When To Go To The Psychologist? The 4 Main Reasons For Consultation

When to go to the Psychologist?

There are many and very diverse factors that can lead us to make the decision to go to a psychology consultation. It is important to keep in mind that a psychotherapy process is something that anyone who is willing and willing to know and understand themselves in greater depth can benefit from.

Throughout this article we will explore different aspects related to the fact of know when to go to a psychologist. From what it entails to go (debunking some existing myths linked to asking for professional help) to what signs can tell us when we should ask for help and how to know if we should do it immediately.

When to go to the Psychologist to start therapy?

Many people have resistance to going to a psychological consultation since they either have an idea that is far from reality or they do not know what to expect. A psychologist is a mental health professional whose objective is to accompany people in their personal processes confidentially and, above all, free of judgment..

It is common to think that the psychologist only goes when something “really serious” happens to us or we no longer see a way out of the situation we are experiencing. In fact, unfortunately, today there are still some people who believe that psychology consultations are only for people with serious mental disorders or “weak” people. These stigmas and prejudices are far from reality and, furthermore, cause a serious social impact.

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Reality could not be further from what was previously described. Psychological professionals accompany people when they suffer and feel discomfort of any kind.. A person who feels that they do not have the resources to deal with the situation they are experiencing can come, of course, but a person who “simply” wants to know and understand themselves better, too.

In fact, it is highly recommended to do a therapeutic process with the aim of deepening one’s self-knowledge since this has an impact on all areas of the person’s life. It is crucial that the person informs themselves about the type of intervention that each professional offers in order to find the one that best suits their needs.

Signs that suggest you need to go to the psychologist

Again, it is important to keep in mind that each person is different and has their own specific circumstances and needs. Below are different categories with some examples in each of them so you can get an idea. Remember that these are just some of the many options and that they are general.

1. Self-knowledge

We have already commented that starting a psychotherapeutic process when we feel that “everything is going well” can be highly beneficial. Usually, in these circumstances there is great introspection that allows for a greater understanding of one’s own person.

This provides a deep knowledge of one’s own thoughts, the emotions felt and the behaviors carried out. Without a doubt, these individual aspects impact a person’s life in different ways.

2. Individual difficulties

At an individual level, the most frequent consultations are usually related to anxious and/or depressive symptoms and stress. However, There are many and very diverse situations that can indicate the need to ask for help.. Only some of them are mentioned below:

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3. Relational difficulties

At a relational level, difficulties can also arise that generate strong discomfort in people. Both sexual-emotional ties and family, friendship and work ties are included. Interpersonal difficulties can be addressed in therapy since they can have a serious impact on people’s physical, emotional and mental health..

Therapy can be a great tool that allows us to understand how we relate and bond with others. It is interesting to explore aspects such as attachment to better understand relational dynamics. Without a doubt, working on aspects such as communication is crucial.

4. Specific mental health crises

It is important to understand that, sometimes, there are certain specific circumstances that can lead us to ask for help and nothing happens. In this sense, they may be events that are happening in the present (grief processes, separations, work problems, etc.) and that make us feel overwhelmed. However, it is also important to note that Traumatic or significant situations that have been experienced in childhood or any other moment in life and that continue to have an impact on the present can be addressed..

When to ask for help immediately?

It is necessary to keep in mind that there are certain circumstances that require immediate attention. In this sense, it is essential to ask for help urgently when the person’s physical or mental health is at risk. Sometimes medical attention may even be required prior to starting the therapeutic process. Some of these situations are: