What Is Permarexia? 9 Symptoms That Indicate An ‘obsession With Counting Calories’

What is permarexia and how can it affect us? Why can following miracle diets and counting calories be a disorder? Discover how to detect permarexia and what to do about it.

What is permarexia?

Many people decide to follow a diet to lose weight and lose a few kilos. In fact, currently, there are a large number of diets available to anyone. But, there are cases in which people end up becoming obsessed with their weight and counting the calories in each of their meals. In these cases, we may be facing a case of permarexia How can we identify this eating disorder?

What is permarexia?

The permarexia It’s about the obsession with counting calories in all the foods you eat. Those who suffer from this disorder usually try certain food groups for a long time, which can have different consequences that are more than disastrous for their health.
Although the term permarexia has not been accepted within the medical community, this disorder is grouped within the ‘eating disorders not otherwise specified‘. In this way, people who suffer from this type of disorder end up following a strict diet, as well as usually exercising a lot and having a poor self-image.

People suffering from various pathological changes in diet are diagnosed as ‘eating disorder not otherwise specified’. A person is said to have this type of eating disorder when their preoccupation with food, body image, or weight interferes with their life and their psychological or physical well-being.

Symptoms of permarexia

There are a series of symptoms that can help us detect permarexia:

  1. Obsession over calories ingested: People with permarexia They tend to be obsessed with the calories they eat. So much so that they often compulsively count how many calories they are ingesting with each of the foods in their diet.
  2. Follow-up of miracle diets: Another of the symptoms typical of people with permarexia is that they tend to constantly follow miraculous diets with which they try to lose weight.
  3. Deprivation of certain types of foods: Because the people with permarexia They usually have constant control of their diet, they can avoid or even prohibit the consumption of certain foods. In some cases, this type of attitude can cause physical problems in the body because it may contain essential vitamins.
  4. Influence of weight on self-esteem and mood: Permanexia also implies that people have a self-esteem and a state of mind that is very subordinate to their weight and physical appearance. That is, they measure their happiness and well-being through their body image.
  5. Changes in body weight: When a person suffers from permarexia, a series of oscillations in their body weight usually end up occurring. This influences them very negatively when it comes to weight gain.
  6. Consumption of slimming products: In addition to following diets that are usually low-calorie, people with permarexia also consume different types of products to achieve their goal. Among the most common we can find diuretics, food supplements or vitamins.
  7. Low self-esteem: Another characteristic of people with permarexia It is the lack of self-confidence, which makes them focus and give too much importance to their physical appearance.
  8. They demand too much: The permarexia It is also usually related to excess perfectionism. That is, people with this non-specific eating disorder usually set impossible goals that usually end with a feeling of constant frustration.
  9. Effects on your relationships: With any type of eating disorder, relationships are often affected. So much so that people avoid going to parties or meetings just because there may be high-calorie foods.
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As we see, there is a big difference between eating healthy and exercising and ending up becoming obsessed with following a diet or achieving a weight. Thus, if you suspect that you may be in this situation, you may require the help of a mental health professional.

Symptoms of permarexia

Causes of permarexia

The causes behind this eating disorder can be multiple. That is to say, there are several factors that influence its appearance. Some of the most frequent are the following:

  • Low self-esteem: Low self-esteem is at the root of many eating disorders. The people with permarexia they tend to value themselves based on how much they weigh and what their body is like physically, which ends up further undermining their self-esteem, turning it into a vicious circle.
  • Body dissatisfaction: Another of the causes of permarexia The most common is dissatisfaction with one’s own body. This, in turn, may be influenced by the stereotypes that exist in today’s society.
  • Obsessive traits: People with permarexia They often need to be in control of many aspects of their lives. Therefore, they can become obsessive with aspects such as diet and eating.
  • Give importance to the opinion of others: Giving too much importance to what others think or external judgments can also be one of the causes of the appearance of permarexia

What are the consequences of permarexia?

Most people who suffer from this disorder are usually not aware of it. In fact, there is a tendency for those who suffer from it to believe that they are simply trying to create healthy eating habits, when in reality they are simply following a low-calorie diet. In the medium and long term, this permanent variation in weight is capable of altering the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is essential in regulating metabolism. In addition, they can have other effects such as episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), causing dizziness and blurred vision.
Apart from the physical consequences, people with permarexia They are more likely to develop other eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, which in the most severe cases can lead to death.

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How to help a person with permarexia?

How to help someone with permarexia?

The main key to Help a person who suffers from permarexia It is to make you see that there is a problem in these attitudes. In this way, it is vital to try to express concern for your well-being and invite a visit to a professional psychologist. On the other hand, it is crucial to keep in mind that there was probably an emotional problem that triggered the disorder and, therefore, this problem will not disappear overnight. That is, there can be improvements and relapses.

Treatment of eating disorders

Each case must be evaluated to obtain the best treatment. But, on a psychological level, the permarexia treatment It focuses on working with the irrational thoughts associated with the idea of ​​a perfect body image. Furthermore, one of the objectives of the therapy will be to increase the patient’s self-esteem, as well as help them promote coping strategies in certain situations of uncertainty. If you have any doubt that you have an eating disorder, it is vital to consult with a mental health professional.