What Is The Treatment Of Smoking?

What is the treatment of Smoking?

Although it is true that tobacco addiction is a fairly normalized form of dependence today, it is still a very harmful health problem both in the medium and long term. And beyond the effects that smoking cigarettes has on the body, even frequent intake of nicotine without passing through the lungs means seeing one’s own mental health deteriorate, since it is still a form of drug addiction through how it affects the nervous system.

In this article we will see what the treatment of smoking consists of based on the idea that all personnel who develop dependence on tobacco end up needing professional therapeutic help and that the sooner they start going to therapy, the better.

Which is smoking?

What is popularly known as smoking is, in reality, nicotine addiction, the most common variant of which consists of the frequent consumption of tobacco cigarettes. It is a disease so widespread that it is considered an epidemic by the World Health Organization, and it is estimated that in Spain around 15% of those over 16 years of age suffer from it.

This addiction generates a chemical addiction process and another psychosocial addiction process. With regard to chemical dependence, nicotine modifies the neuronal interconnections of certain parts of the brain, causing the nervous system to function in an altered way if hours go by and this substance is not consumed again, in addition to increasing the tolerance (the person needs to smoke more and more to obtain the same effect of temporary relief).

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Regarding psychosocial addiction, it must be taken into account that smoking becomes a habit integrated into the smoker’s lifestyle, and “disengaging” from this drug is difficult due to the social pressure of the environments through which one moves, such as the habit of taking out a cigarette and putting it in your mouth in certain situations; There are people who even believe that smoking relaxes them, despite the fact that tobacco does not have this effect beyond calming the withdrawal syndrome for a few minutes. That makes some people with nicotine addiction feel vulnerable if they can’t smoke, they feel like they can’t be “themselves.”

Although it is true that in Europe there has been a reduction in the percentage of people with tobacco addiction (younger generations consume this drug less), it is still a real public health problem, and smoking treatment is among the most common reasons for consultation in therapy centers specialized in addictions. Luckily, if it is stopped in time through a complete therapeutic intervention, this pathology can subside to the point that the person can lead a normal life and not see their years of life reduced.

What is the treatment of smoking?

Therapeutic intervention on smoking rests on two main pillars: psychotherapy and medical support. In this last section, the most common intervention modality is replacement therapy, which consists of replacing cigarettes with other products with smaller amounts of nicotine that serve to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome and offer an initial phase towards the disappearance of this habit. The most commonly used are nicotine gum, certain nasal sprays, and nicotine patches, which must be used according to the therapist’s instructions.

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Another resource for the treatment of smoking is its medical aspect, the use of certain psychotropic drugs to help cope with the withdrawal syndrome; These are medications, so they should always be taken following the doctor’s instructions, due to the potentially harmful side effects; Varenicline and Bupropion are two of the most used.

On the other hand, Psychological therapy is also very relevant in the treatment processes for tobacco addiction ; In this case, the objective is not to introduce substances into the body capable of generating certain effects on the neurons of the central nervous system, but rather to help the person self-regulate their behavioral patterns and mental processes to avoid relapses into smoking. For example, within the framework of cognitive-behavioral therapy, the patient is helped to question his or her pessimistic beliefs about his or her ability to overcome addiction, trained in self-motivation techniques, and helped to identify situations and thoughts that increase anxiety. risk of relapse to neutralize its influence quickly.

Another important aspect of psychotherapy for tobacco dependence consists of training in relaxation techniques and practices such as Mindfulness, useful to mitigate the stress produced by “the mono” of withdrawal syndrome, as well as the availability of therapeutic support through calls. or chat messages in situations of emotional crisis or sudden increase in the risk of relapse.

Are you looking for therapy for nicotine addiction?

If you want to start a therapy process to overcome smoking, contact our team of professionals.

In CITA Clinics We specialize in intervention in addictive disorders and work offering both outpatient care and treatment through residential treatment in a fully equipped center. You will find us in Barcelona.