When Should We Go To A Detox Center?

When should we go to a detox center

A detoxification center is a socio-health resource that allows subjects with some type of addiction to be treated in a safe environment, receiving complete, professional and personalized attention.

The detoxification center gives the possibility of being constantly attended to and supported by a multidisciplinary team of doctors, psychologists, nurses or any health professional that the patient may require. The purpose of attending these centers is to be able to detoxify safely, so it is advisable to go as soon as possible to avoid serious consequences for physical and mental health.

In this article we will talk about What signs in the subject with addictive behavior indicate the need to go to a detoxification center?.

What do we understand by detoxification center?

A detox center is a resource that is used for the purpose of promote the speedy recovery of patients with some type of addiction.

In these places, a team of experts in the field of health (and accredited as such) take into account the particularities of each case and intervene from both medicine and psychotherapy, providing tailored solutions. Sometimes the best option is to isolate the patient, that is, separate them from their social environment in order to reduce the risk of using again and maintain more control over abstinence and the feeling of craving or desire. In other cases, an intervention focused on a more psychosocial or even community approach is recommended, placing emphasis on carrying out group activities.

Likewise, in these centers they can receive continuous care from a multidisciplinary team, made up of doctors, psychologists, nurses… The purpose is to provide treatment tailored to the needs of each patient and achieve their recovery and correct reintegration into society.

What signs indicate the need to go to a detoxification center?

There are indicators and behavioral changes that indicate the need to go to a detoxification center as soon as possible. detox centers They help not only avoid negative consequences, such as overdose or suicide, but also allow us to achieve a better life for the individual through the process of detoxification and labor and social reintegration, allowing them to live functionally.

We should not wait until we are in advanced stages of addiction, because the more the disease progresses, the more resources and efforts are required to overcome it.

Let’s see what signs or behaviors serve as an alarm and indicator to go to a detoxification center. Are They can be classified mainly into behavioral or physical alterations. Of course, to seek help it is not necessary for a person to develop all of these alterations.

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Behavioral alterations

It is common for the conduct and behavior of subjects with addiction to be altered, affecting their work, family or social life. It is essential to perceive these changes, detect them as soon as possible in order to act early and avoid more serious consequences.

1. Mood swings

The change in emotional state is indicative of the instability in which the patient finds himself. He is in a situation of psychological and physical dependence, changing his mood depending on whether or not he can get the drug or if he still feels the effects of the drug or is in withdrawal.

Signs that you need to detoxify

There are different types of drugs that act differently on the nervous system, being able to activate it (such as cocaine), relax it (such as heroin) or distort it (such as hallucinogens). For this reason, depending on where the subject is, whether they are intoxicated or abstinent, the emotional reaction will be different.

2. Performs criminal acts

Another behavior that we can observe is carrying out robberies, whether within the family, stealing money from their parents or partner with the purpose of being able to get more drugs or carry out addictive behavior, or committing illegal acts such as robbing unknown people with the purpose also of being able to pay for the drug.

3. Economic problems

The subject’s financial situation may be affected, having financial problems such as debts or difficulties making ends meet. You may stop paying important things like your house mortgage, your children’s school or even buy food, to be able to pay for drugs.

4. Tendency to lie frequently to maintain or increase the level of consumption

Resorting to lying is also a common behavior. The subject may try to hide the addictive behavior, avoiding showing the lack of control of consumer behavior. He will deny having a drug problem and may say the typical phrase of “I control” when he is really overcome by the situation. In many cases there is a lack of recognition of the problem or disorder.

Likewise, we can also observe lies made with the purpose of benefiting oneself and getting something from other people. For example, asking a family member for money claiming that he needs it to buy food when in reality he will spend it on drugs. It is crucial to be aware of this type of behavior so that we are not deceived.

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5. New friends from the drug world

We can also observe that the person begins to move in a different social group than the one they used to hang out in. Stop going with your old friends and start going with new people about whom we don’t have much information, since they avoid explaining things to us about them.

These new social relationships, far from being beneficial and helping you get out of addiction, will reinforce drug use. For this reason, it is essential to isolate yourself in detox centers so that you can break ties with people who are bad influences and learn skills that allow you to develop healthier relationships.

6. Non-compliance at work

As the addiction evolves, it worsens, and the different areas of the subject’s life are increasingly affected. Thus, it is common for the work environment to be altered and to stop fulfilling their obligations at work, lowering their performance or stopping attending without giving explanations. If such a situation is not remedied, it can lead to the dismissal of the individual and loss of job, thus leading to a worse situation for the subject.

7. Change of routines

The addicted person can change their way of acting and their style or pace of life. We can observe modification of your daily routine; everyday obligations are abandoned and In a relatively short time he begins to carry out other behaviors or activities that he did not previously carry out like partying more or spending more time at the bar.

The change in routines entails risky or maladaptive behaviors. That is, the change worsens the situation and has an impact on the individual’s life.

8. Unexplained behavioral changes

In the same way that we mentioned sudden changes in mood, behavioral changes without a clear explanation are also characteristic. We see how the subject begins to act differently than usual, going to places he did not go before or performing actions he did not do before, with no apparent explanation. What’s more, with the purpose of hiding information from us, of knowing the real situation, he will not want to and will avoid answering the questions we ask him about where he is going or why he acts like that.

9. Lack of interest

Another behavioral indicator that can be a sign of problems with addictive behavior and the need to act and intervene as soon as possible is the loss of interest in other activities that you previously did or liked to do. There is nothing that motivates him anymore, only the addictive behavior makes him get involved in something all the actions it performs are done with the purpose of obtaining the substance.

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10. Continue using despite the danger of the situation

A symptom that we can also perceive in people with substance addiction is the failure to abandon addictive behavior, not being able to leave it, despite being aware of the damage it is causing in their lives and how dangerous it is for both their mental and physical health. The subject sees the effects that the drug produces, but is not able to put an end to the addictive behavior.

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Physical alterations

In the same way that we can observe changes in behavior that indicate the presence of drug problems, we can also identify physical signs of the body’s functioning that affect its physical health.

Depending on the type of drug, the physical signs that we can observe are different. Nervous system stimulant drugs usually lead to a greater need for rest and sleep; dilated pupils; increased heart rate; loss of appetite or weight; increased motor activity, agitation… All these symptoms indicate that the subject shows intoxication linked to the drug. On the other hand, systemic depressant drugs usually cause greater fatigue and drowsiness, decreased attention or smaller, pointed pupils.

Likewise, in both cases we see how There is a lack of self-care, with little or no hygiene, both for oneself, personally, and for one’s environment the subject shows an image, a neglected appearance and an unhealthy state or appearance.

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Do you want professional advice on addictions?

At Adictalia we advise and guide people with addictive disorders and their families so that they can find the center dedicated to addiction treatment that best fits their needs in Spanish territory.

It is a very useful resource to know how to position yourself when dealing with this type of pathology, and it can also be used free of charge; Once each individual case has been evaluated, recommendations will be offered so that each person and family can find the most appropriate option in the search for medical and/or psychotherapeutic intervention.