What Objectives Do The Different Currents Of Psychotherapy Have?

What objectives do the different currents of psychotherapy have?

Did you know that after the pandemic, cases of anxiety have skyrocketed by 25% around the world? More and more people are having trouble falling asleep, concentrating on day-to-day tasks, and carrying a large amount of uncertainties, fears, and tensions on their shoulders.

Diagnoses of depression have also increased. And, there are many people who have been plunged into a vicious circle of stress and anguish by the pandemic. In these cases, Psychological therapy can become an excellent resource to deal with these problems and develop greater resilience.

Although it is very complicated to define the true impact of psychotherapy, it is known that between 75% and 80% of patients who receive psychological therapy experience an improvement in symptoms and significant psychological changes. In this way, they not only manage to feel better, but also develop new resources and strategies to face life’s problems, get out of their comfort zone and deal with their worst shadows while they learn and grow as people in this process.

What exactly is psychological therapy?

Psychological therapy is the art of using words to heal while presenting a series of scientifically supported techniques in a treatment plan personalized and guided by a thorough evaluation of the person’s problems. In clinical practice, it refers to the joint psychological work carried out by the psychologist and the patient so that the latter can feel better about themselves; a process that comes to life precisely through that shared bond, which is what allows the patient to talk about the issues that affect them, understand their cause, their implications and how to deal with them.

In other words, It is a form of guidance and assistance used by psychologists to help people who are going through a difficult time or suffering from a psychological problem. Therefore, it is a useful therapy to treat or relieve the symptoms of various pathologies such as depression, anxiety and stress, but also more complex problems such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, it is also a useful resource to arm patients with tools with which they can face the problems of their daily lives in a more effective and developmental way.

Through psychological therapy, it is also possible to modify behavior to avoid those behaviors and/or thoughts that generate discomfort, while teaching how to manage emotions. Although not always, one of its main objectives is usually the delve into the patient’s inner world to help you better understand yourself, connect with yourself and free yourself from conflicts, traumas or worries that cause you discomfort. This is because its purpose, as long as the patient wants it, goes beyond relieving the symptoms and treating the problem; focuses on improving patients’ quality of life in the long term.

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Although up to this point we have spoken in general about the characteristics of psychological therapy, we will find that different currents exist within psychology that determine the treatment approach. And when we talk about currents, we are referring, so to speak, to different schools.

The main currents that address psychological therapy

In the world of psychological therapy there are various theories and currents of therapeutic application. Each of them has its own conception of the root of the problems, as well as the way to address them. In general, they all pursue the same objective and even if we study them in depth we observe that they share many ideas and techniques; But starting from a different conceptualization of the origin of the problems, the development of the therapy will differ until reaching the same goal.

This does not mean that there is one psychological therapy that is better than another, but rather that There are some that are more effective in addressing certain diagnoses or problems, and it is possible that a person feels more comfortable with one type of current than with another because of their way of being. The choice of one or the other will basically depend on the problem to be treated, as well as the training, skills and experience of the psychologist in each of the therapies.

In general sense, these are the most common currents of psychological therapy in clinical practice.

1. Behaviorism

Behaviorism emerged in the mid-20th century based on the idea that we can only directly influence what we observe, visible behavior, and not on thought processes. Focused on the present moment, it focuses on treating specific symptoms or problems through small changes in the patient’s behavior to, in this way, achieve an indirect impact on thought and emotion, thus achieving greater well-being. He understands that the discomfort we feel is a result of the establishment of maladaptive behaviors that immerse us in a negative vicious circle.

Hence, behavioral therapy uses modify learned behavior patterns to eliminate symptoms, improve adaptation to the environment optimize skills and stimulate a healthier lifestyle.

Currently, the most modern Behavioral therapies (we are talking about Contextual or Third Generation therapies) are gaining more and more followers, both among professionals and among patients. They focus on the present but aim to have a broader vision of the individual; They go outside of it to grant what surrounds them in their daily lives great importance in the origin of their discomfort, or their well-being.

Furthermore, it offers a paradigm shift in the way we understand the way we relate to our discomfort, and seeks to depathologize it. Instead of fighting it or alleviating it, you find it much more effective to accept it and not suffer from it, instead focusing the person’s attention on how they can improve in other ways, such as reconnecting with their personal values, interests, and goals. This type of therapy includes well-known techniques such as mindfulness.

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2. Cognitive-behavioral

Actually, we can say that Cognitive-Behavioral therapies They are part of the Behaviorist current and combine the principles of Cognitivism but today its role is so key in Psychology, that that is why we are going to indicate it by its own name in this article.

Cognitive-Behavioral therapies are among the most used today because they are the ones with the greatest scientific support obtained to date. They are based on the idea that our discomfort comes from a series of distorted and poorly adaptive thought patterns on the one hand, and a group of learned behavior patterns on the other; and they act on both areas to help us recover emotional well-being.

Different goals of psychological therapy

With scientifically proven effectiveness, cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on modifying thinking styles and beliefs, as well as modes of behavior and habits of the patient as a way to alleviate their symptoms and reduce their discomfort. It is currently indicated as effective in practically all psychological problems, and it is a therapy modality in which the patient usually needs to carry out tasks between sessions, thus granting them an active and primary role in their recovery.

3. Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic therapy, as it is also known, It is mainly focused on the study of the unconscious. Based on the theory that symptoms and mental disorders arise as a result of the experiences we live in childhood and that remain latently hidden in our unconscious, it urges the patient to search deep inside for the conflicts that They generate that discomfort. This is also why it is a type of therapy that goes back into the person’s past in search of the origin of their conflicts, which usually entails a longer therapeutic process.

This way, focuses on analyzing thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories, fantasies and dreams of the person as a way to access their inner world and determine the cause of their psychological problems.

Although Psychoanalysis has been a very important current in the development of Psychology as we know it today, in the West it has lost a lot of weight in favor of more current currents such as Cognitive-Behavioral.

4. Humanism

Humanistic therapy is, without a doubt, another of the most important currents. Focused on the here and now, Humanistic therapy understands that each person has a potential that allows them to grow and evolve. When we do not develop it, this “blocked” potential can become the source of the psychological symptoms and disorders we experience. In this way, therapy focuses on discovering that potential, bringing to light our best version, teaching us to accept ourselves as we are, and recovering our freedom.

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Focused on self-discovery, humanistic therapy helps us analyze our main strengths and qualities, as well as identify our defects and accept them as part of our personality. Its benefits? It teaches us to know ourselves better and reconcile with ourselves, the first step to accept our lights and shadows and begin to invest in our well-being.

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5. Gestalt

Gestalt is another way in which psychological imbalances and disorders can be addressed.

With roots close to humanistic therapy, Gestalt understands that all mental processes are subject to our perception. Firstly we perceive what happens, and secondly learning, memory or reflective thinking appears. On the other hand, it is based on the premise that the whole is more than the sum of the parts and that, therefore, the product of our perceptions comes from a more elaborate process in which the brain adds them, orders them and gives them shape.

From this current emerged Gestalt therapy, which It focuses on the present moment and seeks for the individual to become globally aware of themselves their actions and their emotions, how they take place, and their relationship with the context, with the aim of becoming a complete and self-realized being.

Therefore, it is committed to addressing our ways of perceiving the world, paying special attention to those qualities that can make us grow as people and open our minds to the reality that expands before our eyes. Gestalt therapy focuses on making our emotions, sensations and thoughts conscious to encourage full self-knowledge. Without a doubt, its benefits go beyond encouraging our unconditional acceptance but rather encourages us to take responsibility for our own well-being and development.

It is worth noting that these are not the only currents within psychological therapy, there are others and a wide range of types of therapy that psychologists use in their clinical practice. Although the truth is that more and more psychologists are opting for a holistic therapy in which they take advantage of the benefits provided by different currents and techniques as a more comprehensive, personalized and developmental solution.