​What To Do When Your Partner Leaves You? 7 Psychological Keys

Although love is one of the most incredible experiences that people can experience, Heartbreak is, without a doubt, a traumatic experience that can affect our mind and our behavior In fact, grieving is a process that takes place after a loss, whether it is a loved one who dies, a job, or a relationship breakup.

Heartbreak is a necessary and painful process that, despite being universal, is experienced by each person in their own way.

What to do when your partner leaves you

Especially if we have been left, this process can be a complicated experience to live through and can be very challenging, because our self-esteem can suffer the consequences and the pain can be difficult to handle. And although at the beginning of the breakup it usually seems that this suffering will never end, our brain is a flexible organ, with the capacity to reorganize itself and adapt to the environment. Over time it is possible to rebuild our lives, move on and, ultimately, regain well-being and be happy again

If you find yourself in this situation and you feel identified with what you have just read, in this article we have prepared a series of tips that will help you overcome the breakup, especially if they have left you. So that you can face this stage of your life in the best way.

1. Accept the situation

The first step to overcoming a breakup is to accept the situation, otherwise, it will not be possible to move on or recover your well-being. Although it may seem obvious, in practice, many people continue to cling (even without realizing it) to the hope that everything is a fiction, that in reality the relationship is still going or that it goes through a small pause due to a misunderstanding. But this only serves to generate more emotional pain in the long run.

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Acceptance is key to any process of change and non-acceptance acts as a barrier between us and our happiness, preventing us from adapting to the new reality.

Accepting this situation is not easy, but it is necessary so that we can find ourselves again and empower ourselves again in the face of life. If we don’t, anger invades us and resentment will not let us move forward. This does not mean that we cannot experience some negative emotions such as frustration; However, we must adopt a compassionate mindset towards ourselves and what has happened to us. In this sense, will and time must do their job.

What to do when your partner leaves you

Acceptance often comes from understanding the facts, so understanding that this phenomenon is painful and part of life also helps to look to the future and not get stuck in the past. Understanding that love is not a linear process but that there can be relapses can help us overcome the most difficult moments when they have left us.

2. Focus on you

One of the main problems we can suffer when they leave us is not focusing on ourselves Many times, when we are in a relationship, we get used to being with someone and we can suffer a certain degree of emotional dependence. Being single is a great opportunity to spend time for ourselves, to fight for our personal development and for what will really make us feel good.

When you get in tune with yourself and fight for your desires and concerns, your mental well-being and emotional balance improve. This helps to improve self-esteem and to choose a partner freely, not based on an inner void that we do not know how to cover in any other way. Although it is not easy to recognize it, many people do not know how to be alone and seek to fill the void they feel with someone else, without stopping to correct their own mistakes or strengthen their self-esteem, affected after the breakup.

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3. Surround yourself with friends and avoid isolating yourself

When the relationship ends, the daily routine and sharing a large part of our life with that person will change Getting used to their affection and letting go of those intimate moments is usually the hardest thing to overcome. In these moments of loneliness, it is when we should surround ourselves most with friends and loved ones.

Relationships are essential to our happiness, especially in these difficult times. If we are in company, we will make more plans, share our thoughts with others, have more fun, meet new people, and ultimately feel better.

4. Stay active and distracted

In addition to surrounding yourself with friends, it is good that you have plans and goals, and that you do activities that make you feel good, which will allow you to release some neurochemicals related to pleasure and happiness (endorphins, serotonin, etc.) and will make you have fun times.

Practicing physical exercise, studying what you like or going to the movies will help you avoid falling into sadness and inactivity, which can anchor you in your negative thoughts and your suffering.

5. Don’t blame yourself

We have all gone through this at some point in our lives, but no one dies of heartbreak While it is true that when our partner leaves us, he or she can make us feel guilty about how the relationship has gone, in reality, couples are made up of two people and, generally, when they break up, both are partly to blame. You may have made a mistake at some point, but you are human and you must accept it as part of life. At the end of the day, no one is perfect.

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6. Abandon the role of victim

Now, just because you don’t blame yourself doesn’t mean you should adopt the role of victim In fact, it is not positive for you to feel sorry for yourself and adopt this role, since blaming the other person for what happened is not the solution either. In these cases, there is only one way to recover well-being, and that is to get hooked on life again and connect with your own needs and desires, that is, to fight for your own personal development.

7. Go to psychological therapy

Sometimes, some people may have serious difficulties in overcoming the breakup of a relationship because, after the breakup, some member may still remain in love. In these cases, sadness and anxiety may be some symptoms that manifest, along with others such as lack of appetite, weight loss, demotivation and isolation, changes in sleep patterns and the inability to enjoy things that They were considered pleasant, among others.

Although these symptoms may be normal in the initial stages of the rupture, they are not normal if they continue over time. If after the first weeks the person is unable to rebuild his life and overcome the lack of love, perhaps he needs professional help to learn tools to help you overcome the bad moment what you are going through, put aside obsessions, learn social skills to meet new people and, ultimately, regain well-being and happiness.

The psychotherapy process applied to these cases allows progress in many different aspects, such as: