Why Do 92% Of People Fail To Achieve Their Goals?

Why do 92% of people fail to achieve their goals?

For many people in the northern hemisphere of the planet, September is, mentally, the month in which the year really begins.

This is because with it work and school activity is resumed after a long summer break in which one rests, disconnects, promoting a reorganization, in many cases, of ideas, plans and aspirations. It is, therefore, a date on which, like New Year’s Day, goals and resolutions are set such as quitting smoking, joining the gym, learning a new language or changing jobs, among many others.

Whatever the goals to be achieved, what a study from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania has detected is that only 8% of the people who set these purposes or goals achieve them. What happens to make the failure rate so high?

Below we explain the main reasons why resolutions sink in many cases, shortly after setting sail.

    Reasons why goals are not achieved

    This is a summary of the main reasons why goal achievement does not go well.

    1. Lack of concreteness

    It must be specified. In fact, Not being specific when defining a goal is practically what causes it to fail

    Our mind needs clear lines, not ethereal ones. Therefore, it is essential that the objective to be achieved is as specific as possible, that its process can be measured over time to really see an evolution, and that it is achievable.

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    ‘I would like to have more money’ is too vague. Maybe ‘I would like to save more month by month’ or ‘try not to waste my salary’ may be easier to visualize, as well as to measure and, ultimately, it is more likely to be achieved.

    Obstacles to goals

      2. Lack of mentality

      It’s very good to say ‘I’m fed up with this job and this year I’m going to change’, but if you don’t really see yourself in the new job, and in fact you’re not clear about what you want that new position to be like, your mind won’t see it Whatever your goal is, your mind must be totally convinced of what you want and that you are going for it.

        3. Move in gray scales

        As it is commonly said ‘until we see the wolf’s ears’ we often do not do things. How many people who have never managed to quit smoking do not succeed until they detect a pathology associated with their habit? To achieve your goals you have to work with black and white, no gray, because If not, our determination falters

        Thus, quitting smoking will be just as motivating if we visualize it from the best that giving up that habit will bring us (we will save money, we will be able to play sports without drowning, our health analyzes will probably improve, etc.) as from the worst of maintaining it (it is very I’m probably going to have a heart attack, I’m wasting money that I could invest in other things, I’ll still not be able to even play a little soccer with my son because I’m drowning, etc.).

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          4. Loss of focus

          This reason is closely related to the lack of mentality. You have to be completely focused on the goal to be able to achieve it The path to achieving our goal is within the maremagnum of a day to day full of obligations (work, home, children…) and distractions (watching television, social networks, meeting friends…) that are often used as excuses to to leave aside the objective to be achieved.

          If you want to focus fully on a purpose, include it as an ‘obligation’ in your daily life. At first you will see it like this, as something obligatory, but little by little it will become routine, it will be something natural and you will find a place for it without a problem in your daily chores.

            5. Absence of support

            A goal is something very personal and most of the time it is marked in one’s head but is not shared, which makes it more difficult, and almost impossible, to achieve it. Share it with family and close friends making its definition clear and even involving them to some extent, is much more positive: a accompanied path is always much easier.

            Coaching: the perfect tool to achieve goals

            The previous list of impediments that prevent 92% of people who set a goal from achieving it can be completely deactivated with the help of a professional coach. We must not forget that the basis of coaching is to take a subject from point A or current state to point B or desired state, which shows that they are the most capable professionals to guide people to achieve their goals.

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            Yes indeed, Do not go looking for a coach to tell you and do to you what you should do to achieve your purpose Its mission is to help you detect and teach you how to break down the impediments that prevent the goal from being achieved.

            In short, the coach’s job is to guide you to discover ‘the secrets’ of those 8% of individuals who do manage to achieve the goals they set:

            • Titan Mentality: Focus completely and absolutely on what you want.
            • Purpose of wisdom: being clear that our purpose goes beyond satisfying just our EGO, it is bigger than ourselves.
            • Analytical planning: draw up a defined and quantifiable plan of the steps to follow.
            • Action: do, do and do continuously.

            Since there are as many goals as there are desires and people, coaching is a profession that has enormous potential. Remember that at D’Arte Human & Business School we offer you certified, quality training to become an agent of change capable of achieving your own goals while guiding others to achieve theirs.