When Should You Go To Psychotherapy?

When should you go to Psychotherapy?

As a general rule, people are unaware of the different reasons why someone needs to ask a therapist for help. Many times we are guided by knowledge that we believe is “infallible” but, unfortunately, is not always so. More often than we think, our decisions about whether or not we need to see a therapist lie in what society has instilled in us about it.

In our world of the 21st century and, although it may seem incredible, the concept that a psychologist is for “crazy people” is still quite present. This prejudice, which has been put into our heads without hardly realizing it, can be a major obstacle when deciding that we do not need help from a professional.

How to distinguish, then, When is it really convenient to go to psychotherapy? and when not? We show you some ideas that can help you in your decision.

When is it advisable to go to psychotherapy?

If you feel identified with any of these points, it is necessary that you look for a professional, because, probably, you need help.

1. Psychopathologies

Psychological disorders are described in detail in the diagnostic manuals of psychiatry and clinical psychology and they are quite common; especially, major depression or anxiety problems. What is important to know is that, whether or not they are common in the population, it is necessary to ask for professional help to improve our mental health.

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go to therapy

The psychologist will be the one who guides you about the treatment to follow. Sometimes only psychological therapy is necessary, but in other cases pharmacological treatment will also be essential.

2. Duel

Losses are something inherent to the fact of living. We have all experienced a loss at some point, whether it be the death of a loved one or a breakup, since our mind does not interpret as loss only what passes away with death. In all these cases, therapeutic support is crucial to carry out a correct and correct psychological mourning. prevent anguish and sadness from becoming entrenched and chronic.

Just as the need for psychotherapy after the death of a loved one is “accepted” by society, the same is not true with other types of losses such as, for example, the loss of a job or a change of city. In all these cases, it seems that feeling pain is not so “justified”, and that is precisely why many people resist seeking professional help.

But, as we have already pointed out, any loss is a mourning for our mind. Grief is going to make us go through stages that are difficult to navigate: anger, anguish, sadness, apathy and, many times, feelings of guilt. And, instead of approaching the pain, we often end up denying or repressing it, which is highly counterproductive for our psyche, since the more we look at the pain, the more it will increase. Given such an emotional range, it is necessary to go to a specialist to help us conduct the process correctly.

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3. Stress management

The current way of life involves very high levels of stress that are not always manageable without help. We must not forget that stress in itself is not harmful, since it was created to move us to take actions; However, when it becomes chronic, it can be very negative for our mental and physical health.

This feeling of feeling overwhelmed by chronic stress (known as “distress”) is very clear in the case of the famous burnout (“being burned out at work”), which occurs when we feel constant exhaustion in the face of the workload. . In any case, any chronic stress harms our health, since it is usually accompanied by insomnia, muscle tension and poor digestion, as well as high levels of anxiety.

As we have already mentioned, stress and anxiety per se are not bad. On the contrary, they stimulate us to action, to solve pending issues, to move in other possible directions. The important thing is to have adequate advice so that this stress does not last over time.

One of the tools used in psychotherapy to combat these symptoms is Mindfulness, that is, paying attention to the present moment. In any case, if you feel overwhelmed by stress and/or anxiety, it is highly recommended that you seek the help of a professional.

4. You seek help for emotional discomfort

So far, the reasons may seem logical to you: psychopathologies, grief and stress management. But sometimes the reason is simply to ask for help. Like that, without further ado.

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We must start from the basis that any pain has validity, and there is no pain that “deserves” to be treated more or better than another. Therefore, if you apparently have no reason, but you still feel bad, please do not hesitate to ask a professional for help.

When is it advisable, then, to go to psychotherapy? There is, as you have seen, no specific “norm”. If you feel pain and don’t know what to do with it, you have enough reason to seek treatment. Therapy will always bring you benefits; It will not only help you understand and mitigate your discomfort, but also get to know yourself better.