What Is Meichenbaum Self-Instruction Training?

Meichenbaum Self-Instruction Training

Currently, more and more children and adolescents are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as other disorders that cause difficulties in maintaining attention level.

One of the treatments that is most used in these cases is Meichenbaum’s Self-Instruction Training also known as cognitive training, and which is aimed at improving the ability to organize, plan and pay attention.

In this article we will see what this training consists of, what are its phases, objectives and possible applications.

Meichenbaum Self-Instruction Training: Features

Donald Meichenbaum

Meichenbaum’s Self-Instruction Training was actually developed by two authors: Donald Meichenbaum himself and Goodman, in 1971. It is a technique that is especially applied in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), although also in other disorders or simply in the presence of certain difficulties.

It is normally applied to children and adolescents, although adults could also develop the training. The objective of this training is to modify the person’s internal dialogue to facilitate coping with a certain task situation or problem.

Attention as a cognitive ability

Attention is an essential cognitive skill for learning, since it is what makes it possible for us to access knowledge, paying attention to what is explained to us.

Once we pay attention, it is easier for us to receive and understand the information; Afterwards, other procedures begin to operate, such as working memory, which allows us to manipulate the information we receive.

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In summary, attention is very important for the development of other skills, especially in the early learning stage (and in schooling). That is why it is essential to enhance it, and for this Meichenbaum Self-Instruction Training can be a tool that helps us.


As its name indicates, this training includes a fundamental part or element: self-instructions. But what exactly are they?

Also called self-verbalizations, self-instructions constitute a system that allows us to “talk to ourselves.” and which in turn provides a series of guidelines that guide us and help us solve tasks autonomously.

That is, this system allows you to internalize a series of steps specific to a task or behavior, so that in the end it is no longer necessary to say out loud the instructions for the task to be carried out; All of this favors the internalization of mental processes.

What is this technique for?

Specifically, Meichenbaum Self-Instruction Training is a technique focused on enhancing and improving attention, reducing impulsivity and hyperactivity, controlling anger and improving organizational skills.

In addition, it also allows interpersonal difficulties to be treated in some cases.


Meichenbaum’s self-instruction training is divided into 5 stages or phases that develop progressively, and where the application of the patient (child or adolescent) increases, while the participation of the therapist or adult decreases until it disappears:

1. Modeling

In the first stage of Meichenbaum Self-Instruction Training, the therapist or adult acts as a model by speaking out loud and performing the behavior being worked on (i.e., performing the task in front of the child and at the same time speaking to oneself). .

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He says the steps out loud, as well as any possible doubts that may arise, the possibilities and the strategies used. It would be like “thinking out loud,” and it would involve detailing step by step what you are doing to solve the task or problem.

This behavior or task can be of any type, and may include (or not) a series of steps: for example, preparing the school backpack.

2. External guidance out loud

In the second phase, the therapist or adult speaks (giving self-instructions for the action out loud) while the child acts (that is, execute the behavior; continuing with the example, it would be preparing the backpack).

3. Self-instructions out loud

Here the therapist takes a backseat, and the process falls on the child or adolescent, who speaks out loud (self-instructions) while acting (develops behavior). That is, it is the child who begins to develop the task.

The phrases that the child will say will be the same as those previously said by the therapist. Generally, in Meichenbaum Self-Instruction Training, and especially in this phase, the child will have to be helped, because it is difficult for him to remember everything exactly and in order.

4. Self-instructions in a low voice

In the fourth phase, the child or adolescent speaks in whispers while acting.

5. Covert self-instructions

In the last phase of Meichenbaum’s Self-Instruction Training, the child or adolescent thinks the instructions (performs them mentally, internally), at the same time as executing the behavior

At the end of this phase, the child will be able to generate guiding thoughts.

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In the end, the fundamental objectives of Meichenbaum’s self-instruction training include the fact that the child or adolescent performs the tasks conscientiously, that he mentally organizes what he must do at any given moment (or in specific tasks) and that he internalizes the processes relevant mental processes, progressively and step by step.

All of this will promote the child’s concentration, organization and planning and will help reduce the hyperactivity typical of disorders such as ADHD, for example.