What Is Limbic Resonance And How Does It Affect Relationships?

Without being aware, human beings are connected to each other thanks to the intervention of numerous mental processes that are carried out. In this way, two people can understand each other because of certain body parts interconnected with each other. In this sense, the brain has an important role in establishing this type of deep connections, since it is essential for the development of this bond, such as a couple staring into each other’s eyes, a sadness shared by two friends who have known each other since childhood, the complicity of a father towards his son, the punishment that does not require words from a mother towards her daughter. As we can see, in some cases there is no need for words to relate to each other. , since looks, gestures and a specific sector of the brain participate in this circuit.

In this PsychologyFor article we explain What is limbic resonance and how does it affect relationships?

What is limbic resonance

Limbic resonance constitutes a theoretical concept that refers to the form of relationship that can occur between two people through the participation of the brain’s limbic system For this reason, limbic resonance represents a metaphor for brain resonances performed in specific medical studies.

For this reason, the connection is carried out through the interference of the limbic systems of the two people who relate to each other. However, it is important to mention that these people They must have a close bond and a prior trust for limbic resonance to occur. In the following article you will find more information about the Limbic System: parts, functions and diseases.

What is limbic resonance and how it affects relationships - What is limbic resonance

Relationship of the limbic system with emotions

Another of the main points to take into account consists of the implicit relationship that the limbic system maintains with a person’s emotions. In this sense, this framework is oriented to the production of emotional responses to various stimuli exteriors.

In turn, this set presents basic emotions such as love, joy, sadness, anger and fear, among others. In fact, without the presence of the limbic system as part of the human organism, it would be impossible to think of an emotional connection between two people.

Effects of limbic resonance on personal relationships

From this kind of emotional connection that is generated between two people through aspects such as non-verbal language, limbic resonance can produce some effects on social relationships. Below, we show you what they are:

  • Empathy:The possibility of establishing empathy about the emotions, behaviors and thoughts of another human being stands out as a quality that has developed over time thanks to the participation of the limbic system.
  • Dopamine production: appears as another characteristic that manifests itself in the production of social ties. This can be reflected in love relationships, friendships and family ties.
  • Marketing products in the digital world It can be carried out due to the ability to establish fruitful non-verbal communication with those people who wish to acquire a specific material good.

What is limbic resonance and how does it affect relationships - Effects of limbic resonance on personal relationships

Examples of limbic resonance

In this section you will find some examples of limbic resonance that may be useful to consolidate the concept:

  • Two friends meet at a school camp. At first, a coordinator begins to give orders that these people must follow without any questioning. After hearing it, the two friends look at each other and start laughing simultaneously. In this sense, the key point is that both interpreted the feelings and thoughts that arose thanks to the intervention of the limbic system. The possibility of understanding was given correctly.
  • A boss gets angry with his employee because of a work disagreement. When both confront each other, the look and gestures of both people reveal the character that the situation has acquired. In other words, the boss demonstrated his deep anger with the employee through sighs, a stare, body rigidity, etc. At the other extreme, the employee shows fear through gestures such as an averted gaze or a body tremor, among other examples.

In addition to these, the truth is that there are many examples that verify the persistence of limbic resonance in social, work and family relationships that can be glimpsed in various areas of daily life.

What is limbic resonance and how it affects relationships - Examples of limbic resonance

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • López Mejía, D., Valdovinos de Yahya, A., Méndez-Díaz, A., Mendoza-Fernández, V. (2009). The Limbic System and Emotions: Empathy in Humans and Primates. Ibero-American Psychology Magazine, 17 (2), 60-69.

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