Why Can Someone Do ‘ghosting’? Get Away From Someone With Silence

Do you think they are ignoring you? Why do some people disappear and stop talking to you for no reason? Maybe you are suffering from ghosting. Find out what it is so that it doesn’t affect you.

Why does ghosting happen?

Feeling rejected or having someone break up with you can be a difficult situation to accept. Trying to turn the page is a painful process for anyone. But when someone ghosts you it can be traumatic. The truth is that ghosting someone not only happens in relationships but also in friendships. Although it is usually related ghosting as a term related to dating or romantic relationships. It’s like an unexpected ending that suddenly appears and breaks all your plans.

What is ghosting?

We talk about ghosting referring to when a person with whom you were maintaining contact or a relationship, which is usually through chat or social networks, suddenly stops talking to you and disappears from your life as if they were a ghost. It doesn’t tell you why, nor is it justified nor had it warned you before. It just disappears without further ado.

This “ghost” effect, known as ghosting, can begin in a message or call for which you get no response. Even answering you with monosyllables that end up being unanswered messages for a long time until there is no longer a total response.

People who do this try to ignore someone who really loves them or feels something for them, making the other suffer with this forgetting process. On occasions when we have feelings involved, a person in front of you would tell you what is happening. On the contrary, when someone makes you ghosting He is not facing his emotions and is trying to reject you in the worst way possible.

What reasons lead a person to do ghosting?

The people who make the so-called ghosting effect They usually do it for a series of reasons. In this way, they only see a solution to face their decisions through being a ghost.

  1. Cowardice: Many people resort to ghosting for not knowing how to manage their emotions, problems and avoid conflict. A cowardly way of not admitting that you don’t want to continue in that relationship is by letting it cool down and acting as if nothing had happened.
  2. Shame: People with low self-esteem tend to avoid being criticized and even feel embarrassed when others try to get to know them better. So much so that this can make them practice ghosting with those people who try to get close to them.
  3. Too busy: In this case we are talking about people who, although they grant you exclusivity, do not take enough time to prioritize you. So much so that these try to ghosting with people to bring up topics or reasons that make them so busy that they forget to respond to you and when they want to do so, so much time has passed that shame makes them leave things like that.
  4. They are manipulators: We can also find narcissistic people, who are not really interested in committing to a formal relationship. So much so that in many cases when they leave you overnight, it is very likely that we are facing a person like that. These manipulative people like to play the game of seduction and reinforce their ego without thinking about the feelings of others.
  5. Depression: On many occasions, people who do not stop ghosting do so because they do not feel capable of dealing with bad situations in life. So much so that in cases of depression many people isolate themselves not because they don’t love people, but because of a psychological incapacity. In these situations we must help the person even though he or she is trying to do something. ghosting towards us.
  6. Put limits: When someone feels that a person is being emotionally dependent on them, they sometimes try to ignore someone. through ghosting Through these small actions we try to set a limit for the person who is crossing the line.
  7. Avoidance: As we said, many people have problems when a relationship becomes more intimate, as they avoid being fully known emotionally. ‍
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What to do if someone ghosts you?

Profile of a person who ghosts: Why you shouldn’t do it?

Most people who ghost others tend to avoid breakups or difficult conversations due to the anxiety these situations entail. But, the reality behind ghosting effect is that instead of ‘solving the problem’, people often experience more anxiety due to the avoidance of these conflicts with others.

This happens because if the source of anxiety is not resolved, that is, the problem that is avoided ghosting it is very likely that this relationship will cause you distress in the future.

Types of ghosting

According to research surrounding this new phenomenon, there are two types of ghosting that people can do to others.

  • Minighosting: People can ‘ghosting ‘ to others trying not to be the one who starts a conversation with the other person.
  • Passive ghosting: The people who perform these types of ghosting They ignore meetings with the person and start canceling them in advance. Despite this, they can interact through ‘likes’ or views on social networks.

How to deal with ghosting?

When we are the victims of ghosting effect, many times we tend to feel bad about ourselves. Rejection is something natural of our human condition, which is why we must face it in the most rational way.

  • Face what happened: The other person has decided to disappear from your life for whatever reason. Accepting that this has happened is even more important than knowing why she did it. Despite ghosting It can cause us a lot of emotional damage, it is vital not to allow it to hurt our self-esteem.
  • allow yourself to feel: It is completely logical that you are sad. Don’t obsess and take the time you need to grieve or deal with your feelings about the loss and ghosting
  • Do not blame yourself: that someone has done ghosting Contingo doesn’t mean it’s your fault. The reality is that in most cases ignoring someone is a way of not facing a person’s feelings and emotions.
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How to leave ghosting behind?

  • Do not contact: Trying to contact the person to seek an explanation is very likely to be of no use. So much so that ghosting It is a very radical way to reject a person. Therefore, you should take that kind of attitude as a sign that that person was not for you.
  • Do things that make you happy: An effective and useful way to forget someone who has treated you badly is precisely by trying to enjoy the present and leave behind the negative thoughts that may come to mind. So much so that so that ghosting does not affect you, it is essential to focus on your hobbies and passions.
  • Take care of yourself: Take care of yourself emotionally, remember that you are the most important thing. Note that ghosting It is becoming more and more common with the number of applications we have to talk to other people. If you think that this rejection has affected you more than you would like, you can always count on the help of a mental health professional.

Try ignoring someone or ghosting a person we don’t want in our lives should be something we should all avoid. Learning to communicate with others and express what we really want is one of our pending subjects.