When To Request A Parental Aptitude Test?

When to request a parental fitness test

Much of applied psychology consists of going beyond the mental health of the individual and analyzing the extent to which the person is immersed in a social context appropriate for the satisfaction of their basic needs. When, in addition, the person you are trying to protect in this sense is a minor, even more emphasis is placed on the importance of this type of procedures, since during childhood and adolescence we are more vulnerable to possible problems. psycho-relational events that occur around us.

That is why in the world of Forensic Psychology there is a tool that allows us to determine, examining case by case, whether a parent meets the basic requirements necessary to be granted custody of their child or children. This is the parental aptitude test and in this article we will see when to request your application.

What is the parental aptitude test?

We say that it is a scientific document because, to carry it out, the psychologist must carry out a series of analyzes and tests based on evidence to determine the aptitude or lack thereof in fathers and mothers, making observations on each specific case, going beyond of preconceived ideas and uncritical validation of what each of the parties declares.

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In addition to specific psychometric tests, The forensic psychologist also carries out all types of interviews in which the parent’s abilities are evaluated ; In some cases, conversation analysis tools held on messaging or chat platforms will be applied. Once all the data is available, it will be professionally integrated into the same document to be delivered to the judge. The psychologist is not the one who makes the decision about what to do next, his role is that of a specialist who offers relevant information with which to work to reach a solution that is as close as possible to current legislation.

In what situations is a parental aptitude test requested?

Here we will see the main assumptions for which a test of parental aptitude must be requested from the father, mother or legal guardian, normally within the framework of a judicial process.

1. The parent neglects the protection and integrity of his children

For those parents who neglect the protection of their children against possible threats from the environment it is necessary to request a parental fitness test to determine if you can receive custody of your children.

The Forensic Psychologist must find evidence that the father or mother frequently neglects the protection of their child or children, neglecting their responsibilities as guarantors of the physical and psychological protection of minors.

2. He is not able to discipline his children or enforce social norms or habits.

Another reason why we must request a parental aptitude test is in cases where the father or mother is unable to properly educate their children and instill in them all those values, norms or habits necessary to live in society

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These set of values ​​are vital to prepare children for their adult lives and the task of parents is to teach and educate their children in all of them.

3. Does not supervise or teach healthy habits

The main health habits that should be taught to children are those related to personal hygiene, eating habits and also sports habits in daily life

Those parents who do not instill in their children these essential habits to function correctly in both childhood and adult life cannot obtain custody of them.

4. Has difficulty communicating effectively

Communication skills with children are also essential, since some parents may have deficits in these types of skills and tools.

The communication deficiencies of parents towards their children can lead to real development problems in children, especially if they are very young.

5. Shows emotional management difficulties

Emotional management in parents is essential for children to grow up in a positive environment without abuse involved.

Being able to manage one’s own emotions consists of stay calm in times of pressure or tension with your children overcome states of stress and anxiety for the sake of raising children and never resort to physical abuse.

6. Has deficiencies in social skills

Other social skills that a good father or mother should have are empathy, assertiveness, a sense of humor and active listening.

All these activities are necessary so that there is correct communication between parents and children and so that parents are aware at all times of the existence of any problem in their children.

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7. Lack of knowledge of the stages of development of their children and their characteristics

any good father You should know in general terms what the stages of children’s development are and what should be expected in each of them

If you do not know something as basic as the nature of each stage of development, you will hardly be able to face the challenges and needs that your children may present in each evolutionary period.

8. Presence of disabling mental disorders in relation to upbringing

There are many mental disorders that can disqualify a parent from obtaining custody of their child, especially if their nature interferes with the proper functioning of their work as a parent.

Some of the main mental disorders can be schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

9. Presence of constant conflicts with children

The presence of recurrent conflicts between parents and children can also be a problem when it comes to successfully passing a parenting aptitude test.

Especially if the father or mother usually has a conflictive or problematic relationship with your child or children for whatever reason.

10. Presence of unhealthy lifestyle habits associated with the parenting model

Some unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as addictions or a bad life, will also be sufficient reason to reject parental custody.

Maintaining a schedule that is incompatible with caring for children or neglecting their essential responsibilities may also be an element that must be reflected in the parental aptitude test.

Are you looking for Forensic Psychology services?

If you are interested in having services of this type in the field of Forensic Psychology, contact us. In Azor & Associates we can help you.