What Is The Worst Thing You Can Say To A Narcissist? 9 Ways To Unmask Them

Do you want to unmask a narcissist? What happens if you ignore narcissists? Discover what you can say to a narcissist to neutralize his attacks and bad intentions.

How can we deal with a narcissist?

¿What is the worst thing you can say to a narcissist?? Normally, people use the term ‘narcissist’ to describe those people who seem egocentric or have little empathy towards others. In reality, within psychology, the meaning of narcissist implies a personality disorder, that is, a condition that requires diagnosis by a mental health professional.

When detecting someone with this type of behavior, it is normal for people to want to reach out. unmask a narcissist since individuals with these types of disorders can cause us a lot of damage both in our relationships and in our mental health.

What happens when you ignore a narcissist?

The narcissists They are people who tend to have a very inflated ego, something that makes them only worry about themselves and even take advantage of others to get what they really want.

A narcissist usually takes criticism very badly, even though they tend to be people with high self-esteem. For this reason, unmasking a narcissist or know how to deconcentrate a narcissist Given their harmful attitudes, it can sometimes be counterproductive because they tend to be very sensitive to criticism.

One of the best ways to stop a narcissist’s intentions is precisely to try to ignore him or leave him aside. In this way, at ignore a narcissist, he does not get what he wants from you and you are not harmed by his attitudes. But in many cases, defending yourself like this from a narcissistic person is not possible, which implies that we must learn to deal with them.

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Is it good to ignore a narcissist?

What is the worst thing you can say or do to a narcissist?

In order to put an end to those attitudes of a narcissist that harm us, there are a series of tips that we can follow to try to stop the different phrases of emotional damage that they direct at us or their bad intentions. For this reason, psychologists recommend the following to unmask a narcissist, or at least put an end to the attitudes that can hurt us.

  1. Don’t be fooled by its charm: Before a narcissistic pervert, defend yourself It can be very difficult because they are people who are very good at confusing others with their charm. In fact, the worst thing you can say to a narcissist is not through your words, but with your attitude. Ignoring a narcissist when he tells you what you want to hear can be a good way to thwart his manipulation attempts.
  2. Stop focusing on them: It is very possible for a narcissistic person to be the center of attention on many occasions. By leaving them aside, that is, by not focusing on them and devoting time to yourself, these people see themselves without weapons to control your actions or decisions. This is what happens when you ignore a narcissist and you focus completely on what you want in your life.
  3. Don’t be nervous: At narcissistic people They like to put others in trouble. In this way, one of the ways to neutralize them is precisely by trying to make them feel unable to control or change your reactions. Sometimes, you can’t not answer, a narcissist says, and on these occasions is when you should be calm and say what you really think.
  4. Set clear boundaries: A person with a narcissistic disorder is usually quite self-absorbed. Therefore, she often does not respect the boundaries of others since she thinks she has the right to do so. In these cases the ‘worst’ thing you can say to a narcissist It is precisely the consequences that will entail carrying out actions that cross these limits.
  5. Don’t give in to their manipulations: It is very possible that if you try unmask a narcissist, he/she will try to come back to you to try to make you feel guilty about it or manipulate you into believing that you are the one who is wrong. In these cases, knowing how to unfocus a narcissist is as easy as learning not to give in to their accusations or requests.Keys to unmasking a narcissist
  6. Remember that it is not your fault: A person with a narcissistic disorder personality usually does not admit guilt. Instead, most people tend to project their own behaviors onto those around them. In these cases, it is very possible that the people around them end up accepting the blame so as not to face the narcissists’ contempt. Given this, the worst thing you can say to a narcissist is precisely to accept that you are to blame. Remember not to give in, if you know you are right.
  7. Find a support system: If you cannot avoid a narcissist and his attacks, it is important that you try to build healthy relationships that offer you support. Spending a lot of time around a person with a narcissistic disorder can leave you emotionally drained. Cultivating or improving healthier relationships is knowing how to ‘destroy’ a narcissist and his arguments
  8. Accept actions, not promises: The best way to unmask a narcissist It is by emphasizing their real actions and not their words. Normally, narcissistic people tend to have many promises at hand and few actions related to those desires. In fact, once they get what they want, the motivation to follow through on their words often disappears. Thus, to know how to beat a narcissist in this regard, you must comply with their requests only when they have complied with yours.
  9. Understand that they need help: The people with a narcissistic disorder They tend not to realize that they really have a problem. On many occasions they do not know that they are harming the people around them and, in fact, they do not even think about it. In these cases, walking away from someone who is narcissistic will not be the best thing you can do, but rather recommending that they go to a mental health professional.
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By trying to unmask a narcissist, it is very likely that you could end up harming your mental health. Therefore, it is important to go to a psychologist if the narcissists’ words have ended up damaging you so much inside and out.