What To Do In The Event Of An Epileptic Seizure: 5 Recommendations And Advice

What to do about a seizure

Do you know what epilepsy is? And more specifically, what is an epileptic seizure? Do you live with someone who suffers from epileptic seizures? Do you know how to act in these cases?

In this article we will explain what to do in an epileptic seizure We will answer the questions raised and learn about the 5 general guidelines for action in the event of an epileptic seizure. In addition, we will specifically explain how to act depending on whether the seizure is partial complex or generalized tonic-clonic.

Epilepsy and epileptic seizures: what are they?

Epilepsy is a disorder whose only symptom is recurrent epileptic seizures (that is, in order to be diagnosed, more than one must have appeared). This is why you can suffer from epilepsy and lead a normal life.

Epileptic seizures They are produced by an altered functioning of a group of neurons in the brain, which at a given moment, becomes overactive. That is, an excess of electrical activity in these neurons is produced.

When epileptic seizures appear, alterations occur in the patient’s movement (that is, seizures: a type of uncontrolled shaking of the body), in their level of consciousness and in their behavior. Normally, these crises last between seconds and minutes (if they last more than 5 minutes, you should call the emergency room). Once the seizures end, the brain continues to function normally

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Seizures can be of two types: partial (or focal) and generalized. In the former, a discharge occurs in a specific area of ​​the brain, which can extend to the rest of the cerebral cortex); In the latter, the entire surface of the brain is affected (in addition, they cause loss of consciousness).

What to do in an epileptic seizure

But what to do in an epileptic seizure? It is very necessary to know the guidelines for action in the event of an epileptic seizure, especially if we live with someone with epilepsy

It is known that most epileptic seizures are of short duration, and that they end on their own; That is, we should never do anything to stop them. However, there are a series of guidelines, recommendations and preventions that we must apply in case someone close to us suffers an epileptic seizure.

These guidelines will help prevent possible complications derived from the crisis itself, and will prevent the person from harming themselves There are 5 general guidelines for action, although later we will see what to do in each specific case, depending on the type of crisis:

1. Do not hold the person

It is important not to restrain the person who is suffering from the epileptic seizure. Yes indeed, We must remove objects that are nearby and that could be hit or hurt That is, we must clear the area where it is located.

2. Place the person on their side

The second step or guideline of action on what to do in an epileptic seizure is to place the person who is suffering from the seizure on their side, to prevent them from harming themselves. This will be done whenever possible, never forcefully if it cannot be done.

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3. Do not put anything in the person’s mouth

It seems obvious, but this point is very important. Nothing should be put in the mouth of the person suffering from an epileptic seizure no objects, no food, no water, no medicines.

4. Accompany her

We should not leave the person suffering from the crisis alone; We must accompany them and be at their side until the crisis ends, the person regains consciousness (in case they have lost it) and recovers.

5. Control the time of the crisis

It is very important to control exactly how long the epileptic seizure lasts, using a watch or a stopwatch. If it lasts more than 5 minutes, we must call the emergency room (in Spain it is 112).

Depending on the type of crisis

As we explained at the beginning of the article, epileptic seizures can be of two types: generalized or partial. What to do in an epileptic seizure depending on the type of seizure it is? Let’s see it:

1. Generalized seizure (tonic-clonic)

When the crisis is generalized tonic-clonic type, it means that It has two phases: the tonic phase (the crisis begins with rigidity in the extremities) and the clonic phase (shakes appear throughout the body). This is the most common type of generalized epileptic seizures.

In this case, we will follow the following steps:

1.1. Place the person on the ground

First We will help the person to position themselves well on the ground to prevent damage from being done.

1.2. Place a pillow under your head

Next, we will place a soft, padded object under your head, such as a pillow or a folded blanket. This will prevent damage to the ground.

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1.3. Loosen clothes

Then, the next step on what to do in a generalized epileptic seizure is loosen the person’s belt (if worn), as well as the tie and any clothing that is tight We will also remove your glasses if you wear them.

1. 4. Clear the area of ​​objects

We will remove objects from your environment that could harm you, such as sharp objects, sharp objects, etc. We will also remove heat sources that could cause burns.

1. 5. Do not put anything in your mouth

As we already mentioned in the 5 general guidelines on what to do in an epileptic seizure, here we also introduce the guideline of not putting anything into the mouth of the person having the seizure.

1.6. Do not hold the person

We should also avoid holding the person tightly so that they do not move. That is to say, We must place it well on the ground but never hold it or limit its movements

1.7. Let rest

Finally, when the crisis is over, we should leave the person lying on their side, so they can rest for a few minutes and recover. With this position we will prevent any saliva that the person may have accumulated from passing into the lungs, or from vomiting.

2. Partial (complete) crisis

On the other hand, what to do in a partial and complex epileptic seizure? Let us remember that This type of seizure, also called focal, originates in a single area of ​​the brain (60% of people who suffer from epilepsy have them). In this case we will follow the same previous guidelines, and also: