What Is It To Be A Hypocrite? 6 Characteristics Of Hypocritical People

Do you know what it is to be a hypocrite? Do you think someone is a hypocritical person? Discover how to identify the profile of hypocrisy and how to deal with this attitude through psychology.

What is hypocrisy? How to identify and deal with hypocritical people?

The hypocrisy Is the order of the day. It bothers us all when those around us are hypocritical towards us, because we associate hypocrisy with falsehood, but it is a behavior that we see constantly because even we ourselves can become hypocrites, although we do not realize it.

Although hypocrisy is in many of our actions, it may not be because of evil but rather because of ignorance or simply because being hypocritical is the easiest path. Although many of us practice hypocritical attitudes, the reality is that there are some individuals who could be called a hypocritical person since hypocrisy is in all their actions.

What does hypocrisy and being a hypocrite mean?

He meaning of hypocrisy in the RAE It is “feigning qualities or feelings contrary to those one truly has or experiences.” Therefore we could say that a hypocrite is a false person or someone who pretends to be someone else.

the word itself ‘hypocrite’ He already says it: hypo is a mask and crytes means response, that is, “action with which someone corresponds to that of another person.” Therefore, according to the definition of hypocrite and the meaning of hypocrite in society, we could say that hypocrisy is pretending, acting, playing a role or behaving insincerely. It is, therefore, a behavior that goes beyond a false smile or a dishonest attitude. It affects our entire life, since society itself is already conditioned by rules that, if broken, are criticized; rules that we abide by in front of the gallery, even if in private we behave as we really want.

Therefore, it is not just about hiding feelings or showing a face and criticizing from behind; Hypocrisy is a behavior that extends to all human relationships. In this sense we could say that there are hypocritical people everywhere. Because we are all hypocrites whether to fit in with the group, to be liked by the company, or even to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings.

At some point in our lives, we have acted with hypocrisy, no matter how much we try to justify that behavior. This happens because certain hypocritical attitudes They are valued today in society. So much so that even people’s falsehood can be useful in certain social situations.

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Obviously, there are actions that are understood and others that are questioned, although both be hypocrites In this way, when we are close to a person who is too false, we tend to feel indignant, because we observe their lack of empathy, the lie of their feelings, their hidden criticism and mockery or the double standards they show. In these cases, hypocrisy can even affect our relationships if we do not stop the feet of a hypocritical person who wants to stand out above others. For this reason, it is essential to know how to detect what a hypocrite is and the characteristics of a hypocritical person.

What is a hypocritical person like?

According to philosophers and psychologists, there is a way to identify the hypocrite people In many cases, these people tend to have a series of attitudes that reflect their most hypocritical side in a certain part. When someone always resorts to this type of attitude, we could say that these are false people according to psychology.

  1. They demand of others and not of themselves: One of the most characteristic behaviors of a hypocritical person is that it demands from others facts or actions that they themselves never do. So much so that on many occasions they make you believe that they have done or would do something like that for you. In these cases, a hypocritical person is using manipulation to make you feel bad for not doing what he wants.
  2. Criticize others: Another of the most common features of a hypocritical person is that they tend to criticize people’s falsehood or certain attitudes of others even though they also do so. The hypocrisy lies in the fact that on many occasions they end up being very negative with their criticism even though they know that they can also do it.
  3. They fake certain skills or actions: On many occasions we can ask ourselves how to know if a person is fake to you or if someone defines themselves as a hypocrite. When we detect that someone claims or pretends to have certain abilities in front of others, we can come to know that these people are hypocrites.
  4. Try to please everyone: A false person or a hypocritical person always tries to show a mask of perfection in everything they do. So much so that he will try to please everyone through his attitude, leaving aside his personality. This is a clear example of how the meaning of hypocrite It becomes very real in these people.
  5. They believe they are better than others: Many times Hypocrisy It can be revealed in certain expressions or arguments that these types of people say. So much so that hypocrites tend to believe they are much better than others, and they can even show it to you through certain attitudes.
  6. They are superficial people: Although hypocritical people may seem like cultured people, the reality is that your hypocrisy It even affects their personal goals. So much so that they spend most of their time improving physically and not trying to achieve their most ambitious goals or projects.
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Characteristics of hypocrites

Why don’t we like hypocrisy?

Now that we know what hypocrisy looks like and what motivates them, it may be interesting to know why the attitude of a hypocritical person does not motivate us. There are psychological reasons that make us not like the attitudes of a hypocrite.

  • It is immoral: Making others feel bad through your actions to benefit from it is a very harmful attitude both for your circle and for society as a whole. For this reason, many reject the people’s falsehood precisely for these reasons.
  • We don’t like lies: Most people tend not to want deal with a hypocrite since they hate liars. Our rejection of lies is precisely because they can affect our lives and all our purposes.
  • They make us feel inferior: The fact that they feel superior to others makes relating to them a hypocrite It harms us in many ways. One of them is that their hypocrisy can affect our self-esteem and security. For this reason it is important to identify and know what hypocrisy is and when we are faced with hypocrites.

Each of these aspects can harm us in our personal lives. For these reasons, not only do we not like being next to a person hypocrite But it can also harm our mental health. In these cases, it is important to have the help of a specialist psychologist.

How to deal with a hypocritical person?

But then what can we do when we encounter a excessively hypocritical person? Obviously, getting angry doesn’t solve anything, because the person who is false and acts evilly, the one who is excessively hypocritical, will hide behind their behavior to criticize our anger without our attitude changing anything. That is to say, their behavior full of hypocrisy will remain the same. In this way, there are some psychological tricks that can help us deal with the falsehood of people with hypocrisy.

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Tricks to deal with a hypocritical person

  1. Put them in evidence: In situations where Hypocrisy is present, it is best to make it evident. To do this, we just have to be faithful to our principles without caring about the influence that person may have on us, showing them how they contradict themselves when they do so and, above all, ignoring their criticism when they realize that we do not follow their rules.
  2. Analyze your attitude: In some cases it may be our own negative thoughts that make us seem like we are dealing with a bad person or a bad person. hypocritical person This is why it is essential to try to understand their attitude from their point of view and even express our emotions regarding our discomfort towards the person. Although this is an even titanic action for many, the reality is that it can help the other person understand that sometimes they are acting badly or even help yourself see their attitude from another point of view.
  3. Use it as motivation: If the hypocritical person pretends to have certain skills that you would like to have, you can use that same feeling to motivate yourself to learn more. That is, the important thing about deal with hypocrisy It is to ensure that this does not affect our mental health. Therefore, a good way to achieve this is to bring out the positive side of a hypocritical attitude.

So the best way to avoid being too hypocrite and, above all, putting up with those who are excessively so is cultivating our social skills. In this way, we can achieve social and emotional well-being. Knowing how to relate to this type of people in a satisfactory manner and how to maintain a calm attitude towards their behavior will allow us to deal with uncomfortable situations and will make us grow as people, both professionally and from a personal point of view. And, in the long run, this will make us happier and more complete beings.