What Is The Galatea Effect And Examples

The Galatea effect is a set of behaviors that occur in certain people. These individuals are characterized by self-confidence that leads them to direct their attitude, motivation and behaviors towards achieving the personal, family or work projects that they have proposed in their lives and achieving them successfully.

Promoting this behavioral effect in people is positive, not only in the workplace but in all areas of a person’s life as a measure that guarantees coherent, healthy and constructive lives for human beings. In this PsychologyFor article, we will talk about what is the Galatea effect and examples of the same, its relationship with the Pygmalion effect and how this is basic for the constitution of the Galatea effect, as well as the benefits that this behavioral procedure entails at a personal, community and social level.

What is the Galatea effect

The Galatea effect in psychology consists of a personal attitude of self-confidence and positive expectations with respect to the achievement of the proposed vital goals. These lead the person to carry out a whole series of constructive behaviors that allow them to favorably achieve the proposed goals.

This final result of the Galatea effect occurs as a result of the self-fulfilling prophecy, according to which the person firmly believes in their abilities and abilities, which leads them to direct all your efforts physical, emotional and psychological, towards achieving your goals< As a consequence, he finally achieves the proposed goals as a result of having directed all of his vital energy towards this goal.

Relationship between the Pygmalion effect and the Galatea effect

What does the Pygmalion effect propose? It refers to the trust that a third person places on us which is motivating and encouraging for us to carry out the specific project that we want to carry out at that moment.

The common aspects between the Pygmalion effect and the Galatea effect lie in the fact that the trust placed in us either by a third person as occurs in the Pygmalion effect or thanks to ourselves as occurs in the Galatea effect, leads to the achievement of the proposed goals<

The relationship that exists between these two effects is fundamental. On the one hand, the Pygmalion effect can give rise, if work is carried out constantly during the first years of a child’s life in their family and educational environment, to the internalization of the Galatea effect. This achievement of effects can be a guarantee of a successful life in terms of making each person’s personal projects a reality.

Importance and examples of the Galatea effect

The origin of the Galatea effect is found in a repeated experience of the Pygmalion effect and its importance lies in guaranteeing meaningful lives. Specifically, if during a child’s childhood, his/her parents, family and educational environment transmit confidence in his/her abilities and skills, this child will integrate positive self-esteem and self-confidence.

This acquired valuation will result in the Galatea effect, that is, the belief in one’s own personal possibilities to achieve the life objectives and goals that each person sets for themselves.

Advantages of the Galatea effect

The importance of the relationship between the Pygmalion and Galatea effects lies in the fact that the second fundamentally depends on the first. Let’s see the great ones advantages of the manifestation of the Galatea effect in people:

  • It means progress and the achievement of the desired personal, family, work and social life.
  • Personal psychological well-being.
  • Development of personal abilities and skills.
  • Implementation of actions to achieve the proposed objectives.
  • Successfully achieve the desired objectives for the personal and common benefit of the environment.

In short, working on the Pygmalion effect from childhood becomes a long-term objective that goes far beyond simple optimal personal development, since involves the construction and general improvement of society< To achieve this, it is essential to propose social projects that favor the development of the Pygmalion effect in families and schools so that the internal development of the subsequent Galatea effect in children is promoted.

Examples of the Galatea effect

The Galatea effect involves the internalization of a certain attitude aimed at achieving certain goals for the personal benefit, of the community and of society. Thus, some examples of the Galatea effect could be the following:

  • Have a good family environment.
  • Have good personal relationships. In this article you will find the keys to maintaining good interpersonal relationships.
  • Carry out your studies.
  • Manage to materialize a professional project.
  • Contribute to community service.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is the Galatea effect and examples we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • Castillo Echevarría, R. (2014). The Pygmalion effect. To what extent does our future determine the vision that others have of us?
  • Vargas, JG (2015). The Pygmalion effect and its transformative effect through expectations. Teaching perspectives(57), 40-43.

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