What Is White Noise And What Is It For?

White noise is a specific sound that includes all audible frequencies. It is a broadband noise that can have between 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz measured in decibels. If we took all the sounds that the human ear can hear and combined them at a comfortable volume, we would be faced with white noise.

Various studies worldwide indicate that it is an ideal type of sound for sleeping soundly, because it masks other environmental noises that may be annoying. If you are interested in discovering more about this fascinating topic, in this PsychologyFor article, we explain What is white noise and what is it for?as well as all its benefits.

What is white noise

White noise is a type of sound composed of all frequencies of the audible spectrum at the same time and in equal intensity for humans and spanning multiple sound bands. It is considered a flat, constant and monotonous noise. It’s like you hear about 20,000 tones at the same time!

The term “white noise” comes from the analogy with white light, which is a mixture of all the colors in the visible spectrum. Like this type of light, white noise contains all the frequencies in the auditory spectrum, without any being higher than another. This means that includes from the lowest to the highest frequencies

Regarding its use, white noise has various applications. For example, in the field of acoustics it is used to mask or block other unwanted sounds. It is also used in audio engineering and sound recording to calibrate audio equipment and check the frequency response of devices, among many other uses in different areas of daily life.

Examples of white noise

If you want to better understand what white noise is like, here are some examples:

  • Sound of a fan.
  • Sound of a hair dryer.
  • Sound produced by a vacuum cleaner.
  • Sound of rain.
  • Sound of sea waves.
  • Sound from a white noise generator.

What is white noise for?

White noise is used in many fields, such as educational, professional, cognitive and even to promote relaxation and meditation. Next, we mention what white noise is used for in different areas:

  • Mask or block unwanted sounds– By having a wide range of frequencies represented evenly, it can help decrease the perception of annoying noises or environmental distractions. For example, in offices or recording studios, it can be used to reduce noise from traffic or nearby conversations.
  • Improve sleep quality: White noise can be useful to help you fall asleep and improve the quality of your rest. By creating a constant and uniform sound background, it masks sudden or intermittent noises that can disturb sleep. Many people use white noise machines or mobile apps that generate this sound to promote a more conducive sleeping environment.
  • Test and calibrate audio equipment: It is widely used in audio engineering to calibrate and verify the frequency response of audio equipment. By playing white noise through speakers or headphones, you can evaluate how a device responds at all audible frequencies.
  • Create sound effects in music and cinema: In music and audiovisual production, white noise is used to create special sound effects. In addition, it serves as a sound foundation in compositions or as part of the sound texture in electronic music. It is also used in film and television to create ambient atmospheres or to simulate radio or television sounds without tuning to any particular station.
  • Do auditory and focus therapy: In some cases, white noise is used as part of hearing therapies to treat conditions such as tinnitus or tinnitus. By providing a constant, non-directional sound, it can help distract from ringing or ringing in the ears and temporarily provide relief.

Benefits of white noise on the mind

When in doubt about what white noise does in the brain, you should know that it stimulates the cerebral cortex and promotes aspects such as relaxation and concentration. Below, we show you in detail all the benefits of white noise on the mind:

  • It enhances sleep quality: White noise is a constant, uniform sound that masks other disturbing noises. Therefore, it helps you fall asleep more quickly, improving the quality of your rest. In addition, it has been shown to block disruptive sound events during the night and promote deeper and more continuous sleep.
  • Promotes relaxation and reduces stress: This type of noise creates a constant and uniform sound atmosphere, so it has a calming effect on the mind, similar to being in a quiet and natural environment. This can be beneficial in reducing anxiety, stress, improving focus and providing a state of mental relaxation.
  • Increases concentration– In environments with ambient noise, white noise increases concentration and productivity. It masks distracting or unpredictable sounds in the environment, providing a constant and predictable background sound and allowing you to better focus on specific tasks.
  • It is used in relaxation therapy and meditation: The use of white noise in relaxation and meditation therapies is significant. It helps calm the mind, reduces the interference of intrusive thoughts, and promotes a state of deep relaxation and mindfulness.

Keep in mind that while white noise can be beneficial for many people, the effects may vary in each individual Some people prefer other types of ambient sound, such as nature noise, soft music or binaural sounds. Ultimately, each person has their preferences as to what helps them relax and sleep better. Experimenting is essential to find what works best for you.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Domínguez Ugidos, LJ, Rodríguez Morejón, C., Vallés Varela, H., Iparraguirre Bolinaga, V., & Knaster del Olmo, J. (2001). Auditory training with broadband white noise: effects on algiacusis and tonal thresholds (IV). Acta otorhinolaryngol. esp410-417.
  • Messineo, L., Taranto-Montemurro, L., Sands, SA, Oliveira Marques, MD, Azabarzin, A., & Wellman, DA (2017). Broadband Sound Administration Improves Sleep Onset Latency in Healthy Subjects in a Model of Transient Insomnia. Frontiers in Neurology, 81.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30670235/
  • Ugidos, LD, Morejón, CR, Varela, HV, Bolinaga, VI, & Del Olmo, JK (2001). Ear training with broadband white noise. Spanish otorhinolaryngological act, 52(2), 111-119.
  • Warjri, E., Dsilva, F., Sanal, T.S., & Kumar, A. (2021). Impact of a white noise app on sleep quality among critically ill patients. Nursing in Critical Care, 27(6), 815–823. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34931413/

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