Why Do I Have A Hard Time Relating To People?

Why do I have a hard time relating to people - Why do I have a hard time relating to people? - 5 causes

“Why do I have a hard time relating to people?” This is the question that many people ask themselves at regular times in their lives or in specific circumstances. Social skills and attitude are not linear, a person can go through stages in which they feel more closed in on themselves and are less receptive to connections with others. It is positive not to idealize the charisma of others in friendship or love because the fact that personal relationships cost, in a certain sense, is natural.

Do you feel like you have a hard time relating to people? In this PsychologyFor article, we are going to explain the possible causes why possibly you find it difficult to talk to others and we will give you some advice about it.

Why do I find it difficult to relate to people? – 5 causes

In social ties, conflicts, differences of opinion and unmet expectations arise. A person may feel very comfortable on the theoretical level of reflecting on feelings and emotions, however, human knowledge not only consists of this theoretical basis, but also of skill. That is, from practice.

Below we list five possible reasons why you find it difficult to relate with the people:

1. You have to get out of your comfort zone

In a sense, many people can relate to what difficulty implies in the context of social ties, since when someone opens themselves to otherness, they abandon the field of individuality. And, then, a change arises that breaks with that comfort zone.

2. Small social circle

Due to different circumstances, a person may have a life story whose script has taken place in a environment that has overprotected to the protagonist.

3. Limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs are not in reality, they are in the mind. There are many limiting beliefs that a person can tell themselves in relation to social skills. For example, “I am a boring person.”

4. Fear of fear

Fear is a very healthy experience because it activates the criterion of prudence. However, the fear of fear is a different matter. This pattern reflects the anguish felt by the person who experiences this circle of negativity by anticipating reality from this perspective. For example, the fear of not having a conversation with others or the fear of feeling the stress of that moment can make a person avoid those situations in which he believes he is exposed to that happening.

5. Negative experiences

It may also happen that a person has felt out of place in different social environments and this discomfort leads them to draw interpretations with absolute value. Discover here how to overcome psychological trauma.

Why do I have a hard time relating to people - Why do I have a hard time relating to people? - 5 causes

Lately I have a hard time relating: 5 tips to improve social relationships

  1. There are many people in the world. Therefore, from the point of view of probability, you have a chance of meeting people with whom you share some type of affinity. However, the consolidation of relationships is not immediate. Be patient to observe the evolution of each link, also taking into account what you can contribute to each link.
  2. Mark yourself small goals, very specific details linked to challenges that allow you to cultivate your social skills. Establish the basis of improvement starting with yourself, without comparing yourself to anyone else.
  3. Each person’s name connects with their own individuality. Therefore, in your conversations with others, keep this aspect in mind and also take care of eye contact during the dialogue.
  4. Understand your circumstances but without falling into self-pity. Perhaps you have come to the conclusion that sometimes social relationships are difficult for you for a certain reason. However, you are not determined by that reality.
  5. If this situation represents a frequent blockage in your life, accept these symptoms and take this information as a basis of motivation to promote change when starting a psychological therapy You can write an emotional journal focused on describing situations, emotions, thoughts and ideas that are linked to this perspective.

Why I find it difficult to relate to people - Lately I find it difficult to relate to people: 5 tips to improve social relationships

I find it difficult to socialize with men: what do I do?

What can you do to manage this difficulty?

  1. Plan that meeting Human beings cannot control the future, however, planning allows you to increase your self-confidence to live that moment with more confidence.
  2. Accept this difficulty because when you assume it you have a greater potential to generate a constructive change
  3. Find an exception to the norm. It is advisable to be careful with the plots of the language. For example, generalizations. Can you identify an example in your life where you have not experienced this relationship difficulty with a man? Maybe your best friend is an exception.
  4. What are you going to do to maintain this bond? Social relationships are dynamic. Therefore, its care depends on those actions that are aimed at optimal maintenance.
  5. Human beings have an amazing learning potential. Therefore, instead of thinking of yourself in terms of limitations, he begins to observe your reality from capacity. You decide which part of yourself you decide to feed from now on. Without a doubt, it is more enriching to spend time exercising will, creativity, self-esteem and assertive communication.

Why I find it difficult to interact with people - I find it difficult to socialize with men: what do I do?

I find it difficult to socialize with women: psychological advice

Each person is different. No one can get to know you as well as you do. Do you find it difficult to socialize with women? If this is your case, I hope these suggestions help you.

  1. Identify what Negative effects you think this circumstance produces in your life. You can not only observe these consequences from the first person’s perspective, but also from the perspective of others. For example, according to this criterion, it is a negative effect that other people do not have the possibility of knowing you as you are.
  2. Mark yourself specific and realistic goals Social skills are practical, therefore, if you want to increase your ability in this area you have to make the jump to the value of experience.
  3. Emotions are not negative, although they are sometimes uncomfortable. It is important to keep this in mind so as not to turn the emotion of uncertainty into an excuse to avoid new situations. Listen to your emotions but also understand the context in which they occur.
  4. Experiential training Participate in a workshop on social skills since this experience can give you a new perspective on your situation and new resources to face change.
  5. What strengths do you see in your relationship skills with men? Then, try to transfer the security of those strengths to socializing with women. If you want to learn more about this, you can check out this article on how to communicate better with a woman.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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