What Is The Therapeutic Bond And Why Is It Important?

What is the therapeutic bond and why is it important?

Generally, when a person goes to therapy it is because they are trying to solve a problem that affects their daily life. Sometimes day-to-day circumstances cause anguish, discomfort, stress and/or anger. For these reasons, visiting a specialized mental health professional is often an effective tool for managing emotions.

In this sense, the therapeutic space is usually a very careful environment so that the patient feels comfortable. In fact, it is essential that the relationship between the therapist and the patient is conducive for the treatment or psychological support to be effective. Therefore, in this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about What is the therapeutic bond and why is it important?.

What is the therapeutic bond with the patient?

The therapeutic bond is the relationship established in psychological therapy between the patient and his therapist. The quality of this type of bond will determine the effectiveness of the patient’s treatment, since the more comfortable he/she feels, the easier it will be to work on his/her thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Thus, the creation of a good bond in psychotherapy is associated with greater possibilities of improving and curing the symptoms presented by the patient. If you have doubts about whether you need to go to therapy, we recommend reading this article on how to know when to go to the psychologist.

How important is the therapeutic bond within psychotherapy?

Why is the therapeutic bond key? The quality of the therapeutic bond influences the development and outcome of psychotherapy in many ways. Next, we will specify the importance of the therapeutic bond with the patient:

  • Build trust: It is necessary that a relationship of respect, warmth and empathy be formed between the patient and their therapist. In order for the person to open up and share their personal conflicts, it is essential that they can trust whoever is listening to them. If you want to know how to do it, in this article you will find information on how to improve trust in others.
  • Allows you to correct the diagnosis: The therapeutic bond is important to address the conflicts that lead a person to consult a therapist. As we have commented previously, the display of the reason for consultation is only possible within a framework of trust, intimacy and security.
  • Resolve conflicts: Once a strong therapeutic bond has been established, both the patient and their therapist can work together to resolve the discomfort in question. This includes going hand in hand so that the established psychological treatment bears fruit with the aim of improving the patient’s quality of life.

What is the therapeutic bond and why is it important - How important is the therapeutic bond within psychotherapy

How to establish a therapeutic alliance with the patient

Now that you know why the therapist-patient relationship is important, we will show you the steps to follow to achieve a good therapeutic bond. In this sense, the sequence that must be followed to consolidate the relationship between the patient and his therapist is the following:

  1. Agree objectives: determine a series of achievable goals to meet during the course of psychological treatment. In this sense, it is important that both parties agree with the proposed objectives.
  2. Present techniques to achieve goals: The psychologist in charge of the treatment must inform the patient of the methodology that will be implemented to achieve the previously agreed upon goals.
  3. Be empathetic: beyond any technique or theoretical framework of reference that the professional has, empathy is one of the most important qualities when establishing a therapeutic alliance. In general terms, empathy allows us to better understand the concern of another human being and put ourselves in their place. When this occurs, the therapist can better understand what is happening to the patient and the latter will feel understood and accompanied.
  4. Be honest throughout the treatment: This is one of the fundamental points within the process to establish a therapeutic alliance, given that sincerity is the driving force of the treatment. Beyond the fact that therapy seeks the well-being of the patient, it is important to clarify that we must always go with the truth first. We must not give false predictions of improvement that generate illusions, as this will make the healing process even worse.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is the therapeutic bond and why is it important? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • Alzugaray, AT (2016). Analysis of the therapeutic bond concept and its importance in the clinic: a study based on the experience of psychotherapists with psychoanalytic training and bond psychoanalysis. University of the Republic, Faculty of Psychology.
  • Molina, ME, Ben-Dov, P., Diez, MI, Farrán, A., Rapaport, E., Tomicic, A. (2013). Therapeutic bond: Approach from dialogue and co-construction of meanings. Argentine Journal of Psychological Clinic, 22 (1), 15-26.
  • Putrino, N., Etchevers, M., Mesurado, B. (2017). The therapeutic bond: the role of empathy training. Acta Psychiatric and Psychological Magazine of Latin America, 63 (4), 276-287.

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