What Is Lisztomania Syndrome, Symptoms And Treatment

Sometimes, admiration for some musical artists can lead to severe behavioral, emotional and cognitive problems, as is the case with lisztomania syndrome. In these cases, there is a loss of reality that causes moments of tension and discomfort for the person and their social environment. In fact, although today’s society has a tendency to idolize certain celebrities who gain global recognition, these obsessions can lead to mental health problems. However, having tools and data on this topic can help to cope in a more pleasant way with the consequences that arise. Currently, there are few resources about this mental pathology, which makes its study and elaboration necessary.

In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about What is lisztomania syndrome, symptoms and treatment

What is lisztomania syndrome

Lisztomania syndrome is a mental health disorder related to a heightened need to listen to music constantly. At the same time, the lack of a clear and concise limit regarding the time a person has to be in contact with music is another of the peculiarities that the table presents. For this reason, obsessive and repetitive behaviors arise about the same type of melody.

This phenomenon has its origin in the influence produced in the 19th century by the musician and composer Franz Liszt in his fans. People who listened to his music had a compulsive tendency to repeat the same behaviors incessantly. If the word “lisztomania” is broken down, it is possible to corroborate that it is a state of madness and agitation (mania) for the musical productions of this artist (liszt).

Before the concerts that Franz Liszt gave, the reaction of his fans showed a state of uncontrollable exacerbation that significantly altered their mood.

Causes of lisztomania syndrome

Taking into account the possible origins of this problem can help develop effective solutions. In this way, we will talk about the causes of lisztomania syndrome:

Genetic factors

In some people, the alteration of certain neural connections which are part of the central nervous system have a massive influence on your behaviors, thoughts and emotions. On the one hand, it is possible that the parents suffer from lisztomania syndrome, which increases the acquisition of this problem.

On the other hand, the emergence of a deficit in emotional regulation It can be a triggering reason for this disorder.

Environmental factors

The experiences lived in life have a notable influence on the processing of emotions that develop. In this sense, having suffered childhood trauma It may be a fact that increases the likelihood of developing compulsive and obsessive attitudes towards an admired person.

It should also be taken into account that the need to obtain recognition from a valued human being represents low self-esteem.

How to know if I have lisztomania syndrome

Although this manifestation is not included in the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-V, there are some guidelines to detect its presence. Given this, we will find out how to know if I have lisztomania syndrome:

  • Exacerbated anxiety.
  • Repetitive ideas about a person
  • Lack of limits
  • Search for a sense of belonging.
  • Desire to be recognized
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Social isolation.
  • Difficulties in establishing social relationships
  • Constant mood variations.
  • Loss of reality.

Despite this description, it should be noted that the isolated presence of any of these symptoms does not represent a condition of lisztomania. For this reason, it is pertinent that the diagnosis be made by a mental health professional who has adequate training to evaluate the patient’s characteristics, taking into account the social context in which he or she is located.

How to treat lisztomania syndrome

Despite the complications that occur in the development of daily life, there are some methods to address the symptoms of this clinical condition. Next, we will develop how to treat lisztomania syndrome:

Psychological therapy

Going to a mental health professional specialized in the subject allows the patient to acquire more tools to cope with moments of tension , stress and/or anxiety. On the one hand, short-term therapies emphasize work on the emotions, behaviors and thoughts that are linked to the symptoms of the pathology. The most effective brief therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy.

On the other hand, long-term therapies attempt to locate the origin of conflicts in childhood memories of a traumatic nature. From this, it is possible for the person to adopt other types of responses to the stimuli of daily life.

Pharmacological medication

There are anxiolytics that modify the intensity of some neurotransmitters In effect, this causes relaxation in the central nervous system and the person stops having compulsive actions. However, it is pertinent that the treatment be supervised by a mental health professional.

What is lisztomania syndrome, symptoms and treatment - How to treat lisztomania syndrome

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is lisztomania syndrome, symptoms and treatment we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Masao Buentello-García, R., Senties-Madrid, H., San Juan-Orta, D., Alonso-Vanegas, MA (2011). Neurological disorders and music. Archives of Neuroscience Magazine (Mexico), 16 (2), 98-103.

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