What To Do To Overcome Dual Pathology?

What to do to overcome dual pathology

Dual pathology is one of the most dangerous complications in the field of psychiatry and clinical psychology. This is the overlap between an addiction and another psychological disorder: for example, what happens when you develop depression and then alcoholism.

In these cases it is crucial to get to work as soon as possible to manage your symptoms and weaken them as much as possible, among other things because the worsening of the state of physical and mental health is very accelerated if nothing is done.

Therefore, here we will see some key ideas to know what to do to overcome dual pathology in summary.

Overcoming dual pathology: 5 key ideas

Normally, the fact of having developed a psychological disorder is already a reason to seek treatment from mental health professionals as soon as possible. In the case of dual pathology, in which there are at least two disorders, it is even more important to start therapy as soon as possible since both problems reinforce each other and cause more damage than they would do separately.

Thus, people with dual pathology need professionals to offer them personalized treatment both when evaluating what is happening to them and when proposing measures, and to monitor their case.

However, beyond what is done during therapy sessions, there are a series of key ideas that must be taken into account to overcome dual pathology in general. They are the following.

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1. Nothing replaces therapy

It is crucial to be very clear that There is no activity or routine that has the power to replace therapy carried out by professionals Therefore, although for some people it may mean leaving their comfort zone, it is necessary to contact therapy centers where psychologists and/or psychiatrists serve and commit to a process of change with the help of these specialists.

2. Beware of trap thoughts

Addictions persist over time, among other things, thanks to their power to make us fall into trap thoughts: excuses we make for ourselves to relapse again and again or not even try to leave the dependency behind We have an example of this in the previous key idea: the mistaken belief that there is no need to go to therapy, that it is nothing more than a way to prevent the addiction from ending.

3. Each disorder is a world

Although the concept of “dual pathology” may imply that all people diagnosed in this way experience the same thing, the truth is that the symptoms of this psychological alteration depend entirely on which disorders are involved: having an alcohol addiction is not the same. and ADHD than having benzodiazepine addiction and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Therefore, we must be careful with the advice that other people with dual pathology may give, and at the same time not be carried away by preconceived ideas that may arise when interacting with other patients with the same “label”: it is necessary to become aware of the heterogeneity that exists behind this term.

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4. Everything else takes a backseat

Health comes first, so the dual pathology treatment process must be the priority. After all, Addictions are characterized by making everything else stop being so important to us so if we do not commit to therapy, spontaneously and almost without realizing it, we will throw in the towel at the slightest opportunity.

5. You have to rely on the context

Managing the symptoms associated with dual pathology is not a matter of willpower, but to have the correct information, have the necessary professional help, and do everything possible to transform our environment into a place that helps us overcome this psychological alteration. For example, something as simple as coming home and emptying all the alcohol bottles down the sink can make a difference, as can regaining friendships with those people who tried to keep us away from addiction.

Are you looking for help?

CITA Clinics

If you suffer from a problem related to addictions, it is important that you take control of the situation as soon as possible, and for this it is necessary to have professional help. If you live in the area of ​​Barcelona and surrounding areas, we invite you to contact our team of professionals at CITA Clinics

We are specialized in the treatment of addictions and dual pathology, both with and without institutionalization, and we have a presence in both Barcelona and Dosrius (Mataró).

To see our contact details or read more about this addiction treatment center, click here.