Why Do I Fall In Love So Easily? Possible Causes And What To Do

Why do I fall in love so easily?

“Why do I fall in love so easily?” It is a question that many people ask themselves, worried that they have a problem.

Love is a feeling that we all experience at some point in our lives, and that we wish was always reciprocated. Unfortunately, it is not always the case because it often happens that someone who is not interested in us catches our attention.

This is normal. What is not so bad is falling madly in love with someone new every now and then, a problem that can have self-esteem problems and a very dependent personality behind it Let’s see it below.

‘Why do I fall in love so easily?’ A common problem

Love is a universal feeling, it shows that we can feel a connection to other people beyond our family circle. Love connects us with people who, if they were completely unknown before, will now be part of our lives. Who doesn’t want to fall in love? Who doesn’t want to feel like someone is in love with him or her?

But although it is an emotion normally associated as positive, something nice to feel, There are people whose frequency of falling in love is worrying Falling in love frequently and then feeling the hard and relentless weight of disappointment after a short time is something that can hurt us, and people in love know this very well, who, although with good intentions and desires, are not always happy people.

People who get excited as soon as they meet someone anywhere have the dangerous tendency to idealize a romantic life, full of good experiences, set extremely high expectations, and then suffer for a love that was doomed practically from the beginning. There may be many unsatisfied needs that influence those people who wonder why they fall in love so easily.

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There are those who say that people who fall in love easily have a personality characterized by a certain emotional immaturity and irresponsibility. Some of these people are capable of leaving a relationship that they had just started to start a new one discarding “old” loves to throw yourself into the arms of a new one and feel that feeling that we had as children as soon as we opened the toys they gave us at Christmas.

Regardless of whether that is true or not, there is an undeniable fact about all people who constantly enter and leave relationships: they suffer. Falling in love every now and then, getting excited about a man or a woman, hating who you are dating, dreaming about someone you just met… all these actions involve moments of true excitement followed by a comedown, an emotional collapse marked by the hard setback that life gives us, with disappointments and frustrations.

You cannot have everything in this life, and this is evidenced by the fact that not all loves are reciprocated. Not all couples end up being something, and many do not even have a beginning, something especially painful for a person in love, trapped in the thought of “this is the final one.” Her obsession with not being alone can become such that she puts aside her self-esteem and dignity in order to remain by someone’s side, no matter how she treats them.

I fall in love easily

Possible causes

There are several reasons that may be behind falling in love very frequently.

1. Tendency to idealize

Many people who are in love are so because they have a great tendency to idealize the relationship they are going to establish with people around them. They see others under a golden halo, magnifying their strengths and ignoring their weaknesses, and because others are seen as if they are perfect, they cannot help but fall in love with them.

2. Low self-esteem

Another possible cause behind a person falling in love very frequently has to do with having very low self-esteem. People with little security and self-confidence may seek to fill this void by having someone by their side someone who covers your shortcomings, who tells you what you are worth as a person.

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As a consequence of this dysfunctional need, extremely infatuated people fall in love with anyone who treats them even remotely well.

3. Fall in love addiction

It may be surprising to say that one of the causes of falling in love easily is, precisely, the addiction to falling in love. How is this possible? Well, the answer is simpler than it might seem.

As with addictions to certain substances, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that manifests itself when we do something pleasurable such as having sex.

During the first phase of falling in love, our brain releases this neurotransmitter, which is why We feel an emotional rush when we start a relationship People addicted to this high tend to start and end relationships quickly to feel this sensation more times, which is why we can talk about an addiction to falling in love.

4. Fear of loneliness

Falling in love quickly can be a sign of a dependent personality and synonymous with a deep fear of loneliness

Since in our culture not having a partner is seen as something bad, synonymous with the fact that we are a little disconnected from society, people who are afraid of being alone pathologically seek to be accompanied by someone. They are willing to go out with anyone, even if they treat them badly, as long as they don’t feel that much-feared feeling of loneliness.

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5. Inability to learn from mistakes in love

Sometimes what happens is that you are simply unable to learn from past experiences. There are people who do not learn from their mistakes and who, No matter how painful the experiences have been in the past, they come up against the same stone again

Whether because this is part of their personality or because they have been educated in a way in which they do not seem to pay special attention to the mistakes they have made, there are people who, despite suffering for love every now and then, do not learn.

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What can be done?

As we have mentioned before, the problem behind it may be a lack of self-esteem and a fear of loneliness. If you have been a person who has been in a relationship all your life, even if there have been multiple partners, being single is something that is always intimidating.

However, more than a threat, Being single should be seen as an opportunity to get to know yourself a moment of introspection to know what strengths and weaknesses we have and use it as a reference to grow from that point.

Self-esteem depends solely and exclusively on us, not on the fact that we are dating someone. When we achieve self-love, having a partner becomes a mere choice, an addition to our lives, not something that gives us value as people. You decide to go out with someone because you like who they are, their personality, their tastes and their way of being, not because of the pathological need to have someone by your side.

However, If the love impulsiveness is extreme, causing discomfort and you cannot find a way to manage the situation, it is necessary to ask for professional help We should not feel ashamed about going to see a psychologist because we believe that we fall in love easily. As we have mentioned, it can be a sign of self-esteem problems, an inability to learn from past experiences and a pathological fear of being single that, perhaps, requires psychological intervention. And no matter how many partners we have, if we do not solve our problems first we will not be able to be happy.