What Is Guilt And How Can It Affect Us?

Guilt is one of the most common characteristics of today’s society. Do you think you feel guilty too many times? Do you know that guilt can lead to a disorder?

Why do we feel guilty?

The culpability It is one of the most common emotions in humans. Our way of life encourages us to feel guilty even with situations that are not in our control.

What is guilt?

We could define guilt as a virus that our mind creates because of the socio-cultural education and its Christian origins. Guilt is a pathology that is capable of completely exterminating our enthusiasm and the spark of any person, leaving them without the desire to live completely.

Most of the time we do not become aware that what creates all this symptomatology is sustained by the blame and this in turn is generated by unsustainable beliefs about a reality that was created and that never was and will never be.

Why is anxiety related to guilt?

Anxiety can be defined as an anticipation of future harm or misfortune, accompanied by a feeling of dysphoria (unpleasant) and/or somatic symptoms of tension. The target of the anticipated damage may be internal or external. Is a warning sign that warns of imminent danger and allows the person to take the necessary measures to confront a threat.

This is one of the definitions of anxiety that is normally associated with a low mood. Where the person feels a loss of hope and enthusiasm for things daily activities It is normally associated with a future situation and a low mood is associated with a past situation. Although most of the time they intermingle in the same temporal space, the present. Making it difficult to manage.

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Surely you have read many times “leave the past behind, look to the future.” But the question is how to do it if both spaces are perceived as dangerous, as situations that are difficult to address since our perceptions do not change. If we delve a little deeper into the perception that we have of the “Now”, we will discover what is the mechanism that underlies that sensation that is often so difficult to manage… Everything is a chain of perceptions that have been woven until they bring you to this moment. A chain that draws this reality to you.

When we feel anxiety, it is because the approach we are taking to our current situation is not correct, it is biased by our experiences and past history. If we go a little deeper, what determines that we use that approach and that we look at reality from there, is due to a single reason, the culpability

The different types of guilt

Types of guilt

By feeling guilty about events over which we have no control, we are giving our mind the ability to affect us in different ways. So much so, that many times feeling a lot of guilt ends up leading to disorders such as anxiety and depression. In this way, there are different ways to experience this psychological guilt

1. Expectations

Many times it feels the guilt for not having met the expectations you had about what you thought you should have done and/or achieved and you have not achieved. It is also customary to discredit what we have achieved and for not being where you think you should be.

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2. Too much responsibility

The culpability Not being able to assume all the responsibilities we would like is also very common. In this way, many experience this reproach for not being able to take on all the work or all the needs of their family, such as their partner, friends and children.

3. For not ‘liking’ others

Sometimes the guilt It can arise through other psychological problems rooted in us such as lack of self-esteem. One of the signs that this feeling comes because of it is the fact of wanting to please others at all costs.

All this culpability It remains anchored and kept inside, touching and deteriorating each of the areas of life, making each awakening have an increasingly bitter taste and an increasingly opaque color.

Why is it important to leave guilt behind?

How to let go of guilt?

There are many ways to identify its manifestations and many ways to end this virus… but to do so you have to detect it, diagnose it, see its origins and its metastases.

There are many trainings, workshops, courses, therapists, gurus etc… Who tell you that it is easy to change your vision, your focus, your action, your mentality, that you can do it without help… Despite all the promises about stopping feel the guilt, the reality is that being able to succumb to these feelings is more than difficult. If this process were easy, everyone would walk down the street with bright eyes and full of hope.

Therefore, the best way to treat the guilt What comes to us almost from the factory is through working with our interior. Because of this, the fundamental thing to put aside these types of feelings is to start improving our mental health either with our own means or with the help of a specialized psychologist. The first step to living fully is to take care of yourself inside.

“Guilt is the filter that blurs all your yesterday, blurs your tomorrow and permeates your TODAY.”