What Is The Soul In Psychology

What is the soul in psychology

The soul in psychology is what the discipline addresses in its daily work. Disentangling the psychological, emotional and social aspects that have deprived man of living in peace with his soul is the objective that must ethically drive any psychological action. But what exactly is the soul of people? Where is? There are different types? What relationship does it have with other concepts such as spirit or consciousness?

From PsychologyFor, we are going to explain in the following article the concept of the human soul and the difference between soul and spirit to understand what is the soul in psychology. We will also address how to heal the soul to finish by talking about the thought of the soul.

What is the soul of a person

The soul of a person constitutes the very essence of the human being. It corresponds to the real Being and it manifests itself through your body. When a person is born, and during the first years of life, his soul manifests directly and clearly through his body, oblivious to all social conditioning. With the passage of time, interaction with the environment leads him to acquire learning and adapt to his environment, many of these conditions being contrary to the dictates of his soul and, therefore, remaining silent and relegated to the unconscious.

Psychology could be defined as the study of the human soul since its primary objective is to search for what psychological and emotional aspects have led people to hurt your soul and, with it, to get sick. In reality, any manifestation of psychological or emotional symptoms (even many of the physical symptoms) is evidence of attitudes, thoughts or behaviors contrary to the needs of the soul that end up hurting the body, the physical manifestation of our being.

Difference between soul and spirit

He soul is the vital manifestation of any living being. He spirit for its part, constitutes the energy or vital force that pushes the soul in one direction or another to achieve their designs.

According to some spiritual traditions and ancient philosophers such as Plato, souls are divine and immortal and come to earth to fulfill a purpose. It happens, however, that upon arriving in the world they forget this destiny and the voice of their soul is silenced. It will be during the course of its days on earth that the soul will give signs with the aim of “awakening” the sleeping consciousness and, with this, be able to fulfill its purpose. According to this approach, a large part of the elements that this world offers have the objective of keeping the voice of our conscience silenced.

With respect to the spirit, some of these spiritual traditions point out that there are two spiritual forces the of the light and that of the darkness. Life on earth occurs through a struggle between these two spiritual forces. Furthermore, particularly within each person there is this spiritual struggle between good and evil. According to these ancient cultures, our purpose in this world is to free ourselves from the spiritual force of evil that does not belong to us, while the human soul is in essence, pure and kind.

How to heal the soul

From a psychological point of view, as we have just commented, the wounds of the soul human beings are manifested through a wide variety of physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

All of them are consequences of a disrespectful treatment of the human soul that usually occurs in a normalized way in this world from the moment of conception. The causes of soul wounds are:

  • Stressful pregnancies or with toxic consumption.
  • Premature or traumatic births.
  • Hinder the primary mother-baby bond and breastfeeding.
  • Disrespectful upbringings (result, in most cases, of childhood shortcomings of the parents or educators themselves and, on the other hand, of excessive and irrational social demands on them).
  • Rigid formal education.
  • Institutions and social systems that are demanding and not very attentive to human needs.

As a result of all this, the human soul, which is born free and pure, is contaminated and forced to silence its voice. In these conditions, it is very difficult for the person to fulfill his life purpose.

For heal the soul human will be necessary become aware of everything that has happened in our own lives, which has led us to disconnect from our own voice and personal guide. He analytical review of our life journey, acceptance of what was lived, the listen of our true being and the awareness of our real (and divine according to Plato) potential will allow our soul to heal.

What is the thought of the soul

The thought of the soul is the voice of our authentic self. It corresponds to the voice of our heart, or what we commonly call intuition either awareness. This thought, always and at all times, tells us what is perfect for us. Unlike this voice, mental chatter is governed by the internalization of external norms that have little or nothing to do with our future in this world.

However, precisely due to all the social conditioning that human beings suffer throughout our lives, it is this mental voice that directs our lives. Silencing this voice for the benefit of the voice of our soul becomes an indispensable feat if we want to get ahead in this world in a victorious way.

Addressing the issue of the soul, from a spiritual point of view, is not a simple task since it involves investigating and entering spiritual worlds, knowledge and practices that are foreign to the functioning of this world. Therefore, we encourage people who are interested in delving deeper into these topics to, first, open your heart to be able to listen to the true voice of your conscience and, from there, look for what your soul tells you

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Duke Videla, F. (2017). The theory of the soul in Plato. New Acropolis International Organization.

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