What To Do If Someone Treats You Badly? 6 Tips To Keep In Mind

What to do when they treat you badly? How to act if someone treats you badly and disrespects you? Discover how to treat people who treat you badly and make them respect you.

What to do when they treat you badly?

If someone treats you badly, it is understandable that you wonder why they are having this attitude towards you and what you can do to make them respect you. In many cases, when they treat you badly it is because the person is either having a bad day or simply does not realize that they can harm the other person. Even so, some people tend to feel that others have a tendency to treat them worse on some occasions. Given this attitude, how can we treat people who treat us badly so that they don’t do it again?

We all encounter difficult situations where someone treats us poorly, whether it’s a colleague, friend, family member, or even a stranger. When someone treats you badly, it can be emotionally draining and challenging to know how to respond. This article will explore practical steps you can take to handle such situations effectively, maintain your self-respect, and protect your emotional well-being.

Understanding Why People Treat Others Badly

The Psychology Behind Negative Behavior

Before addressing how to respond to mistreatment, it’s essential to understand why people behave this way. Often, negative behavior stems from various internal and external factors.

  • Insecurity: People who are insecure about themselves may project their feelings onto others, treating them poorly to feel superior.
  • Stress and Frustration: High levels of stress or frustration can lead individuals to lash out at others, even if they don’t mean to cause harm.
  • Learned Behavior: Some individuals have grown up in environments where mistreatment was normalized, leading them to repeat these patterns in their own relationships.

Recognizing Patterns of Mistreatment

Identifying patterns of mistreatment can help you understand if the behavior is a one-time incident or part of a recurring issue.

  • Consistent Negativity: If someone consistently criticizes, belittles, or undermines you, this is a sign of a toxic relationship.
  • Manipulative Behavior: Individuals who manipulate or guilt-trip you to get their way are exhibiting controlling behavior that should not be tolerated.

When they treat you badly: Why does it happen?

When put-downs or verbal abuse are constant, perhaps we should ask ourselves why we spend time with these people. Some of the reasons that can push us to be on the side of someone who treats us badly are the following:

  • You are too empathetic: Sometimes we maintain contact with a person because we think we are the only ones who can understand them. Furthermore, on the other hand, if someone treats you badly and you continue by their side, perhaps it is possible that you try to focus on the good in these people, believing that you can help them change and improve their positive side.
  • You don’t know how to set limits: There are many people who don’t know what to do when someone humiliates them in public or treats them badly. Not knowing how to set limits for others allows those around you to treat you in a disrespectful way.
  • Low self-esteem: People who do not have good self-esteem may be with someone who treats them badly because they confirm negative beliefs about themselves. These types of behaviors are difficult to break because when you are treated badly, you will feel worse about yourself, which will make you less likely to believe that you deserve to be treated better.
  • Emotional dependence: Some people may be afraid of losing the person who treats them badly because they assume they won’t be able to find anyone better. This emotional dependence on others can worsen the treatment you receive, since you yourself will do everything possible to not lose this person.
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These are some of the reasons why you may encounter people who treat you badly. As we see, in many cases, when they treat you badly may be related to a psychological problem that should be treated with a mental health professional.

Keys to make others treat you well

How to treat people who treat you badly?

For starting to make others stop treating you badly, it is important to begin to recognize that you deserve to be treated with respect by others, as well as to discover the reason why you have allowed someone to mistreat you. Additionally, we recommend that you take the following into account:

  1. Start with you: The way you value and treat yourself also sets a rule for others about how you want to be treated. In fact, people often learn to treat others based on the attitudes they accept from them. That is, for others to start treating you better, you must start valuing yourself. To do this, you must increase your self-awareness and improve your own self-esteem. Remember that we cannot change others, but we can react differently to certain attitudes.
  2. Learn to talk about your feelings: There are many people who believe that others should know how to treat them. However, most people can end up acting in a way that makes us uncomfortable even though they do not do so intentionally. Therefore, if something bothers you about others, you should learn to talk about it.
  3. Treat others as you would like to be treated: Although this phrase is a popular saying, the reality is that treating others the way we would like gives way to others also behaving that way towards us.
  4. Reinforce the behaviors you like: Reinforcement means that you express your affection when the other person is trying hard to change their behavior or has simply done something you like. For example, being grateful for active listening can make others do it more often.
  5. Have realistic expectations: When you start to clarify what you tolerate and what you don’t, that is, when you learn to set boundaries with others, some people may not stay by your side. In these cases, you must ask yourself if you really want to be next to this person who does not respect your boundaries.
  6. Go to therapy: If you feel that when they treat you badly You do not know how to act to change this, perhaps you require the help of a professional psychologist. It is important that if someone treats you badly and this is affecting your self-esteem or your daily life, you contact a therapist, since allowing this treatment can affect your mental health in the long run.
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If someone treats you badly it is crucial that you learn to set limits. Knowing our value and respecting ourselves will help us not only treat ourselves properly, but also command the respect we deserve from others.

Steps to Take When Someone Treats You Badly

Assess the Situation

The first step in dealing with mistreatment is to assess the situation. Consider the context and the relationship you have with the person involved.

  • Is It a One-Time Incident?: If the behavior is out of character for the person, it may be worth addressing the issue directly and giving them the benefit of the doubt.
  • Ongoing Pattern?: If the mistreatment is part of a recurring pattern, it’s crucial to take action to protect yourself.

Communicate Your Feelings

One of the most effective ways to address mistreatment is to communicate your feelings directly and assertively.

  • Use “I” Statements: When discussing the issue, focus on how the behavior makes you feel rather than accusing the other person. For example, say, “I feel hurt when you speak to me that way,” rather than, “You always talk down to me.”
  • Stay Calm and Composed: It’s essential to remain calm and composed during the conversation. Avoid raising your voice or becoming defensive, as this can escalate the situation.

Set Boundaries

Setting clear boundaries is crucial when someone treats you badly. Boundaries help protect your emotional well-being and prevent further mistreatment.

  • Define Your Limits: Clearly define what behavior is acceptable and what is not. For example, you might say, “I won’t tolerate being spoken to disrespectfully.”
  • Enforce Consequences: If the person continues to treat you poorly after you’ve set boundaries, be prepared to enforce consequences, such as limiting contact or ending the relationship.

Seek Support

If the mistreatment is severe or ongoing, seeking support from others can be invaluable.

  • Talk to a Trusted Friend or Family Member: Share your experiences with someone you trust who can offer support and advice.
  • Consider Professional Help: If the situation is affecting your mental health, consider speaking to a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and strategies for coping.
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Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is essential when dealing with mistreatment. Focus on activities that help you relax and recharge.

  • Engage in Activities You Enjoy: Spend time doing things that make you happy, whether it’s reading, exercising, or spending time with loved ones.
  • Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Techniques like mindfulness and meditation can help you stay grounded and reduce stress during difficult times.

When to Walk Away

Recognizing Toxic Relationships

Sometimes, the best course of action is to walk away from a toxic relationship. Recognizing when a relationship is beyond repair is crucial for your well-being.

  • Constant Disrespect: If the person consistently disrespects you, undermines your self-esteem, or makes you feel unworthy, it may be time to consider ending the relationship.
  • Lack of Change: If the person shows no willingness to change their behavior despite your efforts to communicate and set boundaries, walking away might be the best option.

How to End the Relationship

Ending a relationship, whether it’s a friendship, romantic relationship, or family connection, can be challenging but necessary.

  • Plan What to Say: Before ending the relationship, plan what you want to say. Be clear and direct about your reasons for leaving.
  • Stick to Your Decision: Once you’ve made the decision to walk away, stick to it. Avoid being swayed by apologies or promises of change if the behavior has been ongoing.

Dealing with mistreatment is never easy, but by understanding the reasons behind it, communicating your feelings, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care, you can protect your well-being and maintain your self-respect. Remember that you have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, and it’s okay to walk away from relationships that don’t honor that. Prioritize your mental and emotional health, and surround yourself with people who uplift and support you.


What should I do if someone treats me badly?

If someone treats you badly, start by assessing the situation, communicating your feelings assertively, setting boundaries, and seeking support if needed. If the behavior continues, consider whether the relationship is worth maintaining.

How can I set boundaries with someone who mistreats me?

Setting boundaries involves clearly defining what behavior is acceptable and enforcing consequences if those boundaries are crossed. Be assertive and consistent in maintaining your limits.

Is it okay to walk away from a toxic relationship?

Yes, it is okay to walk away from a toxic relationship, especially if the person consistently disrespects you and shows no willingness to change. Prioritizing your well-being is essential.

How can I practice self-care when dealing with mistreatment?

Engage in activities you enjoy, practice mindfulness and meditation, and seek support from loved ones to help you stay grounded and reduce stress.

What if the person apologizes for treating me badly?

If the person apologizes, consider whether their actions align with their words. If the behavior is part of an ongoing pattern, be cautious about accepting apologies without seeing genuine change.