What Is Hembrism And Differences With Feminism

Currently there is both a trend towards confusion between the terms feminism and hembrism, which are sometimes used as synonyms or equivalents, such as calling the feminist movement feminine. However, these two concepts have very different origins, as well as allude to two essentially different realities. If you want to know the differences between both words and their implications, continue reading this PsychologyFor article: What is hembrism and differences with feminism

What is hembrism

According to the definition of hembrism this term is a neologism that refers to the attitude of contempt towards the male sex sexual discrimination against men and the idea of ​​supremacy of women over men in all vital spheres.

Hembrism and machismo

This term is usually equated with misandry, hatred of men and the masculine, and being considered an antonym of misogyny, the aversion towards women. This word is analogous to that of machismo since it is constructed from the noun female and the suffix -ismwhich refers to the trend or movement.

However, despite their analogy they are also semantically antonyms; machismo defends a patriarchal system which affirms the superiority of men, while in the opposite way, hembrism would supposedly propagate a matriarchy that would imply the preponderance of the female sex over the male.

Male and female are the terms used for male and female animals respectively, therefore, both currents are called that way, because they advocate the superiority of one sex over another

Feminism is conceptualized within sexism, sexual discrimination, in this case towards men. Therefore, be female would consist of engaging in attitudes and violence against the male sex for the mere fact of being one, in promoting the repression and oppression of men, as well as in the establishment of a matriarchal system of female domination in which women had privileges over men.

History of the term hembrism

Despite, and paradoxically, the current consideration of the term, it was originally coined and used in the 1960s by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in his book male domination. In this he defended the existence of a culture that imposes a servile and passive attitude and pattern on women, which is why he pointed out machismo as the role of domination that is reproduced by men in society and feminism as the dominated role that they reproduce. women, both fruits of culture. Therefore, according to Bourdieu, it would be the machista culture and society that produces this feminine submission or hembrism. However, this concept has currently been appropriated by sectors that intend to discredit the feminist movement by introducing this neologism or that of feminazi In the following article you will find more about this term and the difference between feminist and feminazi.

What is feminism

He feminism It is a social and political movement that formally emerged at the end of the 18th century in Western history, although it did not take this name until the 19th century. This doctrine supposes the awareness of the female sex as a collective or social group that suffers oppression and domination by the patriarchal system, a structure that is based on the idea of ​​superiority and privilege of the collective of men, as well as the fight for the liberation and empowerment of women with the aim of achieving equality with the male sex.

In its origins, in the context of the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, it arose from the hand of a group of women who claimed their rights as citizens and equality with men. From this moment, feminism has been evolving and adapting to contextual circumstances, just as it has fought, and continues to do so, to achieve different objectives such as the right to vote, education, equal pay, and the vindication of sexuality. feminine, the end of violence in all its forms against women, etc. In the following article you will find the history and currents of feminism.

This movement is complex and is made up of various currents, debates and perspectives, and throughout history it has also been nourished by various knowledge and contributions that have enriched both the theory and the feminist activism Therefore, feminism is a movement and historical doctrine with a solid basis of feminist, political and social theoretical type, in which women are the active political subject and protagonist that is organized with the objective of transforming and abolishing the system of oppression of women and to build an egalitarian and just society for both sexes. In the following article you will find What it means to be a feminist today.

What is hembrism and differences with feminism - What is feminism

Difference between feminism and hembrism

Many people use the words feminism and feminism as synonyms, but as we have seen in the previous sections they are different terms. So, What is the difference between feminism and hembrism?

Basically the meaning of fembrism is a system of beliefs that can be summarized in an attitude of supremacy of women and contempt towards men and everything masculine, while feminism is a movement whose demands are aimed at achieving equality between both. sexes.

In addition to this essential distinction, if we delve into the difference between feminism and hembrism, other characteristics of each of these concepts can be identified that distance them from each other.

1. Collective movement vs individual attitude

The first of them is that the feminism It consists of a movement and social phenomenon that is born as a product or result of a situation of historical inequality that extends centuries ago; it’s a collective phenomenon in response to a systemic element, patriarchy. However the hembrism In any case, it refers to an attitude that can be recognized individually, is not supported by any social and collective movement and is not based on a historical reality, since there does not exist or has existed a system in which women have structurally exercised a role of domination over the male sex. Therefore, feminism is a response to facts that are part of history, while hembrism is an attitude or bias that does not depend on or is not related to events of the past or present.

2. Reality vs imaginary

On the other hand, both concepts are distinguished in the fact that feminism is tangible is a real movement and phenomenon, while the hembrism can be considered a product derived from machismo and patriarchy with the objective of discredit feminists and boycott their struggle, an imaginary that functions as a device to control and limit the demands of feminism. Hembrism is conceptualized as a fallacy, a false superiority of women over men that is not equivalent or antonym of machismo, since there is no economic, social and political system in which the supremacy of the female sex prevails, there is no system that supports it nor power mechanisms that favor relationships of domination of women over men. Therefore, although some women may believe in preponderance over men, this is limited to a individual attitude, while there is a male power structure, patriarchy, and therefore they are not equivalent antonyms. That is, hembrism as a concept arises from the need to create a word antonym to machismo.

3. Rejection of hembrism by feminism

Another difference lies in the fact that Hembrism is rejected by the feminist movement itself, no identification occurs with this. This is because the feminist movement presents a solid theoretical basis, as well as defined demands and objectives in which no female attitude or belief has a place. Finally, the word hembrism is used to refer from conservative sectors, especially to radical feminists.

Radical feminism is the current of feminism that identifies the root of the situation of inequality between the sexes in the patriarchal system, which is why it advocates for its abolition with the aim of achieving equality between the sexes. This abolition of patriarchy implies a series of transformations in the current structure and the loss of the privileges held by men, which generates resistance to change. However, these advances and progress that are claimed from the feminist agenda have as their goal or final objective the achievement of a society in which there is equity between women and men and not their supremacy over the male sex, and this is why we say feminism and not hembrism.

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  • Azcue, L. (2017). Demystified the myths that the patriarchy told me. in X JIDEEP-Conference on Research, Teaching, Extension and Professional Practice (La Plata, 2017).
  • González, IAL (2016). Feminism, a distorted reality. Tin(9).
  • Villalobos, MEV (1999). The socialization we receive. Reflections Magazine78(1)

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