What Is Hypnobirthing?

What is Hypnobirthing?

It is possible that, if you do not know hypnobirthing, when you hear the term different ideas come to your head. Perhaps some of them have to do with the idea that we may have in relation to hypnosis created by the media and movies. In this case, all those images are very far from hypnobirthing work.

Throughout this article we will address the main points related to hypnobirthing.: from what it is to how it works. Additionally, we will explain the benefits that this technique has been shown to have and talk about who can obtain them. Finally, we will clarify some myths and realities related to hypnobirthing.

What is hypnobirthing?

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about giving birth? Both the media and television series and movies have been responsible for transmitting a very specific image in relation to the moment of giving birth.

Usually, it is related to terms such as “unbearable pain”, “emergency” and “hospital”, thus assuming that it is a medical process loaded with pain, risks and possible complications. There are many women who feel fear, worry and insecurity when thinking about the moment of childbirth. They do not trust their bodies and feel that they will not be capable.

It is valid and understandable to feel afraid of the unknown — it is a normal response of our body. However, it is important to understand that this emotion generates a strong impact. Our nervous system prepares to act in the face of perceived danger and becomes tense. In addition, hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are generated that slow down and make labor difficult.

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Hypnobirthing, also known as hypnobirthing By its name in English, it is a method of preparation for childbirth. This group groups various techniques through which it is intended to provide information to future mothers so that they can experience their pregnancy and childbirth in the most positive way possible for each circumstance.

Hypnobirthing was created with the aim of being able to care for and accompany all those mothers who felt the need to experience their births in a more natural, less medicalized way. In this sense, there are many mothers who have been interested in the possibility of experiencing their births in a calm and conscious way.

How does hypnobirthing work?

Hypnobirthing work aims to help women manage the intensity of the physical sensations that occur and any anxiety or worries. To do this, it focuses mainly on three premises: provide information, eliminate possible fears, and generate useful tools to navigate pregnancy and childbirth.

It is considered essential that women—and their companions—understand the functioning of the body, the physiological process of childbirth and the influence of emotional states during it. Having information allows you to make conscious decisions and fears are minimized.

When talking about hypnosis (or self-hypnosis) in this context, reference is made to a mental state of relaxation and focus in which the woman has full control over her faculties. Furthermore, this work is proposed as training so that women can “enter” and “exit” this state whenever they wish.

For this, in hypnobirthing, tools such as deep, controlled breathing, visualizations, deep body relaxation, and repeating positive affirmationscalming and motivating that reinforce confidence in the natural process of childbirth. Each woman will choose those that are most suitable for her and her situation.

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Finally, it is necessary to highlight the importance given to companions. They are considered to play a key role throughout the entire process since they are the people (or person) who are in charge of providing emotional, physical and mental support. In addition, he/she is also in charge of maintaining the environment in conditions that encourage relaxation.

Benefits of hypnobirthing

Since hypnobirthing work is carried out during part of the pregnancy, there are multiple benefits observed. On the one hand, By having all the necessary information it is easier to make conscious decisions. This allows for greater mental flexibility and a greater ability to adapt in case things do not go as imagined.

On the other hand, having tools that help reconceptualize pain and manage the intensity of physical sensations allows, in most cases, to live as part of the process, naturally, and reduce the use of drugs and medical interventions.

Furthermore, by having tools to relax the body and connect with calm and security, Our body can release the hormones necessary for labor to occur naturally.. As we mentioned previously, tension generates adrenaline and this paralyzes the process.

Reducing fear and anxiety allows women to feel in control and regain confidence in both their own body and their baby and, more generally, in the nature of the birth process. In addition, the relaxation and hypnosis techniques used can reduce the perception of pain.

Who can benefit from hypnobirthing?

While it is true that all women can benefit from the information and tools provided by this method, it is probably especially useful for those women who seek to have a birth experience that is as natural as possible and with as little medical and pharmacological intervention as possible. .

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It can also be a really useful tool for the people who accompany the mother since they also receive the information and get involved in the various techniques. In addition to benefiting from the tools, they feel more involved in the process.

However, it is crucial to understand that The hypnobirthing method cannot guarantee either the complete disappearance of pain or the fact of having a physiological birth as had been idealized.. That is, it is essential to have a flexible birth plan and to have thought about all the possible options since there may be circumstances to which you have to adapt.

Myths and realities about hypnobirthing

Most of the myths associated with hypnobirthing revolve around the ideas we may have in relation to hypnosis. As we have already mentioned, This method is not about taking women to a state of unconsciousness or out of their control, but rather to a state of relaxation, calm, confidence and security..

There is already a lot of evidence available—and it continues to grow!—that supports the effectiveness of the hypnobirthing method. In addition, there are many women and families who praise and share their experiences. This tool allows women to become empowered, informed, make decisions and perceive their births in a more positive and conscious way.