Why Do I Wake Up Tired? 6 Reasons Behind Lack Of Energy In The Morning

Why do I constantly wake up tired in the morning? What can I do to deal with this morning mental and physical fatigue? Discover how to stop waking up tired.

I wake up tired

It is not uncommon for some people to wake up somewhat groggy. When this happens, in many cases a cup of coffee or a shower usually solves it. However, when this happens very regularly, especially if this tiredness extends throughout the day, it is very possible that there is a problem behind it.

Why do I wake up tired?

Everyone can experience days when the only thing they can think about after waking up is getting back to bed. But, when this ends up being normal for a person, it may be due to the following reasons:

  1. Sleep inertia: Sleep inertia is defined as the transition state between sleep and wakefulness, which implies that the person feels a deterioration in their performance, a reduction in alertness and, above all, the desire to go back to sleep. Although in some cases, sleep inertia only lasts a few minutes, but in other cases this can take longer.
  2. You don’t follow your sleep schedule: Everyone can experience different sleep schedules and this means that, in some cases, people wake up or sleep better when they follow a sleep routine. This means that some people may feel better going to sleep earlier and others later.
  3. You do not have good quality in your sleep: Even if you spend nine or more hours in bed, this does not mean that you have really slept deeply that entire time. In fact, many people can get up tired because they do not have a good quality of rest. This can happen because there is too much light or noise in the background, something that can continually throw us out of stages in our rest.
  4. Do you consume alcohol or other substances: The consumption of different substances, such as alcohol, drugs or prescribed medications, can also alter the quality of our sleep. As can caffeine and nicotine, since they also have this effect. So, you can wake up tired due to the consumption of these substances.
  5. You sleep too little or too much: Getting up tired It can also be because we go to bed too late or simply sleep for too many hours. Each person needs a different amount of sleep to feel better, but science specifies that we should sleep seven to nine hours to feel rested.
  6. Sleep disorders: You can too wake up tired and without energy because you suffer from a sleep disorder. The most common are sleep apnea or insomnia.
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These problems can disrupt a person’s sleep, making them feel tired during the day. If you suspect that you may be suffering from one of these conditions, we recommend that you consult a professional psychologist and doctor.

Keys to stop getting up tired

How to wake up with more energy?

Although there is no single tip to make you wake up energized every day, since each problem is different, there are some healthy habits that will help you minimize tiredness in the morning:

  • Follow a fixed schedule: It is important that you try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, because your body will get used to this schedule and it will be much easier for you to wake up in the morning. Obviously, you must first find that time that makes you feel better and helps you wake up with more energy.
  • Don’t have more than one alarm: According to experts, having your alarm ring repeatedly does not contribute to improving sleep. On the contrary, this will only make you feel more groggy when you get out of bed.
  • Practice good sleep hygiene: This means maintaining a quiet, dark environment when you go to sleep. In addition, the hours before going to bed are also crucial. For example, you can avoid screens and do activities that relax you mentally and physically.
  • Go to therapy: Sometimes, poor quality sleep can be due to the fact that we are facing a bad time in our lives or that we are facing a mental health disorder. In these cases, it is important not to ignore these signs and go to a psychologist specialized in sleep disorders.
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There are many reasons why we can wake up tired, but when this happens on most days it is cause for concern. In fact, not solving this problem can lead to other difficulties at work and personal level, since not resting properly can demotivate us or create physical and mental discomfort. Therefore, try to prepare your body to take on the mornings with more energy.