were called “integral Catholics.”

Catholic fundamentalism would end up declining after the Second Vatican Council, given the lack of support within the Catholic hierarchy At this time, the idea that State and Church should be strongly united was seen as very outdated, even among the most fervent Catholics. In that same Council, the idea of ​​personal freedom and thought was defended, tolerating less orthodox visions and accepting, although with the limitations that any religion has, freedom of belief.

Catholic integrity in Spain

In Spain, Catholic fundamentalism would be one of the three most important branches of Hispanic political Catholicism, along with Carlism and liberal Catholicism, being the option that most staunchly defends Catholic integrity. In fact, Within the current, being Catholic was taken as the main identity trait of the individual, above any political or social militancy

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This fundamentalism materialized in the form of the National Catholic Party, founded in 1888 by Ramón Nocedal, whose members came mostly from Carlist ranks and whose means of dissemination were the newspaper “El Siglo Futuro” (1875-1936). The party, like the rest of European Catholic fundamentalism, was a staunch enemy of the enlightened ideas of liberalism, seen as a direct threat to the Spanish way of life, in addition to rejecting rationalism, seen as the path that led to heresy as who doubted the word of God.

As the decades passed and the Second Spanish Republic arrived, this Spanish Catholic fundamentalism would lose strength as a separate current and would end up merging with Carlism. After the death of Nocedal, the most prominent figure as a leader of fundamentalist thought recycled and transformed into traditionalism would be that of Fal Conde, who would appear as the main leader of the movement since 1934.

Postulates of the fundamentalist attitude

Whether Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Serbian supremacist or Catalan identity, every fundamentalist ideology brings together, in essence, the following postulates.

1. Exclusion

Fundamentalism rejects anyone who does not share its principles, often in a hostile manner. Visions that are foreign to their way of thinking are perceived as direct threats to their identity and they respond aggressively

2. Antipluralist and dogmatic

Plurality is rejected. There is only one path or way of seeing things that is correct and you must fight for it to prevail. You are whole to the extent that you commune with your way of being: yours.

Any interdisciplinary attempt is considered dangerous, as a means of contagion or surrender on the part of those who have the “truth.” You cannot discuss the “truth”, either you believe it or you are a traitor. It is hoped that there is only one way of seeing the world, one faith, one law or one norm. Any alternative is unacceptable.

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3. Evil is in others

Fundamentalist movements consider that any vision foreign to their way of thinking is a danger to the social order.

In the case of the Catholic, the only way to protect society from itself was the regeneration of the Church as a regulatory body of collective behavior. Secularization, that is, the passage from the religious sphere to the civil sphere, was the decline of society.

4. Static attitude

A mood contrary to any change or opening of thought is assumed That is, the acceptance of external ideas endangers our own and, for this reason, the system must be closed and static in time.

Many fundamentalist movements look to the past as an ideal vision of what a perfect world is in accordance with their ideals while the future is perceived as dangerous. In Catholicism it is Europe before the French Revolution, in Islam it would be before the intrusion of Western freedoms, or, in the case of the more identity-oriented Catalan independence movement, the Middle Ages.

5. Rejection of reason

There is no type of reconciliation between what is understood as truth and error Either it runs between rationalism or it runs with identity, be it Catholic, Muslim, Protestant or any type.

Reason is, according to the fundamentalist perspective, a secondary dimension of the human being. It is considered that reason by itself is not capable of giving full meaning to man’s existence. The “truth” is possessed beyond all rationality.

6. Use of apocalyptic language

It is very common for fundamentalist movements to resort to expressions with an apocalyptic air, regardless of how religious fundamentalism specifically is. In the case of Catholics, it is very common to treat liberalism as heresy, as synonymous with the putrefaction of Western culture and the cause of God’s wrath.

In the most ethnicist fundamentalisms, such as Serbian nationalism during the Yugoslav wars or that manifested by some xenophobic Spanishist and pan-Catalanist currents, the idea of ​​any cultural mixing or tolerance of other languages ​​being spoken is seen as the end of one’s own culture, the end of “us” because of “them”.