What Is Savior Syndrome And How To Overcome It

What is savior syndrome and how to overcome it

Don’t you know what savior syndrome is? From psychology, the “savior syndrome” is understood as a series of pathological behaviors that lead a person to tirelessly care for others, forgetting about themselves. Therefore, the savior syndrome is considered to be the help that does not help.

In the following Online Psychology article we will explain in depth What is savior syndrome and how to overcome it, this being a product of our Western societies. We will cover how to solve it and recover the archetypal human desire for selfless service to our neighbors.

What is savior syndrome

From Psychology, the savior syndrome is understood as the set of behaviors that a person emits with the ultimate objective of saving their neighbors when they are in a crisis situation and in need of help.

First of all, we must keep in mind that the perspective of considering this set of behaviors as a syndrome and, as such, something negative and harmful for the affected person, we must frame it within current Western societies based on science as the main normative criterion of health.

If this set of behaviors, from an anthropological point of view, were analyzed within a non-western culture where the values ​​that prevail are more humanitarian (care for neighbors and nature, cordial relationships, spiritual joy, etc.), compared to consumerism and the professional and economic progress typical of current Western societies, this syndrome From Salvador would lose all its negativity.

What’s more, on the contrary, it would become one of the main social values, becoming, in fact, a source of well-being and social progress, while cordial relationships and mutual care will guarantee the improvement of the community.

In these societies, this syndrome of helping others and “give your life for your neighbor “It has a fundamental value that, from our most rational and individualistic vision, we can understand the role of the savior when we imagine how a mother would give her life for her child if it were necessary.

However, we find ourselves in a Western society where social improvement is understood mainly as individual improvement, so people who unconditionally give themselves to the care of others, reaching forget about your own needs Personalities can be included within this syndrome.

According to our current perspective, well-being and happiness are achieved, first of all, by taking care of oneself and, from there, giving the best of oneself to others. In non-Western cultures, self-care and sobriety in every decision is something that is assumed to be vital, so, starting from this obvious personal balance what spiritual growth entails is giving the best version of oneself to others.

Manifestation and causes that cause savior syndrome

But focusing on this syndrome from the Western point of view, it is understood that it occurs when a person only dedicates themselves to the care of other people without attending to and healing their own personal needs.

Taking into account that, as a result of this social structure with values ​​based on the economic rather than the social, the majority of people present emotional deficiencies, the unconditional dedication to others Without healing one’s own emotional wounds, it represents a lack of sobriety, which is what leads to the so-called “savior syndrome.”

In this way, the person who acts in this way, although initially offering help without any interest, the mixture of this behavior with his emotional shortcomings causes control behaviors on the cared for, for the personal satisfaction that their caring behaviors produce, and resentment when the cared for does not reciprocate with the expected gratitude or dependence.

Precisely shortcomings with respect to having been attended to, cared for or valued as every person longs for and deserves entails, among other things, this type of care, within the role of the savior, occurs due to the consequences of positive evaluation that the person receives for their care and attention.

What is savior syndrome and how to overcome it - Manifestation and causes that cause savior syndrome

How to know if I have savior syndrome and how to overcome it

To know if a person has this syndrome or simply has the maturity and sufficient spiritual growth To dedicate ourselves to the care of others in an altruistic manner, we must take into account the extent to which this set of altruistic behaviors are carried out in a pure and sincere manner or, on the contrary, contain secondary intentions of control, submission, obtaining affection, etc unconscious.

In this second case and to know if you have savior syndrome, it is essential that the person performs a introspection process deep through which you become aware of your distorted mechanisms of action, attend to them and heal so that, from there, you know what it means to want to help someone and can deliver all your best intentions in favor of your neighbors in an honest and true way.

Relationship between savior syndrome and emotional codependency

If you’re wondering what the savior personality is like, this syndrome is closely related to emotional codependency. The saving person look for people with needs of any kind to assist them in their needs.

Vulnerable people with difficulties taking care of themselves tend to be attracted to this type of person since this saving attitude grants them and covers all their needs to be cared for in the way that, in a totally immature way, they need. If you’re still wondering “How do I know if I have a savior complex?”, this Emotional Dependency Test will give you some clues.

This type of relationship is quite toxic for both sides while it does not allow the maturation of either part, anchoring the “savior” to behaviors of manipulation, control and feelings of resentment and, on the other hand, the “saved” to passive and infantilized behaviors that do not allow him to develop. and fend for yourself.

Although the origin of the human being is, as a high value, selfless service to others, taking into account the emotional deficiencies resulting from the social structure in which we live, we must take into account that the development of this prosocial behavior will happen , necessarily, by a deep work of inner healing of personal shortcomings that will allow a complete maturation of the person and a sincere and real dedication to others by truly understanding what it means to want to help someone.

Maybe you want to know more about other syndromes that are related to the savior syndrome. If so, we recommend you read our post on Wendy Syndrome: characteristics, causes and treatment.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is savior syndrome and how to overcome it we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.

  1. Serrano, I. (2015). Savior syndrome: the help that doesn’t help. The world. Recovered from: https://www.elmundo.es/vida-sana/mente/2015/12/17/56696e7046163f38468b468c.html
  2. Vilaseca, B. (2015). Generous or dependent? The country. Retrieved from: https://elpais.com/elpais/2015/06/05/eps/1433516639_018300.html

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