Who I Am? 5 Keys To Know Who You Are

Have you ever wondered who I am? Psychology can help you answer this question. Also, through their advice you can find out who you are. Find out how.

Who I am? How can we answer this question?

It is very likely that at some point in your life you have found yourself thinking about the question, Who I am? Although it may seem like a trivial question, the reality is that knowing who I am as a person is much more difficult than we might believe at first glance. The reason is that our self is influenced by many areas of our interior and our life. Discover the answer to the question of who I am through psychology.

Who I am?

As you can imagine there is no concrete answer to this answer. In this way, self-concept is precisely a general idea about what we are, whether physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually or in any other perspective. Throughout our lives, we respond to who I am in different ways. The reason is that we form and regulate the answer to the question of who I am As we have experiences and we become more knowledgeable about ourselves.

Despite this, psychologists have tried to answer these types of questions by exploring self-concept. This psychological term attempts to address the question of who are you through diverse points of view since to answer who I am we must visualize various perspectives of our person.

  • Self-esteem

Self-esteem is one of the parts that answers the question about who are you Despite this, this concept refers to only one of the perspectives of our person. Through self-esteem we know how we appreciate our defects and virtues and how we relate to ourselves.

To define who I am Self-esteem plays a fundamental role since it determines the way in which we value ourselves and therefore how we believe we show ourselves to others.

  • Self-image

Our self-image is the way an individual sees themselves. Through self-image we can also find an answer to what it’s me On many occasions, people see and perceive themselves in a way that is not alienated from reality.

  • Self-efficacy

When referring to our self-efficacy we point out that part of us in which we make a judgment about our abilities, whether thoughts or feelings about it.

  • Self-awareness

When responding who I am We are also visualizing our own awareness of the thoughts, feelings, behaviors and traits we have.

  • Genetics

When answering the question about who I am, we must understand that people are not isolated beings but are part of a family system. We are much more than the union of an egg and a sperm. When our mother’s egg and our father’s sperm come together to give rise to a new life, two family clans are uniting, formed in turn by the parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents… of our parents.

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Behavioral epigenetics has shown that the emotional experiences of our ancestors are encoded in our DNA in such a way that, in the same way that we inherit from our ancestors the color of our eyes, hair, height, etc., we inherit the emotional experiences associated with events. or events that they experienced.

Dr. Fabio Celnikier, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and one of the leading representatives of the study of epigenetics today, expresses it in these terms: “Until now, we believed that our parents and grandparents simply passed their genes to us. And period. We trusted that genes were passed on unchanged from generation to generation. No modifications. Without touching the immaculate cell nucleus. However, today we know that the air our grandparents breathed, the water they drank or the psychosocial environment in which they lived could also affect their descendants, even decades later.”

Therefore, understanding the influence that our ancestors have on the life we ​​are living is essential to introducing changes in it, promoting our health and achieving comprehensive well-being (on a personal, social, work and family level).

How do you know who you are?

How do I know who I am?

To find out who I am As a person it is necessary to try to get to know yourself in various aspects. You must also keep in mind that your identity always changes over time and is never the same. Despite this, psychologists recommend the following tips to try to answer this question in the best possible way.

1. Reflect

When responding who am I reflection It is more than necessary. This means that you must examine yourself, discover your strengths, defects, as well as the impression you have of yourself and the one you generate in others. To delve deeper into this question you should try to explore yourself in every way and you can even write down what you think you are to visualize it.

“The first step, perhaps, is to take stock. Who are you? When he buys a house and prepares to live in it, he hires an inspector to list all of its flaws, as it really is now, not as he would like it to be. You’ll even pay him for the bad news. You need to know. He needs to discover the hidden defects of the house. You need to know if they are cosmetic imperfections or structural deficiencies. You need to know because you can’t fix something if you don’t know it’s broken, and you are broken. You need an inspector. The inner critic: could play that role, if you could harness it; If you and he could cooperate.”

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, psychologist and popularizer

2. Decide who you want to be

Perfection does not exist. You should not try to please others by offering an image of yourself that is not real. You have to accept yourself as you are and improve within your possibilities. Maybe by answering who I am You don’t quite like the answer you give, for this reason you must keep in mind that it can always be changed with effort and work. Start by redefining your personality and putting marks that you want to change in yourself, choose your destiny and start working on your way of being.

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3. Make better choices

To decide is to define who are you This is because the choices we make define us as people and also determine the experiences that will be in our lives. In this way, making decisions with fear or fear is a mistake for our lives. Although it may not seem like it, having the responsibility of deciding defines who I am, so we must learn to make these decisions based on what we really want.

Keys to know who you are

4. Explore your passions

Sometimes we may surprise ourselves when addressing the question about who are you or who am I, since sometimes we act in a way that we do not believe is our own. Therefore, discovering new passions can help us get to know ourselves or explore a part of ourselves that we did not know. So much so that sometimes leaving our comfort zone helps us change our perspective and respond in a different way to the question of who I am.

5. Expand your social circle

Humans are social by nature. Much of our identity is determined by our social circle, that is, those people who accompany us also answer the question of who you are. In order to answer the question of who I am It will be a good alternative to try to expand your contacts and explore new environments.

Sometimes knowing ourselves is a complicated task. In many cases our psyche can stop us from being our best version. In these cases, a professional psychologist can be an alternative to get to know ourselves and become ourselves. The key to knowing who I am It is accepting ourselves as we are.

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