Why Do I Have The Need To Yawn Due To Lack Of Air And What Can I Do?

Why do I have the need to yawn due to lack of air and what can I do?

Feeling short of breath is one of the best-known symptoms for those who suffer from anxiety. Shortness of breath can manifest itself when sleeping or even as a feeling of suffocation at rest. Once any physical illness has been ruled out, we know that it is due to anxiety. But why do we have the need to yawn due to lack of air? What is the relationship between anxiety, yawning, the need to take deep breaths and sighs? Do you want to know more about the topic? In that PsychologyFor article, we are going to talk about the causes of the need to yawn due to lack of air and what can be done

Causes of shortness of breath and need to yawn

Anxiety can cause a feeling of lack of air in the individual. It is one of its main symptoms along with palpitations, dizziness, nausea and even chills, intense sweating or chest pain.

When a dangerous situation is perceived, the individual prepares to face it. Due to these changes in the body due to anxiety, the person notices that breathing accelerates, the heart pumps more blood, and the muscles tense. This entire event produces the sensation of shortness of breath, suffocation and a feeling of not being able to breathe deeply, which is generally accompanied by an increase in sighing.

Why do I feel like I’m drowning? That feeling of suffocation caused by lack of air results in hyperventilation in the individual that is, breathing that is deeper and faster than normal, and consequently the person has the tendency to yawn.

In addition to the body adapting its muscles for this escape situation, hyperventilation occurs, that is, the individual begins to breathe quickly and forcefully. Contrary to what is usually thought, that by breathing in such a way oxygen levels should increase, it happens that by breathing so quickly the body does not have time to retain the oxygen and, in the end, The individual ends up inhaling much more carbon dioxide, which is responsible for the sensation of suffocation

A yawn is a long, deep breath that is associated with relief, exhaustion and even feelings of sadness. Although it may be related to emotions, it is a physiological response of the body to maintain healthy lung functions.

Excessive yawning in these circumstances usually comes with other symptoms such as shortness of breath, feelings of nervousness, tension, difficulties controlling emotions, decreased energy level and loss of interest or the constant appearance of negative feelings, all this due to anxiety.

What is choking due to anxiety like?

It is important to mention that anxiety is a natural response of the human being to threats or dangers, it is a reaction that our body triggers by giving us a fight or flight response in the face of situations that we understand we need to face.

What is dyspnea due to anxiety like? Anxiety drowning is the feeling of not being able to take a deep breath and usually includes the feeling of chest pressure, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations accelerated. And when this situation occurs, the person tends to yawn and sigh excessively to calm the feeling of suffocation, but in truth, these measures do not solve the problem, quite the opposite, they increase it. When choking is due to anxiety, other anxiety symptoms usually occur such as gastrointestinal discomfort, dizziness, depersonalization… In this article, you will find the symptoms of an anxiety crisis.

How long can shortness of breath due to anxiety last? An intense episode of anxiety usually lasts between 10 and 30 minutes. At first, anxiety increases in intensity, until there comes a point, usually after a few minutes, when it begins to decrease.

Here we explain the causes of anxiety.

Remedies for shortness of breath due to anxiety

As we have seen, anxiety can produce symptoms in our body. Let’s look at the pharmacological, psychological treatment and home remedies for shortness of breath due to anxiety.


Medications prescribed for the treatment of anxiety are: anxiolytics. It is important to mention that only a qualified health professional can make the prescription, always based on an evaluation of the individual’s condition and their needs.

Equitable breathing

To calm the symptoms of anxiety, especially shortness of breath, there are breathing techniques. It consists of inhaling air through the nose for a count of four seconds and then also exhale it through the nose in another four seconds. It is a technique that works well especially when done before going to sleep. Here we explain breathing exercises to calm anxiety.

Abdominal breathing

The individual must put one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach. He should inhale the air deeply through the nose, feeling like The diaphragm swells and the lungs dilate It should be done six to ten very slow breaths per minute and done for ten minutes. In the following article, you can see Diaphragmatic breathing exercises.

Alternate nostril breathing

It is an exercise used by yoga practitioners. You should start it in a comfortable position and, with the right thumb reaching the right nostril, the air is deeply inhaled through the left nostril. Then, cover the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Next, inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left.

Learn more about Yoga for anxiety.

Bright Skull Breath

The individual must start with a long, slow inhalation and then exhale the air from the lower part of the abdomen, then the rate of inhalation is increased and done every one or two seconds.

Progressive relaxation

The individual must tense and relax each muscle group for several seconds. It should start with the toes and end with the eyes. Breathing should be slow and deep. Here we explain Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation.

Guided visualization

This method consists of going to a happy place from your mind, the individual must think of a positive place or image and discard any negative thoughts. He should breathe deeply while concentrating on said place, keep his eyes closed and forget everything else.

Below you will find a video to start practicing guided relaxation.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do I have the need to yawn due to lack of air and what can I do? we recommend that you enter our Clinical Psychology category.


  • El Nacional.cat. (2020). Do you yawn too much? These may be the reasons. Recovered from: https://www.elnacional.cat/es/salud/bostezas-demasiado-razones_469620_102.html
  • Hernandez, L. (2020). 6 breathing exercises to relax and reduce anxiety. Recovered from: https://www.mundodeportivo.com/vidae/ejercicio-fisico/20200813/482748347022/6-ejercicios-de-respiracion-para-relajarte-y-reductor-la-ansiedad.html
  • Medline Plus. (2021). Excessive yawning. Retrieved from: https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/003096.htm

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