What Is Sustained Attention And How To Work On It

What do we need when we have to study for an exam? Reading notes, manual pages, and processing information for several hours requires sustained attention. Clearly, the benefit of this cognitive activity will not be immediate, as we will probably discover its effectiveness only on the day of the exam itself.

Sustained attention allows you to focus mental activity for a long period of time. For this reason, it is used in a wide range of tasks that require the ability to concentrate with a constant rhythm over time, that is, our brain focuses its attention on carrying out complex activities. In this PsychologyFor article we will delve deeper into What is sustained attention and how to work on it<

What is sustained attention

Sustained attention is ability to direct and maintain cognitive activity on specific stimuli, more specifically to maintain the mental functions of selection and control of stimuli. When performing a programmed task, any sequential action must use sustained attention. From Gangi and Porges(1) They believe that sustained attention comprises three stages:

  1. Activation of attention: Described as an orienting reflex or “initial alert orienting to a stimulus.” This activation depends on the relevance of the stimulus, the subject’s past experience and their individual reactivity to sensory stimulations.
  2. Maintaining attention: occurs when activation persists because a stimulus is so new or complex for the subject that it motivates them to process it.
  3. The fall of attention: represents the separation of attention from a stimulus. It can occur due to physical or mental fatigue or because attention is paid to new or different stimuli.

The concept of sustained attention is joined by that of supervision which refers to the ability to control inconspicuous events and infrequent. In fact, vigilance can be considered the “mother of sustained attention.”

In turn, surveillance depends on the arousal, that is, the general energetic tone of our cognitive system and the effort dedicated (expression of motivation). Throughout the three stages of sustained attention, the optimal relationship between arousal and sustained attention is essential in information processing processes and learning.

Pathologies associated with sustained attention

Attention disorders can be divided into three broad categories, depending on the specific attention capacity that becomes deficient. We see them below:

  • Sustained attention disorder: The target stimuli can be visual-spatial and auditory-verbal stimuli. This disorder is predominantly in charge of the right hemisphere, which seems more capable, compared to the left, of maintaining attention for a long time. However, sustained attention disorder can also involve lesions in the prefrontal cortex, posterior parietal cortex, and temporal lobe.
  • Down’s Syndrome: cognitive deficit with short attention spans, slow reaction times, short-term memory limitations, reduced sensory discrimination ability, and hearing defects.
  • ADHD: Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have poor sustained attention span. In fact, their attention times are very short. If you want to know more, in this article, we tell you what the types of ADHD are and their characteristics.

How to work sustained attention

Next, we propose different exercises to work on sustained attention:

  • Delete figures: Delete as quickly and correctly as possible all targets that have a certain characteristic. For example, all the squares, or the red symbols, or all the triangles with the point at the top. You can also delete two targets together.
  • Suppression of numbers: Given a target number, the subject must erase all of those numbers as quickly and correctly as possible. You can also delete two numbers together.
  • Mathematical operations on auditory material: recorded voice, slow and fast version to also intervene in the speed of the information process. For example, press a button if the second number is consecutive to the previous one in the natural series.
  • Mental number series with operations: another activity to work on sustained attention that consists of asking the subject to count backwards a certain amount from a certain number. The subject must be fast and precise, for example, with the following sequence: 100-96-92-88-etc. Every time a mistake is made, the subject must start over.

Examples of sustained attention

Some classic examples to explain sustained attention can be found in the school context. For example, when a boy or girl has to solve a math problem or a reading comprehension exercise<

In these situations, the minor must read and understand what is written, create a mental image of the situation described, identify the relevant data, configure the solution, perform the operations correctly in the case of mathematics and give an answer. While doing all these sequences, the little boy or girl must do the following:

  • Be alert when reading and in the different phases (arousal).
  • Select relevant information (selective attention).
  • Keep your attention focused on the problem “resisting” any distraction that may interrupt or interfere with the solution (sustained attention).

What is sustained attention and how to work on it - Examples of sustained attention

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is sustained attention and how to work on it we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.

  1. Marcantoni, M., Fabio, R. A. (2008). L’attenzione. Physiology, pathology and intervention riabilitativi. Milan: Franco Angeli.


  • Muzzarelli, F. (2015). Guide l’apprendimento. Methodology and training techniques in azienda. Milan: Franco Angeli.

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