Where Are You And Where Are You Going? 10 Questions To Reflect On

Where are you and where are you going?

Exercise to start the year with full force. It is crucial to understand our current position to chart a clear path toward the future we desire. Do you remember the famous “you are here” on maps? Understanding our geolocation helps us choose the best way to get to our destination. However, if we are confused about where we are standing, it will be very difficult to visualize our itinerary.

The same thing happens with our goals. Without a clear understanding of our current situation, it is difficult to chart a route to achieve our goals Understanding where we are provides us with the starting point and direction of our journey. It is important to become aware of our current position so that our progress is firm. This will help us decide, define, and act. Otherwise, we will feel bewildered, indecisive, and we may postpone what is required of us, preventing us from moving towards our desires.

10 questions to reflect on our current situation:

Take a piece of paper and write down your answers with the greatest sincerity.

Consequences of not being clear about our current position

A client with a brilliant career told me in a session that she needed to gain the strength to ask for a promotion. We did a very meticulous assessment of her situation. After several meetings, she realized that She was spending a lot of energy on her life as a businesswoman because she found comfort in her achievements and the recognition she received However, he felt a void and deep sadness in his private life. We continued to dig a little deeper until she realized that, in reality, she longed to be in a relationship, to have more friends, and more time for self-care. The career was important but she had to transform her personal sphere first.

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My client’s experience clearly exemplifies all the times we think we know where we are going, without being clear about where we are. When we began to take layer upon layer to address her current situation, she realized that her primary value is affection and that she was misdirecting her actions. Her challenge was to find more time and space to nurture her interpersonal relationships and her relationship with her own body. One of her goals was to let go of her habit of working after hours to the detriment of what she truly wanted.

Like a ship, we turned the helm, and she began to focus her attention on her new version, which included the successful business woman but with healthy habits and a rich loving life, not without these as when we met.

Pro-tips to understand where we are going:

Very generic or ambiguous projects as well as many ideas at once can be factors that stop our journey. Go figure, How can we move towards a specific destination if we don’t know where that place is? Clarity not only drives us, but also guides us through challenges.

In my consultation, a client shared with me that he wanted to leave his job to open a bookstore with a healthy bar inside. I suggested that he tell me from the last step, that is, the bookstore open and operating with employees and his bar, to the first step, that is, the moment where he was telling me his desire. As soon as we started the exercise, bumps appeared, from what kind of books I was going to sell and how many employees I could have to adding the whole gear of offering healthy drinks and foods.

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Step by step, my client was clarifying what he was most passionate about about his vision, how he was going to align his actions with his strengths, and how to contribute to the neighborhood where he wanted to open his store, firmly taking the first steps to establish himself with the mentality of expanding. over time.

Right mindset

Adopting a positive and proactive mindset allows us to face challenges with resilience and determination. This, together with a growth mindset, will invite us to see obstacles as learning opportunities, paving the way to achieving our goals.

What usually happens when doubts about where we are and where we are going have dispersed is that fear, perfectionism and the desire to have everything under control prevail. That is why An adequate mentality will help us to calm ourselves, to find the appropriate approaches, and to understand that fear is a sign that we are leaving our comfort zone. All of this is natural when we venture into the unknown, embracing what we feel is a necessary part of the process is absolutely transformative.


Our journey to our desired place begins with self-knowledge and understanding our current position. Setting clear goals, adopting the right mindset, and acting with courage and faith are the pillars that will support our progress. The power of knowing ourselves will guide us to destinations full of meaning and fulfillment. I hope that this new year, and each beginning of new plans, we take steps towards the true manifestation of our true selves.

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